
In this section:

iWay Service Manager (iSM) applications can be installed and managed to run under YARN. The applications are installed and deployed using the Slider technology, which enables iSM to run under YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator).

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What is YARN?

YARN is the resource management layer for a Hadoop cluster. Though it was designed as MapReduce 2.0. It also recognizes that many use cases cannot be satisfied by MapReduce alone and provides a central platform for data processing engines, delivering consistent operations, security, and governance. YARN allows technologies to take advantage of the Hadoop cluster's cost effective and scalable processing and storage.

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Why Run iWay Service Manager Under YARN?

iWay Service Manager (iSM) is a powerful tool for data and application integration that allows organizations to create, compose, and manage services that can be invoked through a variety of interfaces. It includes adapters for a huge variety of data formats and applications. Specifically for the Hadoop environment, iSM can read and write Avro and can access the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). While iSM is not a distributed application, its flexibility and its ability to access, transform, and enrich data can make it a valuable contributor within the cluster.

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What is Slider?

Apache Slider is a framework for deploying long-running applications, like iSM, under YARN. Slider uses YARN's resource management capabilities to deploy applications and manage their life cycles, without the need to write a completely new application master. Slider lets us run iSM in YARN, preserving its power, flexibility, and existing services for high availability.

iWay Software