XAdES Digital Signature Create Service

In this section:




This service is used to generate an XML Advanced Electronic Signature. XAdES defines formats for XML Digital Signatures that remain valid over long periods and incorporate additional useful information in common use cases. XAdES was developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute and published in the Technical Specification ETSI TS 101 903. Individual copies of this specification can be downloaded from http://www.etsi.org. This guide assumes that the reader is familiar with the XAdES specification.

An XAdES signature is a regular XML Digital Signature with extra signed and unsigned properties. The specification is organized in a handful of signature forms that define strictly increasing set of properties from the simplest form to the most complex one. The specification uses the term qualifying properties because they qualify the signature, the signer, all references, or specific references. A SignedDataObject is an object referenced by an XML Digital Signature Reference.


The following tables describe the parameters for the XAdES Digital Signature Create service. Each table is followed by a discussion of that parameter group.


Parameter Name


XAdES Form

The signature form determines which signed and unsigned properties are added to the signature. The options are XAdES-BES (Basic Electronic Signature), XAdES-EPES (Explicit Policy Electronic Signature), XAdES-T (electronic signature with Time), XAdES-C (electronic signature with Complete validation data references).

Signature Method

Signature algorithm used to convert the canonicalized SignedInfo into the SignatureValue.

Signature Canonicalization Method

Algorithm used to canonicalize the SignedInfo element before it is digested as part of the signature operation.

Reference Digest Method

Digest algorithm applied to the data object references to yield the DigestValue.

Reference Property Digest Method

Digest algorithm applied to the qualifying properties that contain references to certificates, CRLs, and so on.

Time Stamp Canonicalization Method

Algorithm used to canonicalize the qualifying properties, when needed by a time stamp.

Time Stamp Digest Method

Digest algorithm applied to the qualifying properties that contain time stamps.

Message Digest JCE Provider

JCE Provider for the MessageDigest service.

The signature form determines which signed and unsigned properties are added to the signature. The forms are organized in a hierarchy where each form augments the previous form with more properties.

The Signature Method is the Signature algorithm used to convert the canonicalized SignedInfo into the SignatureValue.

The Signature Canonicalization Method is the Algorithm used to canonicalize the SignedInfo element before it is digested as part of the signature operation.

The Reference Digest Method is the algorithm used to hash the references. The same digest method will be used by all the references.

The Reference Property Digest Method is the algorithm used to hash some values in XAdES properties. For example, the CertDigest of the SigningCertificate, or the SigPolicyHash of the SignaturePolicyIdentifier.

The Time Stamp Canonicalization Method is the algorithm used to canonicalize the data for a time stamp. The Time Stamp Digest Method is the hash algorithm to reduce the data before it is signed by a time stamp. The Message Digest JCE Provider is the JCE Provider used to create the JCE MessageDigest instance.

Signature Key

Parameter Name


KeyStore Provider

Provider for the keystore containing the signature private key.

Signing Key Alias

Private key alias used to sign the SignedInfo.

Signing Key Password

Password for the signing private key. If left blank, the password for accessing the keystore will be used.

The KeyStore Provider is the name of the provider that holds the private key. The Signing Key Alias and Signing Key Password are the Alias and Password for the private key. This key must be compatible with the signature algorithm chosen in the Signature Method parameter. The service will enforce the digitalSignature or the nonRepudiation usage if the KeyUsage extension is present in the Signing Key Certificate.

Signature Location

Parameter Name


XML Namespace Provider

Provider for the mapping between XML namespace prefix and namespace URI. If left blank, the XPath expression in the Signature Parent Element cannot contain namespaces.

XPath Syntax

Determines which syntax level of XPath should be used. You can select the iWay abbreviated syntax or the XPath 1.0 full syntax. The default option selects the syntax level as set in the General Settings area of the iSM Administration Console.

Create Parent Element

Determines whether the parent element is created if it is missing. Select true or false (default) from the drop-down list.

Signature Parent Element

Path to the element where the signature will be inserted. If left blank, then the signature parent is the root element.

