Defining a Route

In this section:

How to:

Routes contain references to transformers, processes, and outlets. A route describes the path that a document takes during its passage through the system, after the inlet converts the input message to a document that can be processed. Multiple routes can be defined for the same channel if required, but only one route is executed. The executed route is the first route in the processing order that meets the condition criteria for the document or is a default route if no condition is met.

Transformers contain a transform component such as information to a common format suitable for general business processing. For example, similar messages from two trading partners might differ slightly in format; a common format is often desirable for business processing. Transforms are constructed using iWay Transformer. For more information, see the iWay Transformer User’s Guide.

Processes perform the actual business operations on the document. A business process is composed of one or more services, with appropriate switching, testing, iteration, and error handling. Processes can call on other processes and web services, and in turn can be packaged as web services for external consumption. Business processes are constructed using iWay Designer. For more information, see the iWay Designer User’s Guide.

Outlets pass the processed document to one or more designated recipients. They convert the document to a transport format and then emit the message.

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Procedure: How to Define a Route

To define a route using the iWay Service Manager Administration Console:

  1. In the left console pane of the Registry menu, select Routes.

    The Routes pane opens.

    The table that is provided lists each route that is defined with a brief description. If you click the document schematic icon in the References column for a specific route, you will see which components are referencing that route. (If you click the eye icon in the View column for a specific route, and then the process icon between the two arrows, you will see a visual depiction of that route.)

  2. Click Add.

    The New Route Definition pane opens.

  3. Enter a name, for example, SampleRoute, and description for the route.
  4. Click Finish.

    The Construct Route pane opens.

    The table that is provided is used to list the components that are currently registered with the route.

  5. Click Add.

    The Select component type pane opens.

    The table that is provided lists the component types you can select and register with the route you are defining.

    • In Transformer - Exit sequences that apply to a message before processing occurs.
    • Process - Stateless, lightweight, and short-lived microflows that are executed by iWay Service Manager on messages and documents as they pass through the system. The simplest process contains a move service, which is first placed into a flow then added to a process.
    • Out Transformer - Exit sequences that apply to the message after processing occurs.
    • Outlet - Conduits that consist of Preemitters, Encryptors, and Emitters.

    Note: Each route that is being defined is required to have a registered process. The remaining components are optional during route configuration. For more information on creating a component, see Configuring iWay Registry Components.

  6. Select Process from the list of component types and click Next.

    The Select a process definition pane opens.

    The table that is provided lists existing process flows you can select for the route you are defining.

  7. Select move and click Finish.

    You are returned to the Construct Route pane, which now includes the process (move) you registered with your route (SampleRoute).

    You can now add additional components, such as a transformer or an outlet.

    If you return to the main Routes pane, you will notice that the route you just defined (SampleRoute) has been added to the list, as shown in the following image.

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Procedure: How to Modify a Route

You can modify a route by changing one of the components already defined for the route or by adding new components.

Note: If you change one of the components assigned to a route, such as a process, the component will be changed in the registry, not only in the particular route you are modifying.

To modify a route:

  1. Click the name of the route you wish to modify in the main Routes pane, for example, SampleRoute.

    The Construct Route pane opens.

    The table that is provided shows the component that has been registered for the route you are modifying. In this example, the move process is used.

  2. Modify the route as required:

    The table that is provided lists components that are currently assigned to the selected process.

    • To change one of the components already defined, such as a process, in this case the move process, click the name of the component.

      The Construct Process pane for the move process opens.

    • To add a new component, such as an In Transformer, an Out Transformer, or an Outlet, select the component type and click Next.

      For more information on transforms, see Configuring iWay Registry Components.

  3. Click the move1 service.

    The Component Properties pane opens.

  4. Make your changes to the service properties as required and click Update or select the component you wish to add and click Finish.

    The route is now modified.

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Procedure: How to Delete a Route

To delete a route:

  1. Click the check box next to the route you wish to delete, for example, SampleRoute.
  2. Click Delete.

    A confirmation dialog box opens, prompting you to confirm the deletion of the route.

  3. Click OK.

    The route is deleted from the system.

