iWay Service Manager

In this section:

This is a final Service Pack release for the iWay 6.1 track and encapsulates latest case resolutions. Future maintenance will be provided through scheduled Cumulative Patches and customer specific patches for production level issues. Customers are urged to upgrade to the latest iWay7 release and use iWay Integration Tools (iIT).

There are no new features or adapter release notes as all new features are implemented in the iWay 7 release and not in iWay 6.1 track.

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Release Information and Migration

While every effort has been made to ensure compatibility with regard to the execution of existing process flows and channels, the server configuration has changed. For more information on migration and compatibility, see the iWay Service Manager Migration Guide. In general, when migrating from the iWay Service Manager 5.x version, the key changes are the use of Providers to supply services, such as key store management, SSL Management, and database connectivity, as well as enhanced XPATH implementation. When migrating from iWay Service Manager 6.x, the application should not require any changes.

iSM Version 6.1.10 incorporates all prior delivered patches up to Cumulative Patch 14 for iWay Service Manager 6.0.1. Newly resolved cases since the iSM 6.1.9 release are listed under appropriate components in this document. For any additional cases and latest information, contact iWay Software Customer Support Services (see Customer Support).

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Resolved Issues

iWay Software