If the Create Parent Element parameter is set to true, then the expression must adhere to Restricted XPath syntax, otherwise the expression may adhere to the full syntax of the XPath engine selected by the XPath Syntax parameter. Restricted XPath has the form /step1/step2/... where a step has the form ns:elem[predicate] or a pair of consecutive steps that has the form *[1]/self::ns:elem[predicate] to indicate the element must be the first child of its parent. The namespace prefixes are optional, but if present they must be declared in the XML Namespace provider. The predicate is optional, but when present it has the form [@ns1:attr1='val1' and @ns2:attr2='val2' and ...]. If no element matches the Restricted XPath expression and the Create Parent Element parameter is set to true, then the necessary elements and attributes will be created, such that the expression would match successfully.

The XML Namespace Provider is optional. It is the name of the provider that gives the mapping between XML Namespace prefixes and XML Namespace URIs. The Signature Parent Element is an XPath expression pointing to the element where the ds:Signature element will be inserted. This expression cannot contain namespace prefixes if the XML Namespace Provider is left blank.

When the Create Parent Element parameter is true, the parent element will be created if needed, but the XPath expression must adhere to the Restricted XPath syntax. When the Create parent Element parameter is false, the parent element must exist but the expression may adhere to the full syntax of the XPath engine selected by the XPath Syntax parameter.


Parameter Name


Include Signing Certificate

Indicates whether the signing certificate should be included in a ds:X509Certificate element within ds:KeyInfo.

Include Public Key

Indicates whether a ds:KeyValue element containing the value of the public key should be included in ds:KeyInfo.

These parameters determine the content of the generated KeyInfo element. They can be used in any combination. If none of the parameters are used, the KeyInfo element will not appear. Since the KeyInfo is not signed in general, the digest of every certificate in the certificate chain will also appear under the SigningCertificate property. The SigningCertificate is a signed qualifying property that is always added to the XAdES signature.

The Include Signing Certificate boolean parameter determines whether the signing certificate is included in the KeyInfo element. If so, it will appear base64 encoded in a KeyInfo/X509Data/X509Certificate element.

The Include Public Key boolean parameter determines whether the public key is included in the KeyInfo element. For an RSA key, this adds a KeyInfo/KeyValue/RSAKeyValue/Modulus element encoded in base 64.

Qualifying Properties

Parameter Name


All Signed Data Objects Commitment

Commitment type that applies to all the signed data objects.

All Signed Data Objects Commitment Description

The text description for the commitment type that applies to all the signed data objects. A default English description will be used if a standard commitment type is chosen and this property is left blank.

All Signed Data Objects Time Stamp

Determines whether to add a time stamp computed before the signature production, over the sequence formed by ALL the Reference elements within the SignedInfo referencing whatever the signer wants to sign except the SignedProperties element.

Sign Signing Certificate

Indicates whether the signature should cover the ds:X509Certificate element containing the signing certificate. This is only considered if Include Signing Certificate is selected.

Signing Time

Specifies the time at which the signer purportedly performed the signing process. Leave blank to use the current time.

Signer Roles

A newline separated list of the roles claimed by the signer.


The location of the Time Stamp Authority used to create time stamps.

These parameters define global qualifying properties of the signature, the signer or all of the references. See the reference parameters for reference specific qualifying properties.

The All Signed Data Objects Commitment identifies the type of commitment made by the signer with respect to all the references. It is possible to use custom commitment types by typing a custom ObjectIdentifier. The dropdown list contains the commitment types already defined by the XAdES Technical Specification, namely:

The All Signed Data Objects Commitment Description parameter contains a human readable description of the commitment type. Enter the text of the custom description. This property can also be left blank when a standard commitment type is chosen, and a default English description will be used. This parameter is ignored if the All Signed Data Objects Commitment parameter is unspecified.

The All Signed Data Objects Time Stamp Boolean parameter indicates whether the AllDataObjectsTimeStamp element is generated. This element contains the time stamp computed before the signature production, over the sequence formed by processing all the References except the Reference to the SignedProperties.

The Sign Signing Certificate Boolean parameter indicates whether the signature should cover the X509Certificate element containing the signing certificate. This parameter is ignored if the Include Signing Certificate parameter is false.

