Adding a Schema

How to:

The XML Schema Definition (XSD) language enables you to define the structure and data types for XML documents and data. An XML schema defines the elements, attributes, and data types that conform to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard. Schemas are primarily used for design time by process flows and transforms. However, there are runtime components that use schemas at runtime to validate the document.

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Procedure: How to Add a Schema

To add a schema:

  1. In the left console pane of the Registry menu, select Schemas.

    The Schemas pane opens. Schemas already defined in Service Manager and iWay Designer are listed.

  2. Click Add.

    The New Schema pane opens.

  3. Type the path to the XML Schema Definition (XSD) file or .ZIP archive on your file system.

    You can also click Browse to find its location.

    Note: If you are uploading a .ZIP file that contains the schema, a manifest file must also be included in the archive. For more information on the format of the manifest file, see How to Format the Manifest File.

  4. Click Next.

    The Name and Description pane opens.

  5. Provide a name and, optionally, a description, for the schema, and click Finish.

    The schema is uploaded to the server and is added to the list in the Schemas pane.

    After they are defined, schemas can be added to the start and end of a process flow. In addition, embedded schemas can be uploaded as one unit in the form of a zip file. However, it requires a manifest.

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Procedure: How to Format the Manifest File

To format the manifest file:

  1. Create a file called located in the meta-inf subfolder.
  2. Add a reference to the root schema of your archive on the very first line using the following format:



    Is the path to the schema file.


    Is the name of the schema file.

    Note: This reference must be typed in uppercase.

  3. Make sure that the manifest does not contain any comments or blank lines above the root schema reference line.
  4. Add the meta-inf/ file to your .ZIP archive.

iWay Software