Sample Configuration for Outbound Processing: XML to SWIFT

In this section:

This topic provides step-by-step instructions for configuring a basic outbound message flow for the iWay Integration Solution for SWIFT. The message flow represents the movement and tasks in the conversion of a message from XML to SWIFT.

If you plan to modify the message flow presented here and would like more information on the supported iWay business components that you can use in channel construction, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

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Accessing the iWay Service Manager Administration Console

For instructions, see Accessing the iWay Service Manager Administration Console.

Note: Before configuring your XML to SWIFT channel, it is recommended that you first test and configure your SWIFT to XML channel.

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Adding an Ebix to the Registry

The iWay e-Business Information Exchange (Ebix) framework supplies several Ebix files for the iWay Integration Solution for SWIFT.

An Ebix file for SWIFT is named SWIFT_ccyy.ebx, where ccyy is the release year. For example, an Ebix file for the 2017 SWIFT FIN messages is named SWIFT_2017.ebx.

For details on the supported SWIFT FIN messages, see Ebix-Supported Transaction Sets.

This topic describes how to add an Ebix to the Registry on Windows and UNIX.

Note: Ebix archives are not packaged with the iWay Service Manager installation. You can download all Ebix archives from the following website, which is hosted and maintained by iWay Software:

Tip: If you already added an Ebix to the Registry as described in Adding an Ebix to the Registry, you do not need to add it again for outbound processing. You can go directly to Defining an Inlet.

Procedure: How to Add an Ebix to the Registry on Windows
  1. To access the Registry, select the Registry option in the blue shaded area below the iWay Service Manager banner, as shown in the following image.

  2. Under Components in the left pane of the Registry, select Ebix.

    The Ebix pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  3. Click Add to add a new Ebix. The New Ebix pane opens.

  4. Browse to the directory in which the Ebix is located and select the name of the file, for example, SWIFT_2017.ebx.
  5. Once you have selected the Ebix, click Next.

    You are prompted for the name of the Ebix and an optional description.

  6. Enter a name for the Ebix, for example, SWIFT2017, and an optional description, for example, SWIFT2017.

    Note: This step must be repeated for each SWIFT Ebix that is added to the Registry.

  7. Click Finish.

    On the Ebix pane, you will see that the Ebix was successfully added. Later you will associate it with the channel for inbound processing.

Procedure: How to Add an Ebix to the Registry on UNIX and z/OS

Depending on your system configuration, there are two methods that you can use to add an Ebix to the Registry on UNIX and z/OS.

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Defining an Inlet

In this section, you will add a listener to the Registry, and then associate that listener with a new inlet.

Procedure: How to Add a Listener
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Listeners.
  2. On the Listeners pane, click Add to add a new listener.
  3. For the purpose of this example, we will show the configuration with a File listener. For details on supported protocols, see the iWay Service Manager Protocol Guide.

    Select File from the Type drop-down list and click Next.

    The configuration parameters pane opens.

  4. Supply configuration parameters for the new File listener as follows. An asterisk indicates that a parameter is required. For parameters not listed in the following table, accept the default value.



    Input Path *


    This value is a special register that uses a defined directory in which input messages are received.

    Ensure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment.

    Destination *


    This value is a special register that uses a defined directory in which output files are stored after transformation.

    Ensure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment.

    Removal Destination


    This value is a special register that uses a defined directory to which input messages are moved if they fail during transformation.

    Ensure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment. It is recommended to configure a removal destination when you are constructing a basic channel.

    Suffix In


    Input files with the extension .xml are allowed.

    Suffix Out


    In this example, the extension for output files is .swift.

  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Listeners pane, enter the name of the new listener and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the listener.



    Name *



    File listener for XML input

Procedure: How to Define an Inlet
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Inlets.
  2. On the Inlet Definitions pane, click Add to add an inlet.
  3. On the New Inlet Definition pane, enter the name of the new inlet and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the inlet.



    Name *



    Inlet for XML to SWIFT

  4. On the Construct Inlet pane, click Add to associate the listener with the inlet. The next pane prompts you for the component type.
  5. Select Listener and click Next.

    The next pane prompts you to select a listener.

  6. Select XMLtoSWIFT_Listener, which is the listener you added earlier for outbound processing, and click Finish.

    The listener is added to the inlet.

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Defining a Route

A route defines the path a message takes through a channel.

The route for the channel for outbound processing consists of a process. A process is a stateless, lightweight, short-lived microflow executed by iWay Service Manager on a message as it passes through the system. A service is an executed procedure that handles the business logic of a message.

This section describes how to create a process flow with iWay Integration Tools (iIT) Designer and bind it to a sample channel as a route.

For details on the full features of iIT Designer, and additional information on using its capabilities, see the iWay Integration Tools Designer User's Guide.

You will complete the following high-level steps to define the route.

  1. Using iIT Designer, create a new project and start a new process flow.
  2. Validate the process flow and publish it to the Registry of the iWay Service Manager Administration Console. See the iWay Integration Tools Designer User's Guide for instructions on validating and publishing.
  3. The process flow that is used for the outbound channel in this chapter is structured as shown in the following diagram.

