Migration Issues and Usage Considerations

In this section:

This section describes migration issues and provides usage considerations when migrating from an iSM 5.x release to 6.x.

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Whitespace Normalization

The previous releases attempted to accommodate XML documents that were pretty-printed. Extra whitespace between sub-elements was eliminated. Unfortunately, this behavior is not compliant with the XML 1.0 specification and makes many XML activities such as XML Digital Signatures impossible to implement.

In 6.x, each listener now offers a new property called Whitespace Normalization. The two choices are trim or preserve. Trim selects the prior iWay behavior. Preserve returns every character as it appeared in the original document.

New listeners created in 6.x will preserve whitespace by default unless manually changed to trim. Older listeners that do not specify a value for the property will continue to trim whitespaces.

One of the effects of preserving whitespaces is the increased likelihood to produce mixed element content (text nodes alternating with sub-elements). The most common form of mixed content is a pretty-printed document. Some applications might see unexpected results in 6.x if they attempt to pretty-print documents. For example, a document can appear double-spaced because the parser preserved the input indentation and the serializer added extra indentation later.


An even more surprising result appears if the application attempts to pretty-print the document by programmatically adding carriage returns inside text values. To preserve these characters for digital signatures, they must be converted to character entities (&#xD;) essentially defeating the attempt to make the document look pretty.


Mixed content could be created even when trimming has been turned on. This will happen every time non-whitespace text follows a sub-element. The 5.x parser considered the last non-blank text node to be the node value. In 6.x, every text node must be preserved and therefore the node value is always the first text node before sub-elements.

   This text is the node value in 5.x but not in 6.x

For compatibility with 5.x and non-mixed content aware agents, the node value should appear first, before the sub-elements.

   This text is the node value in 5.x and 6.x

Pretty-printing wastes processing time and consumes more memory. It is best to avoid pretty-printed documents altogether.

<root>This text is the node value in 5.x and 6.x<sub>text</sub></root>

The 6.x release fully supports mixed content as required by XML Digital Signatures. If mixed content could be processed by the application, then the agents must be chosen carefully to make sure they are mixed content aware. Most iWay agents are mixed content aware.

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iWay XPath Function

Previous releases of the server supported an xpath() function that implemented a subset of the formal XPath specification modified to better fit with the iWay requirements. Generally this followed the Abbreviated Syntax described in subsection 2.5 of http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116. This release adds the support of XML Namespaces while preserving the stellar performance characteristics of the iWay implementation.

By default, the iWay XPath implementation is not namespace-aware to preserve backwards compatibility. This means the colon is treated as a regular character and the xmlns declarations have no special meaning. For example, the expression _xpath(/ns:x) will match the root element ns:x.

<ns:x xmlns:ns="http://testns">this will match</ns:x>

In general, it is not possible to predict which namespace prefix will be used (if any). For example, the previous expression will not match the semantically equivalent document using a default namespace.

<x xmlns="http://testns">this will NOT match</x>

What is required is a comparison of the local-name and the namespace-uri. This can be done explicitly with a more complex expression _xpath(/*[namespace uri()="http://testns" and local-name()="x"]).

<x xmlns="http://testns">this will match</x>

This approach works even if the element has a namespace prefix because the local name does not include the prefix.

<ns:x xmlns:ns="http://testns">This will also match</ns:x>

This can become cumbersome if the xpath expression has many element names to compare. The solution is to make the iWay XPath expression namespace aware. This can be done by adding a second argument for the name of the XML Namespace Map provider. This provider maintains a mapping of namespace prefix to namespace URI. It can be declared in the Server tab of the iWay Service Manager console by clicking XML Namespace Map Provider in the left pane. In the following image, the XML Namespace Map provider declares the http://testns namespace.

The name of the XML Namespace Map Provider is passed in the second argument of the function: _xpath(/testns:x, nsprov). This instructs XPath to resolve the prefix testns by finding the corresponding URI in the nsprov provider. Notice this expression will match irrespective of the actual namespace prefix used in the document. In particular, it will match this document where the namespace prefix happens to be ns:

<ns:x xmlns:ns="http://testns">This will match using a provider</ns:x>

Since the comparison is made directly with the namespace URI, it does not matter if a namespace prefix is used or not. The latest expression will also match if the element is in the default namespace:

<x xmlns="http://testns">This will also match using a provider</x>

Using XML Namespace Map Providers is the preferred approach when matching against a namespace aware document.

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Standard XPath 1.0 Function

By default, the iWay XPath function implements the abbreviated syntax as described in section 2.5 of the XPath 1.0 specification. This is adequate for most applications. For those that require strict conformance, this release adds a full implementation of the XPath 1.0 specification as an optional feature. The iWay and the standard XPath 1.0 implementations co-exist in the server at the same. The choice of which one to use is determined by the need of the application only.

In the iSM Administration Console, a new general setting called XPATH 1.0 Functions is available in the Compatibility section of the General Settings page, as shown in the following image.

The XPATH 1.0 Functions general setting determines the version of the XPath language used in some iWay functions. Enable this general setting to make the _xpath(), _xflat(), and _exists() functions use the full XPath 1.0 language. By default, these functions use the original iWay implementation. Since this general setting affects the compilation of expressions, after it is selected, you must restart the server to activate the setting.

