Specifying Identical or Unique Schema Values With Corresponding User IDs and Passwords

In this section:

This section describes the differences of specifying identical or unique schema values with corresponding user IDs and passwords for the iWay Data Profiler (iDP) application and the WebFOCUS repository.

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Specifying Unique Schema Values for iDP and WebFOCUS (MYSQL and MSSQL)

During the iDP installation, the following scenario exists:

In this scenario, iDP tables will be created under the idp_data schema and WebFOCUS repository tables will be created under the idp_repo schema.

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Specifying Identical Schema Values for iDP and WebFOCUS (MYSQL and MSSQL)

During the iDP installation, the following scenario exists:

In this scenario, iDP tables and WebFOCUS repository tables will be created under the idp_data schema.

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Specifying Schema Values for iDP and WebFOCUS (Oracle)

In the case of an Oracle database (schema), all tables and related objects are owned by a user account. A user ID and a schema share the same name.

As a result, during an iDP installation, you cannot have different schemas for iDP tables and WebFOCUS repository tables.

The example as described in Specifying Unique Schema Values for iDP and WebFOCUS (MYSQL and MSSQL), would not be valid for Oracle databases.

During an iDP installation, if the selected database is Oracle then the iDP Schema, WebFOCUS Schema, and User Name values must be the same, as shown in the following image.

iWay Software