  4. Add a route to the Registry and associate the process flow with that route.

For this sample channel configuration, you will define a route that will invoke the XML to SWIFT validation process flow. The outcome of the validation process flow will place valid transformed XML data in a defined output folder. Invalid transformed data will be routed to an errors folder. A SWIFT functional acknowledgement and a validation report will be sent to their designated output folder defined in the sample channel.

Procedure: How to Define a Route and Associate the Process Flow With It
  1. From the Registry menu options in the iWay Service Manager Administration Console, click Routes.
  2. On the Route Definitions pane, click Add to add a route.
  3. On the New Route Definition pane, enter a name for the route (for example, XMLtoSWIFT_QS_Route) and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish.
  4. On the Construct Route pane, click Add.

    You are prompted for the type of component to associate with the route.

  5. Select Process and click Next.
  6. The next pane prompts you to select a process. Select the process flow you created earlier with iIT Designer (XMLtoSWIFT_QS_Process_2) and click Finish.

    The route, with its associated process flow, has been successfully defined.

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Defining the Outlet

An outlet defines how a message leaves a channel. In the sample outbound configuration, a Passthrough outlet is used. For details on supported protocols, which can be used as outlets, see the iWay Service Manager Protocol Guide.

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Defining an Outbound Channel

Now that you have defined the inlet, route, and outlet for the outbound channel, you are ready to add the outbound channel to the Registry and associate the conduits with it.

Procedure: How to Define a Channel
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Channels.
  2. On the Channel Definitions pane, click Add to add a channel.
  3. On the New Channel Definition pane, enter the name of the new channel and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the channel.



    Name *



    XML to SWIFT channel using a process flow. Output will be placed in different folders based on Validation Report results. A channel SREG is used to define the folders.

  4. On the Construct Channel pane, click Add to associate the inlet, route, and outlet with the channel.

    You are prompted to associate components with the channel.

  5. Select Inlet and click Next. The next pane prompts you to select an inlet.
  6. Select XMLtoSWIFT_INLET, which you defined earlier, and click Finish.

    The inlet is associated with the channel. Now you need to associate a predefined route with the channel and set it to the default.

  7. On the Construct Channel pane, click Add.

    The next pane prompts you for the component type.

  8. Select Route and click Next.

    On the next pane, you are prompted to select a route.

  9. Select XMLtoSWIFT_QS_Route, which was created earlier and click Finish.

    The Construct Channel pane opens.

  10. Click the minus sign (-) under Conditions to set this route as the default.

  11. On the Construct Channel pane, click Add to add the outlet.
  12. Select Outlet and then click Next.
  13. Select Passthrough and then click Finish.

    The following image shows the completed channel (XMLtoSWIFT_QS2_Pflow_Channel) with a defined Inlet, Route, and Outlet.

Procedure: How to Add the Ebix to the Channel
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Channels.

    The Channel Definitions pane opens.

  2. Click the link in the Ebix column for XMLtoSWIFT_QS2_Pflow_Channel.
  3. On the next pane, which prompts you to add Ebix components, click Add to add the Ebix to the channel.
  4. On the next pane, select SWIFT2017, which is the name of the Ebix you added previously, and click Finish.

    Note: Before you build your channel, verify that your Ebix and preemitter are configured to use the same SWIFT version.

Procedure: How to Build the Channel
  1. In the iWay Service Manager Administration Console, click Registry in the top pane, and then Channels in the left pane.
  2. Select XMLtoSWIFT_QS2_Pflow_Channel, as shown in the following image.

  3. Click Build.

    The build results of the selected channel are displayed.

  4. Review the results of your build and then click Back.

    If an error or errors are displayed in the Message column, take the appropriate action as instructed.

Procedure: How to Deploy the Channel

Deployment is the mechanism by which a channel moves from being stored in the Registry to becoming active in iWay Service Manager. For more information on deployment, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

  1. Click Deployments at the top of the screen.
  2. Click the Deploy button
  3. Select XMLtoSWIFT_QS2_Pflow_Channel and click the Deploy button.

  4. Click the red X under the status column.

    A green check mark now appears under the status column, as shown in the following image.

    The channel is ready to accept inbound data.

Procedure: How to Verify the Channel

To make sure that the channel is working as expected, perform the following steps:

  1. Place an XML file as test data in the file directory that is defined by sreg(SWIFT_OB.InputDir). This is the path in which XML messages are received, which you specified for the listener associated with the inlet for the channel.

    For more information on obtaining sample XML input files (MT535.xml, MT541.xml, and MT950.xml) for testing purposes, see Extracting SWIFT User Samples.

  2. Check for the SWIFT output file in the file directory that is defined by sreg(SWIFT_OB.DefaultDir). This is the destination directory you specified for the listener.
  3. Confirm that the output has been converted to SWIFT format.

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Reusing Your Channel Configuration

Using the Archive Manager feature of iWay Service Manager, you can archive your channel configuration with its associated components and import them into another Registry. They will then be available from that Registry for modification or reuse.

For details on this feature, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

iWay Software