The Signing Time parameter specifies the time at which the signer purportedly performed the signing process. Leave this parameter blank to use the current time.

The Signer Roles parameter holds a newline separated list of the roles claimed by the signer. One possible way to enter this expression is to double-quote the list and use the \n escape sequence for the newline separator. To force the evaluation of the expression, surround the string literal with a call to the _concat function. For example _concat("buyer\nmanager"). The XAdES Technical Specification does not define any standard roles. A role could be something like Sales Director, which would indicate that the signer was acting as the Sales Director when he signed the document.

The TSA URL parameter is the location of the Time Stamp Authority used to create time stamps. The XAdES properties that contain time stamps are: AllDataObjectsTimeStamp, IndividualDataObjectsTimeStamp, SignatureTimeStamp, RefsOnlyTimeStamp, and SigAndRefsTimeStamp.

Signature Production Place

Parameter Name



The purported city where the signer was at the time of signature creation.

State Or Province

The purported state or province where the signer was at the time of signature creation.

Postal Code

The purported postal code where the signer was at the time of signature creation.


The purported country where the signer was at the time of signature creation.

Together, these parameters specify where the signer purportedly was at the time of signature creation. The Signature Production Place is a qualifying property of the whole signature.

Signature Policy

Parameter Name


Signature Policy Identifier

An Object Identifier that uniquely identifies a specific version of the signature policy. Leave this property blank to specify an Implied policy in XAdES-EPES form and above.

Signature Policy Document

Path to the file containing a copy of the Signature Policy Document. Leave this property blank to specify an Implied policy in XAdES-EPES form and above.

The policy parameters specify the Signature policy for Explicit Policy Electronic Signature forms and above. For an implied policy, simply leave both parameters empty. For an explicit policy, specify the policy ObjectIdentifer (URI or OID) and the path to the policy file. The contents of the file will be digested and the hash will appear in the SignaturePolicyIdentifier/SignaturePolicyId/SigPolicyHash element. Both parameters are ignored if the XAdES-BES form is selected.

Complete Form

Parameter Name


TrustStore Provider

Provider for the keystore containing the Certificate Authorities. This property is required for XAdES-C forms and above.

Certificate Store Providers

Comma-separated List of Keystore, Directory CertStore or LDAP providers for the certificate stores used to retrieve revocation material. This property is required for XAdES-C forms and above.

These parameters are needed to retrieve the validation data for XAdES-C forms and above. The data is found by executing PKIX validation of the signing certificate with revocation checking enabled. The TrustStore provider specifies the keystore provider containing the Certificate Authorities to be used as trust anchors. The Certificate Store Providers parameter is a comma-separated List of providers used to retrieve revocation material.

Reference 1

Parameter Name


Reference 1 URI

URI to the first piece of data that will be digested and signed. If left blank, the whole XML document will be digested and signed.

Reference 1 Transform 1

First transform algorithm to apply to the first reference data.

Reference 1 Transform 1 Parameters

Parameters for the first transform algorithm to apply to the first reference data. For Exclusive Canonical XML, this is a space separated list of XML namespace prefixes. For XSLT, this is the name of a defined transform. For XPathFilter, this is an XPath expression.

Reference 1 Transform 1 XML Namespace Provider

Provider for the XML Namespace Map for XPathFilter transforms.

Reference 1 Transform 2

Second transform algorithm to apply to the first reference data.

Reference 1 Transform 2 Parameters

Parameters for the second transform algorithm to apply to the first reference data. For Exclusive Canonical XML, this is a space separated list of XML namespace prefixes. For XSLT, this is the name of a defined transform. For XPathFilter, this is an XPath expression.

Reference 1 Transform 2 XML Namespace Provider

Provider for the XML Namespace Map for XPathFilter transforms.

Reference 1 MimeType

The MimeType element of the DataObjectFormat. Indicates how a user should interpret the signed data in the first reference (text, sound, video, and so on).

Reference 1 Encoding

The Encoding element of the DataObjectFormat. Indicates the encoding of the signed data in the first reference. Ignored if MimeType is left blank.