New XPath functions were also added to work with a specific XPath language irrespective of the XPATH 1.0 Functions general setting. The _iwxpath(), _iwxflat(), and _iwexists() functions will always select the original iWay implementation. The _xpath1(), _xflat1() and, _exists1() functions will always select the standard XPath 1.0 implementation.

The following is an example of an XPath expression that uses an explicit axis name, a feature only available in the XPath 1.0 implementation:


There are two implementations of the standard XPath 1.0 language that are available. The default is to use the built-in iWay implementation. This implementation is recommended because it is complete and very fast. It is also possible to choose a third-party implementation for those applications that require special extensions, such as XSLT functions in Xalan’s XPath. This new general setting is called Third-Party XPath 1.0 and is used to determine which XPath 1.0 implementation is in use.

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iWay Functional Language

The iWay Functional Language (iFL) compiler in 5.x had some syntax ambiguities that sometimes made it difficult to predict the result of a parse. The compiler in 6.x implements the same language but with more rigorous syntax rules. The net effect is a much more predictable language. Unfortunately, some expressions that were valid before are now rejected or given a new meaning. This section discusses the changes in the iFL between 5.x and 6.x. Another section in this chapter documents a tool to help detect problems and often automatically make the change. The formal iFL syntax is provided in Formal iFL Syntax.

iFL expressions are considered constants if they do not contain at least one function call. In 5.x, the quotes in constant expressions are evaluated. In 6.x, constant expressions are not interpreted in any way.

The quoting rules in the 5.x iFL language are extremely difficult to master. In 6.x, quoting is vastly improved as follows. Literals can be quoted with single or double quotes. A quoted literal is surrounded by a matching pair of quotes. Within a single-quoted literal, you can type a double-quote without escaping it, and vice-versa. The backslash is the escape character. The following escape sequences are known: \r , \n, \f, \t, \', \", \xhh, \uhhhh where h is a hexadecimal digit. The common trick in 5.x to type two consecutive single-quote characters to obtain a unique single-quote no longer works. The good news is that the equivalent construct \' will now work in all quoted literals. Notice escape characters are not supported in bare literals (not surrounded by quotes).

The rules for operators in the 5.x iFL language are also a cause of issues. The compiler often needed extra whitespace surrounding the operator to detect its presence. In general, the operators were only detected at top level scope. The syntax now makes it clear when an operator can be present. Whitespace surrounding an operator is optional and if present, will be ignored.

Some 6.x functions introduce special scopes that have the effect of turning off the detection of operators. This was done to increase the compatibility with previous releases. Those functions are:



























Due to their ability to introduce external syntax, these functions turn off operators but now also turn off interpretation of quoting characters:

It is possible the scope of an infix operator might have changed if one of the arguments is part of an implicit concatenation. When in doubt, use explicit concatenation or surround the argument with a pair of matching parentheses. For example, the expression sreg(a)1 + 2 now concatenates the special register a to the sum of one and two. In 5.x, the same expression concatenates the special register a with one before adding two. To obtain the same result in 6.x, you must use explicit concatenation, for example:


or add parentheses:

(sreg(a)1) + 2

The migration tools (testfuncs5 and migrate5) that are described in this chapter can automatically make this transformation and many more.

New functions to operate on long integers have been introduced: _iadd(), _isub(), and _imul(). This is especially useful for date arithmetic since the precision of a double-precision number is not sufficient to represent a 64-bit integer. The semantics of the existing _idiv() function has been changed to integer division to match the other 3 functions. If the old semantics is desired, the call to _idiv(a,b) should be replaced with _int(_div(a,b)).

Resource Providers

The 6.x release consolidates the definition of resources into named providers. Components using the resource simply name the pre-defined provider to be used. This enables the server to better control the resource for integrity and performance. Examples of providers are keystores, LDAP connections and data base connections. It is possible to define many providers of the same kind if they have different names. For example, there can be any number of SSL keystores rather than the single SSL keystore supported in 5.x.

Older agents or listeners that controlled their own resources continue to be configured and function as before. For example, the HTTP listener still requires the path to the SSL keystore. Many components have been modified to use providers, either exclusively or as an alternative to the specific configuration of the resource. For example, the _ldap() function must either accept the default LDAP provider or identify a specific named provider in a new, optional parameter. In the future, all new components will use providers.

If your application is using a component that accesses a provider, then the provider must be defined before the application can be run. Providers are defined on the Server tab of the iWay Service Manager console. To create an LDAP provider, click on Directory Provider in the left menu. To create an SSL or an SMIME keystore, click on the Security Provider in the left menu. To create a JDBC data base connection, click on the Data Provider in the left menu.

For compatibility with older components, it is possible to declare one keystore provider as the default SSL keystore. Similarly, you can declare one keystore provider as the SMIME keystore. This can be done on the Security Provider page by clicking the icon within the Default SSL or the Default S/MIME column. The migrate5 tool discussed below will convert a 5.x default keystore (or LDAP) provider to a new 6.x provider marked as default.

iWay Software