
In this section:

The iWay Real Time Data Replication (RTDR) extension is composed of the SQL Batch Insert Iterator object and the Data Integration object. The Data Integration object is supported as of iWay Service Manager (iSM) Version 6.1 and higher.

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Data Replication Use Case

In the simplest use case, the iWay RTDR extension can be used to replicate data from a source database to a target database. The source and target databases can be the same or different types. Both databases must exist prior to replication.

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Data Cleansing or Transformation Use Case

In a more complex use case, the iWay RTDR extension can be used to extract data one row at a time from a source database, cleanse or transform the data, and then insert the row into another database. The source and target databases must exist prior to execution.

iWay Software