Advanced Analysis

In this section:

This section explains how to read the results of advanced analyses like, roll ups, primary keys, foreign keys, business rules and dependencies.

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Inputs and Roll Ups

The Profiling step can take more than one input, as shown in the following image.

Additionally, each input can have any number of roll ups assigned to it. A roll up is a way of grouping the data by specific parameters. For example, you can use roll ups to view data profiles by gender or country.

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Primary Keys

When configured in the Profiling step properties, the Primary Keys tab displays the Primary Keys Analyses. This feature analyzes the uniqueness of designated keys.

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Foreign Keys

When configured in the Profiling step properties, the Foreign Keys tab displays the Foreign Keys Analyses. This feature analyzes whether or not the key from one input can be considered a foreign key in relation to the other (parent) entity coming from a second input.

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Business Rules

When configured in the Profiling step properties, the Business Rules tab displays the results of the evaluation of any number of Boolean expressions relating to the input data.

The following example is from the Advanced plan in the supplied Profiling tutorial. It shows a business rule that checks the length of each SIN value and determines whether or not it is nine digits. It evaluates to true if the length is nine digits; otherwise, it evaluates to false.

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Dependency Analysis

When configured in the Profiling step properties, the Dependencies tab determines whether or not the values of Dependants (selected columns or expressions) depend on the value of a Determinant (one or more columns combined into a single key). Each group of records with the same Determinant value is examined. If the most frequent Dependant value is present in at least a certain percentage of records, the whole group is considered to be dependent. Otherwise, the whole group is considered not to be dependent.

iWay Software