iWay Service Manager

In this section:

This section describes new features for iWay Service Manager (iSM) in Version 6.1.9. For a list of resolved cases, see the iWay Service Manager Release Notes.

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Document Insert Service (com.ibi.agents.XDDocInsertAgent)

This service is used to insert data within an XML document. The data can consist of plain text or parsed XML content. The insertion point is specified by an XPath expression with optional namespace support. This service simplifies the function of the previously available Document Update Service (com.ibi.agents.XDDocUpdateAgent) and is the preferred method of inserting data into an XML document. For more information, see the iWay Service Manager Component Reference Guide.

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Web Service HTTP Client Service (com.ibi.agents.XDWSHttpClientAgent)

This service is similar in functionality to the existing Web Service Client Service (com.ibi.agents.XDWSClientAgent) and Web Service object that can be added to a process flow in iWay Integration Tools (iIT). However, unlike its predecessors, the Web Service HTTP Client Service (com.ibi.agents.XDWSHttpClientAgent) enables the use of a HTTP Client Provider for connection management and extended security support available through this provider. This agent is callable as a service and is not tied to the Web Service object that is available in iIT. For more information, see the iWay Service Manager Component Reference Guide.

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Cancelling an Operating Service (com.ibi.agents.XDCancelAgent)

The execution of one or more services on other execution edges of a process flow can be cancelled by using the Cancelling an Operating Service (com.ibi.agents.XDCancelAgent). This service accepts the name of one or more target services. Upon execution, a cancellation request is sent to the named service(s).

The cancellation capability facilitates the construction of caches, in which a slower operation such as accessing a remote database is run in parallel with a faster, local cache search. If the cache finds the required entry in the local database, then it can cancel the slower operation.

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Channel Startup Dependencies

A startup dependencies list has been introduced to all iSM channels and is available on the listener configuration page. This enables the channel to list its dependencies and ensure that they are started before its initialization. The startup sequence supports multi-level definitions, where a channel can depend on other channels, which in turn have their own dependencies. The application is responsible for ensuring that there are no looping dependencies, where any two channels depend on each other for startup.

iWay Software