Reference 1 Description

The Description element of the DataObjectFormat. Holds textual information related to the signed data in the first reference. Ignored if MimeType is left blank.

Reference 1 Documentation URI

A DocumentationReference sub-element of the ObjectIdentifier element of the DataObjectFormat. Points to a document where additional information about the nature of the data object can be found. Ignored if MimeType is left blank.

Reference 1 Identifier

The Identifier sub-element of the ObjectIdentifier element of the DataObjectFormat. Contains a permanent identifier of the nature of the object. Ignored if MimeType is left blank.

Reference 1 Commitment

Commitment type that applies to this signed data object.

Reference 1 Commitment Description

The text description for the commitment type that applies to this signed data object. A default English description will be used if a standard commitment type is chosen and this property is left blank.

Reference 1 Time Stamp

Requests a time stamp to be computed before the signature production, over a sequence formed by some of the ds:Reference elements within the ds:SignedInfo referencing whatever the signer wants to sign except the SignedProperties element.

The reference URIs supported are: <empty string> for the whole XML document; #idattrib for the same-document sub-tree rooted at the element that has an ID attribute with value idattrib; http://host:port/page for the resource located at this HTTP address, and possibly other URLs supported by the library.

The Reference 1 URI parameter is the URI to the first piece of data that will be digested and signed. If left blank, the whole XML document will be digested and signed.

The Reference 1 Transform 1 is the first transform algorithm to apply to the reference data. The Reference 1 Transform 1 Parameters contain the parameters for the transform. Similarly, the Reference 1 Transform 2 is the second transform and Reference 1 Transform 2 Parameters specify its parameters.

For more information on the transforms, see the table in this section that lists and describes the transforms available to the digital signature service.

The remaining parameters in this group are reference-specific qualifying properties.

The MimeType, Encoding, Description, and Documentation URI parameters together form the contents of the DataObjectFormat for this particular reference.

The Commitment and Commitment Description parameters are similar to the All Signed Data Objects Commitment and All Signed Data Objects Commitment Description parameters, except they apply to a single reference. Refer to the table on the Qualifying Properties group earlier in this section for an explanation of the commitment types in the XAdES Technical Specification.

The Time Stamp boolean parameter indicates whether an IndividualDataObjectsTimeStamp element is generated for this reference.

Subsequent references (2, 3) are similar to reference 1 except a missing reference URI indicates the end of the list of references instead of the whole document.

The list of transforms per reference is not limited to 2. Any number of transforms can be specified using user parameters.

The list of references is not limited to 2. Any number of references can be specified using user parameters.

Reference 2

Parameter Name


Reference 2 URI

URI to the second piece of data that will be digested and signed. If you need more references, create user parameters named ref[X]uri, ref[X]transform[Y], ref[X]transform[Y]parms, ref[X]transform[Y]nsmap, ref[X]formatmime, ref[X]formatenc, ref[X]formatdesc, ref[X]formatdocuri, ref[X]formatident, ref[X]commitment, ref[X]timestamp, where X >= 3, Y >= 1.

For example, ref3transform2 is the second transform of the third reference.

Reference 2 Transform 1

First transform algorithm to apply to the second reference data.

Reference 2 Transform 1 Parameters

Parameters for the first transform algorithm to apply to the second reference data. For Exclusive Canonical XML, this is a space separated list of XML namespace prefixes. For XSLT, this is the name of a defined transform. For XPathFilter, this is an XPath expression.

Reference 2 Transform 1 XML Namespace Provider

Provider for the XML Namespace Map for XPathFilter transforms.

Reference 2 Transform 2

Second transform algorithm to apply to the second reference data.

Reference 2 Transform 2 Parameters

Parameters for the second transform algorithm to apply to the second reference data. For Exclusive Canonical XML, this is a space separated list of XML namespace prefixes. For XSLT, this is the name of a defined transform. For XPathFilter, this is an XPath expression.

Reference 2 Transform 2 XML Namespace Provider

Provider for the XML Namespace Map for XPathFilter transforms.

Reference 2 MimeType

The MimeType element of the DataObjectFormat. Indicates how a user should interpret the signed data in the second reference (text, sound, video, and so on).