    Tip: To delete more than one route at once, you can select multiple check boxes in the Routes pane and click Delete.

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Procedure: How to Rename a Route

To rename an route:

  1. Click the check box next to the route you wish to rename, for example, SampleRoute.
  2. Click Rename.

    The Rename pane opens.

  3. Type a name, for example, TestRoute, in the New Name field and click Finish.

    You are returned to the main Routes pane.

    The new name for the route you provided is shown.

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Procedure: How to Copy a Route

To copy a route:

  1. Click the check box next to the route you wish to copy, for example, SampleRoute.
  2. Click Copy.

    A copy of the route is made, as shown in the following image.

    Making copies of a route is useful for versioning and testing purposes.

    Tip: To copy more than one route at once, you can select multiple check boxes in the Routes pane and click Copy.

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Routing Strategies

iWay Service Manager provides mechanisms to support routing strategies. This section describes how you can use iSM to execute business logic and route documents to a particular location. The following topics are provided:

Procedure: How to Modify the Route Processing Order

The route processing order depends on how the routes are configured after they are added to a channel. The routing order can be modified by reordering the position of a route on the list. During runtime, only the first route that meets the condition or is a default route is executed. The ordering of the routes implies that the conditions of the routes will be checked based on the order. In this case, the first instance of the route to meet the condition will be executed or the default route will be executed.

  1. Open the channel you want to edit.
  2. In the move channel, click either the up or down icon to modify the order of routes.

    The following image shows the order of routes before the modification.

    The following image shows the order of routes after the pfivpws route was moved up.

  3. You can continue to edit the channel if necessary, or click Build to build the modified channel.

Procedure: How to Set Default Routes

As a best practice, set one of the routes as a default to ensure the document is processed if none of the specified conditions are met. If no default route is set, then a warning message is displayed when you build the channel and the document is not be processed at run time. If conditions are assigned to the route(s) on a channel and if a document does not meet the assigned conditions, then the document is processed by the default route.

The placement of the default route matters if there are no conditions on the routes assigned to a channel.

  1. Open the channel you want to edit.
  2. Click the set default icon in the Conditions column in the route that you want to designate as the default.

    The following image shows the set default icon.

    The set default icon on the route you modified now appears as active.

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Conditional Routing

As a document moves through a channel, you can apply conditions to the routes assigned to the channel to direct the flow of the document dynamically based on the document's contents. The particular route that the document takes is therefore selected based on whether the document matches the conditions. If none of the conditions on the route(s) is met, the document will be handled by the default route. If no default route is set, the message will not be handled.

You can also control the routing of a document by specifying whether a channel allows fixed or dynamic routing. If the routing on a channel is set to fixed, a selected route in the channel remains in force for the duration of the messaging process. Dynamic routing, which is the default when a channel is created, allows the channel to evaluate the message at each stage in the document processing to determine which route to use. For more information on fixed and dynamic routing, see Specifying Fixed or Dynamic Routing.

The conditional routing and test feature supports complex expressions and a wide range of tests that can be performed. It compiles a complex expression the first time that it is encountered and uses the compilation in subsequent testing. This feature results in faster processing.

A requirement of conditional routing is that the function return a value of true or false, as do the COND(), ALL(), and ANY() functions as well as the _IS and _HAS functions.

You can use other functions that return a value and test their result in the COND(), ALL(), and ANY() function. Examples include the _LENGTH() and _SUBSTR() functions.

For more information on using functions, see the iWay Service Manager Component and Functional Language Reference Guide.

Procedure: How to Add or Edit Conditions on Routes

You add conditions to routes after the route has been added to a channel. In this way, you can reuse routes that have already been defined and customize them to perform the document processing required by each channel.

  1. Open the channel you want to modify.
  2. In the Conditions column for the route you want to modify, click the icon in the left of the column, either the icon with the plus sign or with the pencil, depending on whether conditions already exist for the route.

    The Set Condition pane appears, as shown in the following image.

    If no condition is set, iWay Service Manager first checks the route tag in the document to see if it matches the route name.

  3. Specify the condition and click Update.

    The route is updated with the condition.

  4. Click Back to return to the channel pane.

iWay Software