Configuring the iWay Business Activity Monitor Web Application

How to:

iWay Business Activity Monitor (BAM) includes an intuitive GUI that can be used to monitor transaction life cycle, view dashboards, integrate with pre-configured WebFOCUS reports, perform administrative tasks, and use other customized modules depending on the release. This section describes how to configure the BAM web application, which is hosted on an iSM non-blocking HTTP listener.

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Procedure: How to Configure the iWay Business Activity Monitor Web Application

To configure the iWay Business Activity Monitor web application:

  1. In the iWay Service Manager Administration Console, click Tools, and select Archive Manager in the left pane.

    The Archive Manager pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  2. Select Import components from a repository archive and click Next.

    The Select repository archive to import pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  3. Select BAMChannel and click Next.

    The Status of importing archive pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  4. Click Finish.

    Once imported, the BAMChannel is added to the list of available channels in the iWay Service Manager Administration Console, as shown in the following image.

    The BAMChannel, which is used to host the BAM Monitoring Console is hosted on the nHTTP listener (non-blocking HTTP). You have an option to open the BAMChannel and reconfigure the associated listener from the default port 8087 to any other port supported by the system. Note that even though this change is allowed, you are advised to keep track of the port being used by the BAMChannel.

  5. Select the check box next to BAMChannel and click Build.

    The build result pane for BAMChannel opens.

  6. Click Deployments in the menu bar, as shown in the following image.

    The Deployments pane opens.

  7. Click Channels in the left pane.

    Initially, there are no deployed channels available in the table.

  8. Click Deploy.

    The Available Channels pane opens.

  9. Select BAMChannel and click Deploy.

    You are returned to the Channel Management pane. Notice that BAMChannel is now included in the list of deployed channels.

  10. Select the deployed BAMChannel and click Start.

    A green check mark now displays in the Status column, indicating that the deployed channel is started.

  11. Verify that the BAMChannel is deployed and running.
  12. Enter the following URL in your web browser:



    Is the port that is defined in the BAMChannel. The default port is 8087.

    The User Authentication logon page opens.

  13. Enter admin as the user name (default) and iway as the password.
  14. Click Login.

    Note: After installation, verify that the target database is running prior to starting iWay Service Manager (iSM). iSM looks for the target database before initializing BAM. If the target database is unavailable or not running, then BAM will generate errors. Users that start iSM as an automatic service should be aware of issues, since iSM may be starting before the target database has started. The recommended method is to start BAM manually after checking that the target database has started.

    The iWay Business Activity Monitor console opens, as shown in the following image.

    Note: The initial view will have no data displayed unless there were some transactions processed by the system.

iWay Software