Reference 2 Encoding

The Encoding element of the DataObjectFormat. Indicates the encoding of the signed data in the second reference. Ignored if MimeType is left blank.

Reference 2 Description

The Description element of the DataObjectFormat. Holds textual information related to the signed data in the second reference. Ignored if MimeType is left blank.

Reference 2 Documentation URI

A DocumentationReference sub-element of the ObjectIdentifier element of the DataObjectFormat. Points to a document where additional information about the nature of the data object can be found. Ignored if MimeType is left blank.

Reference 2 Identifier

The Identifier sub-element of the ObjectIdentifier element of the DataObjectFormat. Contains a permanent identifier of the nature of the object. Ignored if MimeType is left blank.

Reference 2 Commitment

Commitment type that applies to this signed data object.

Reference 2 Commitment Description

The text description for the commitment type that applies to this signed data object. A default English description will be used if a standard commitment type is chosen and this property is left blank.

Reference 2 Time Stamp

Requests a time stamp to be computed before the signature production, over a sequence formed by some of the ds:Reference elements within the ds:SignedInfo referencing whatever the signer wants to sign except the SignedProperties element.

The Reference 2 parameters are similar to the Reference 1 parameters. Refer to the Reference 1 group above for details.

The following table lists the transforms available. Some transforms have implicit parameters and do not require any explicit parameters. Other transforms take parameters, as described in the following table.

Transforms Available to Digital Signature Service


http://www.w3.org/2000/09/ xmldsig#base64

This transform decodes the Base64 encoded character data. If the input is a node-set, then the string-value of the node-set is decoded (ignoring the element tags, comments and processing instructions).

This transform takes no explicit parameters.

Enveloped Signature

http://www.w3.org/2000/09/ xmldsig#enveloped-signature

This transform removes the Signature element from the calculation of the signature when the signature is within the content that it is being signed.

This transform takes no explicit parameters.

Exclusive Canonical XML


This transform is useful when message parts can be enveloped and stripped off to construct new messages. Exclusive Canonical XML ignores the namespace context inherited from parent elements. This keeps the digested data constant despite these operations.

This transform takes an optional space-separated list of XML namespace prefixes declared in the XML Namespace provider. These are additional prefixes to be ignored.

Exclusive Canonical XML With Comments


This transform is similar to Exclusive Canonical XML except comments are preserved in the digested data.

This transform takes an optional space-separated list of XML namespace prefixes declared in the XML Namespace provider. These are additional prefixes to be ignored.



This transform evaluates the XPath expression for each node in the input node-set and keeps only the nodes where the expression evaluated to true.

This transform takes the XPath expression in ref[X]transform[Y]parms1 and optionally an XML Namespace provider name in ref[X]transform[Y]parms1nsmap to declare a namespace map.



This transform indicates an XSLT stylesheet must be used and the result is what is referenced for signing.

This transform takes the name of a defined transform as parameter (similar to what is done with the XDGenTransform service). The defined transform must be an XSLT transform and return XML.

Inclusive Canonical XML 1.0


This transform performs typical XML Canonicalization that attracts the xml namespace declarations from the inherited context. This canonicalization is the default if the last transform returns a node-set.

This transform takes no parameters.

Inclusive Canonical XML With Comments 1.0


This transform is similar to Inclusive Canonical XML except comments are preserved.

This transform takes no parameters.

Inclusive Canonical XML 1.1


Canonical XML 1.1 is a revision to Canonical XML 1.0 to address issues related to inheritance of attributes in the XML namespace when canonicalizing document subsets, including the requirement not to inherit xml:id, and to treat xml:base URI path processing properly. This canonicalization is a better choice than the default Inclusive Canonical XML 1.0.

This transform takes no parameters.

Inclusive Canonical XML With Comments 1.1


This transform is similar to Inclusive Canonical XML 1.1 except comments are preserved.

This transform takes no parameters.

ref[X]transform[Y]parms where X >= 3 and Y >= 1, for example, ref3transform2 is the second transform of the third reference.

