
In this section:

The iWay Application Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics 2011 CRM On-Premises is developed to interact with Microsoft Dynamics CRM (MS CRM) 2011 and enables you to create, read, update, and delete data within MS CRM. During design time, you can introspect MS CRM metadata and display information about supported entities and applicable operations. Advanced operations that are supported by the adapter enable you to run workflow executions, import data, and additional options.

The iWay Application Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics 2011 CRM On-Premises is implemented as a Java archive, which can be deployed to iWay Service Manager (iSM) or other supported application servers. The adapter uses the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services through an iWay Routing Service host (WCF Router) to integrate with MS CRM 2011. The adapter communicates with MS CRM through the WSDL endpoint and uses Active Directory Authentication for security.

Task: In this chapter, you will learn the key components of the iWay Application Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics 2011 CRM On-Premises, methods, and protocols used for communication with MS CRM 2011.

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Supported Versions, Platforms, and Deployments

iWay Application Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 On-Premises is certified only for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Service Pack 8.

The following platforms are supported for the iWay Application Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 On-Premises:

Note: iWay Application Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics 2011 CRM On-Premises only supports the On-Premises MS CRM deployment model. Hosted, CRM Online, or Hybrid deployments of MS CRM are not supported.

HTTPS Support

On Windows platforms, Microsoft offers integrated components for the support of SSL and sockets. On other (non-Windows) platforms, programs, such as OpenSSL, may be required to enable SSL.

Supported Authentication

Windows-based with Active Directory verification, claims-based authentication is not supported. Each user connecting through the adapter must have a valid user ID within the domain where the MS CRM server resides.

iWay Software