Configuring the Insert Into iDP Utility to Support iWay Data Profiler Automation

How to:

This section describes how to configure the Insert Into iDP Utility to support iWay Data Profiler automation.

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Procedure: How to Extract the Insert Into iDP Utility
  1. Navigate to the following directory:



    Is the location on your system where iWay Data Profiler is installed.

    For example:

  2. Extract the file from the utils folder.
  3. The extract the file contains the files that are shown in the following image.

    • The lib folder contains the .jar files that are required to run the utility.
    • The insertIntoIDP.bat file runs the Insert Into iDP Utility on Windows operating systems.
    • The file runs the Insert Into iDP Utility on Linux/AIX operating systems.
    • The file is a sample property file.
  4. Copy the required database driver .jar file to the lib folder based on the database that is configured for iDP.

    The utility is ready for automation.

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Procedure: How to Customize the User Properties File
  1. Navigate to the following directory:



    Is the location on your system where iWay Data Profiler is installed.

  2. Create a property file with any name using the .properties extension.

    For example, the file name can have the format of

  3. Copy the following properties from the file and replace it into the file available under standalone utiltity folder. The file is located in the following directory:

    The file is located in the following directory:


    You can replace them into the newly created file.




    Password with respect to the JDBC URL and driver, which is encrypted and stored by iDP in the file.


    Name of the Microsoft JDBC driver. The driver name varies based on the type of SQL server used as a back-end repository.


    The URL for the MySQL data source. The URL varies based on the type of SQL server used as a back-end repository.


    User name with respect to the JDBC URL and driver.


    The schema of a database system is its structure described in a formal language supported by the database management system (DBMS). It is either a database name or a data source name (for example, idp_data).

    Note: For Oracle 11g, enter the SID value instead of a schema name.


    The language selected by iDP for viewing the application.


    Set LDAP user authentication as true while configuring the LDAP User.


    Set LDAP role authentication as true while configuring the LDAP Role.


  4. Add the following properties to the newly created properties file.

    Based on your requirement, the following parameters are configured.




    Set to yes or no depending on whether the data profile has drill-through functionality.

    Note: For drill-through functionality, you must create the adapter using the connection name IDP_DRILLTHROUGH. This must be configured for the database that iWay DQS uses to create drill through tables. For more information, see Appendix D, Configuring the Drill-Through Adapter in WebFOCUS in the iWay Data Profiler Installation and Configuration Guide.


    Set to yes or no depending on whether the data profile has roll-up functionality.


    The user ID to access iDP.

    Note: For LDAP Configuration, provide the LDAP User Name (for example, iwayqa)


    The password to access iDP.

    Note: For LDAP Configuration Provide the LDAP Password (for example, iwayqa).


    The location of the input file where Profile XML and Data Quality .txt input files are copied.


    Provide the Name for the Uploading Metric.


    Provide the Decsription for the Uploading Metric.


    Provide the Name for the Uploading Profile.


    Provide the Name for the Uploading Profile.

    Note: Profile and Metric Names supports 500 characters.

  5. Save the properties file.

    Note: idppassword=iway. The password to access iDP in the properties file can be either plain text or encrypted. For more information on encrypting a password, see How to Use the Utility for Password Encryption.

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Procedure: How to Use the Utility for Password Encryption

For security reasons, an encrypted password is allowed to be used in the property file for the Insert Into iDP Utility. To encrypt a password:

  1. Navigate to the following directory:



    Is the location on your system where iWay Data Profiler is installed.

    For example:

    The Encrypt.bat file runs the on Windows operating systems, and the file runs the on Linux/AIX operating systems, as shown in the following image.

  2. For Windows platforms, double-click the Encrypt.bat file and perform the following steps:
    1. Enter the password for encryption, as shown in the following image.

      Entering password will be encrypted and displayed, as shown in the following image.

    2. Copy the encrypted string to a properties file.

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Procedure: How to Manually Generate Profiles and Metrics Using the Insert Into iDP Utility
  1. Navigate to the following directory:



    Is the location on your system where iWay Data Profiler is installed.

    Note: For LDAP configuration, copy the LDAP properties file to the stand-alone Utility folder.

  2. For Windows operating systems, perform the following steps:

    Note: This is applicable for iDP Version 9.0.1 and Version 9.0.1T.

    1. Edit the insertIntoIDP.bat file.
    2. Set the set mode variable to MANUAL, as shown in the following image.

    3. Save the insertIntoIDP.bat file.
    4. Double-click the insertIntoIDP.bat file.

      A command prompt opens, as shown in the following image.

    5. Enter the properties file name, as described in How to Customize the User Properties File.

    6. Type the input file name.

      For data profiles, enter the file name with a .xml extension and for DQIs, enter the file name with a .txt extension.

    7. Press Enter to automate the specified data profile or metric file.

      The data profile or metric file has been automated and can be viewed from iWay Data Profiler.

      Note: At runtime, the file is created by the Insert Into iDP Utility for internal purposes only.

  3. For Linux operating systems, perform the following steps:
    1. Edit the file.
    2. Set the set mode variable to MANUAL, as shown in the following image.

    3. Save the file.
    4. Open the file.

      A command prompt opens, as shown in the following image.

    5. Enter the properties file name, as described in How to Customize the User Properties File.

    6. Type the input file name.

      For data profiles, enter the file name with a .xml extension and for DQIs, enter the file name with a .txt extension.

    7. Press Enter to automate the specified data profile or metrics file.

      The data profile or metric file has been automated and can be viewed from iWay Data Profiler.

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Procedure: How to Automatically Generate Profiles and Metrics Using the Insert Into iDP Utility

The main purpose of the Insert Into iDP Utility is that it can be used by any application that can call batch (.bat) or shell script (.sh) files.

  1. Navigate to the following directory:



    Is the location on your system where iWay Data Profiler is installed.

  2. For Windows operating systems, perform the following steps:
    1. Edit the insertIntoIDP.bat file.
    2. Set the set mode variable to AUTO, as shown in the following image.

    1. Save the insertIntoIDP.bat file.
  3. For Linux operating systems, edit the file, the set mode variable to AUTO, and then save the file.
  4. While automating the Insert Into iDP Utility from other application, the Insert Into iDP Utility expects two values:
    • filename <name of the file>

      For example,

    • Profile or Metric <name of the profile .xml or Metric .txt file> including an extension.

      For example, sample_profile.xml.

  5. For Windows operating systems:
    insertIntoIDP.bat -propertyFileName <name of the property file> -inputFileName <name of the input file with an extension>
  6. For Linux operating systems: -propertyFileName <name of the property file> -inputFileName <name of the input file with an extension>
  7. After execution, the Insert Into iDP Utility returns either 0 or 1.
    • 0. The execution completed successfully.
    • 1. The execution failed and respective error messages are generated.

iWay Software