When the Tree level is selected in the trace settings, the service will log the referenced data that was actually digested.


The following table lists and describes the edges that are returned by the XML Digital Signature Create service.




The Signature was successfully inserted.


An iFL or XPath expression could not be evaluated.


The Signature could not be inserted.

Top of page


For more information on related examples of XML Digital Signatures, see XML Digital Signature Create Service. In particular, Example 2: Simple SOAP Message shows how an XPath expression for the signature parent element can instruct the service to find or construct that path. There are also examples of Transform with Transform parameters.

Note: The examples in this section are specific to the XAdES Digital Signature Create service (com.ibi.agents.XDXAdESCreateAgent). For your convenience, the sample input and output documents are attached to the PDF in unabbreviated form.

For PDF-compatibility purposes, the file extension of the XAdESCreate.zip file is temporarily renamed to .zap. After saving this file to your file system, you must rename this extension back to .zip before the file can be used.

Example 1: Enveloped Basic Electronic Signature

The XAdES Digital Signature Create service has a large number of parameters but very few are actually required. At a minimum, the signing key must be specified using the KeyStore Provider and Signing Key Alias parameters. The Signing Key Password must also be specified if it is different than the KeyStore password. Everything else is optional. Since we use the default empty reference URI to sign the whole document, we must also specify the Enveloped Signature transform.

This table lists the parameter values for this example. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



KeyStore Provider


Signing Key Alias


Signing Key Password


Reference 1 Transform 1


A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

A sample output of the service is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

The signature is appended to the end of the parent element. In this case, the default parent is the root element. This explains why the Body appears before the Signature. The Signature contains two references. The first reference was configured in the service to cover the whole document except the signature itself. The second reference was added automatically to cover the SignedProperties.

A XAdES Signature is a regular XML Digital Signature with extra properties. Those properties appear in a ds:Object element within the signature. The QualifyingProperties contain the SIgnedProperties and the UnsignedProperties. In this simple case, there are no UnsignedProperties.

The SigningTime is the first property under the QualifyingProperties element. The service picked the current time since the Signing Time parameter was left blank.

Multiple certificates can bind the same private key to multiple identities. XAdES dictates the Signing Certificate must be unambiguously declared to show in which capacity the signer signed the document. Here the Signing Certificate appears in the KeyInfo. The KeyInfo is not signed, but a hash of the Signing Certificate also appears under the SignedProperties. The SigningCertificate holds a reference to each certificate in the signer certificate chain. The Issuer and Serial Number pair plus a hash uniquely identify each certificate.

Example 2: Optional Qualifying Properties

XAdES has many optional Qualifying Properties. This example shows how to add more qualifying properties to the signature.

This table lists the parameter values for this example. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



KeyStore Provider


Signing Key Alias


Signing Key Password


All Signed Data Objects Commitment


All Signed Data Objects Time Stamp


Sign Signing Certificate


Signer Roles

_concat("Buyer\nSales Director")


New York

State Or Province


Postal Code




Reference 1 URI


A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

A sample output of the service is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

This signature has three references: the first reference is declared in the service, the second reference covers the SignedProperties, and the third reference covers the KeyInfo because we asked to sign the Signing Certificate. The last two references were added automatically by the service.

The QualifyingProperties element contains more properties. The SigningTime and SigningCertificate are familiar from example 1. All the other properties are new in example 2.

The City, State Or Province, Postal Code, and Country parameters combine to form the SignatureProductionPlace property.

The SignerRole property lists two ClaimedRoles: Buyer and Sales Director.

The signer declares he is the originator of this message by claiming the Proof of Origin commitment. This commitment applies to all references because of the presence of the AllSignedDataObjects element. Since the All Signed Data Objects Commitment Description parameter is left blank, a default commitment description appears in the signature.

The AllDataObjectsTimeStamp is a time stamp calculated over all the references except the one marked with Type attribute equal to "http://uri.etsi.org/01903#SignedProperties".

Example 3: Implied Policy

To specify the Signature Policy, the XAdES form must be EPES or above. The XAdES Technical Specification states:

A signature policy is useful to clarify the precise role and commitments that the signer intends to assume with respect to the signed data object, and to avoid claims by the verifier that a different signature policy was implied by the signer.

The signer may reference the policy either implicitly or explicitly. An implied policy means the signer follows the rules of the policy but the signature does not indicate which policy. It is assumed the choice of policy is clear from the context in which the signature is used. When the policy is not implied, the signature contains an ObjectIdentier (URI or OID) that uniquely identifies the version of the policy in use. The signature also contains a hash of the policy document to make sure the signer and verifier agree on the contents of the policy document.

Example 3 demonstrates an implied policy. This is obtained by setting the XAdES form to EPES and leaving the Signature Policy Identifier and Signature Policy Document parameters blank.

This table lists the parameter values for this example. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



XAdES Form


KeyStore Provider


Signing Key Alias


Signing Key Password


Reference 1 URI


A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

A sample output of the service is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

The property to notice is the SignaturePolicyIdentifier with the SignaturePolicyImplied empty element.

Example 4: Explicit Policy Identifier

This example demonstrates an explicit policy identifier. This is obtained by setting the XAdES form to EPES, and assigning values to the two policy parameters. The Signature Policy Identifier is a URI or OID that uniquely identifies the version of the policy document. The Signature Policy Document is the path to the policy file in the file system. The signature will contain a hash of the policy to prove both the signer and verifier agree on the contents of the policy. It is important to keep the policy file intact in order to keep the hash constant. It would be wise to make the policy file read-only.

This table lists the parameter values for this example. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



XAdES Form


KeyStore Provider


Signing Key Alias


Signing Key Password


Signature Policy Identifier


Signature Policy Document


Reference 1 URI


A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

A sample output of the service is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

The property to notice is the SignaturePolicyIdentifier with a SigPolicyId and a SigPolicyHash.

Example 5: Reference Specific Properties

This example shows the effect of qualifying properties that pertain to a specific reference. Two references are declared with different qualifying properties. Contrast this with Example 2: Optional Qualifying Properties where the qualifying properties applied to the signature itself or all the references at once.

This table lists the parameter values for this example. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



KeyStore Provider


Signing Key Alias


Signing Key Password


Reference 1 URI


Reference 1 MimeType


Reference 1 Encoding


Reference 1 Description

MP3 file encoded in base64

Reference 1 Documentation URI


Reference 1 Identifier


Reference 2 URI


Reference 2 Commitment


Reference 2 Commitment Description

Signer has approved the content

Reference 2 Time Stamp


A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

A sample output of the service is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

The signature contains three references: two configured in the service and one added automatically for the SignedProperties. The Reference specific qualifying properties are found within the SignedDataObjectProperties element. The DataObjectFormat property qualifies the first reference as can be seen by the URI in the ObjectReference attribute. The CommitmentTypeIndication qualifies the second reference as can be seen by the URI in the ObjectReference element. The commitment is described by a custom commitment description. Finally, the IndividualDataObjectsTimeStamp contains a type stamp for the second reference as can be seen in the URI attribute.

Example 6: Electronic Signature With Time

This example demonstrates the XAdES-T form.

This table lists the parameter values for this example. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



XAdES Form


KeyStore Provider


Signing Key Alias


Signing Key Password


Reference 1 URI


A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

A sample output of the service is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

The XAdES-T form is a superset of the XAdES-EPES form. Since the Signature Policy Identifier and the Signature Policy Document parameters are unspecified, this produces an implied policy.

The SignatureTimeStamp mandated by the XAdES-T form appears as an unsigned property within the QualifyingProperties.

Example 7: Complete Validation Data References

This example demonstrates the XAdES-C form.

This table lists the parameter values for this example. Other parameters that are not listed have their default value.



XAdES Form


KeyStore Provider


Signing Key Alias


Signing Key Password


Signing Key Password


Signing Key Password


Reference 1 URI


A sample input document is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

A sample output of the service is shown as follows (indented for display purposes only):

The XAdES-C form is a superset of the XAdES-T form. Therefore, the signature contains an implied policy and a SignatureTimeStamp, like Example 6: Electronic Signature With Time.

iWay Software