Adding a Keystore

How to:

This section describes how to add a keystore using the iWay Service Manager Administration Console.

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Procedure: How to Add a Keystore

To add a keystore:

  1. Log on to the iWay Service Manager Administration Console.
  2. Click Server in the top pane.

  3. In the left pane, click Security Provider under the Providers section.

    The Security Provider pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  4. In the Keystores section, click New.

    The Keystore Definition pane opens.

  5. Provide the appropriate values for the keystore, as defined in the following table.




    The name of the keystore definition to add.


    Optional description of the use of this keystore.


    Location of the keystore file or "NONE" if using PKCS11.

    Keystore Password

    Password for the keystore.

    Keystore Type

    Select the type of keystore from the drop-down list:

    • CaseExactJKS
    • JCEKS
    • JKS
    • PKCS12
    • Windows-MY
    • Windows-ROOT

    Keystore Provider

    Select the keystore provider from the drop-down list:

    • SUN
    • SunJSSE
    • SunJCE
    • SunMSCAPI

    Callback Handler

    The fully qualified name of a callback handler that will satisfy authentication callbacks for the keystore. The callback handler must satisfy the interface and be available in the iSM classpath.

    Reload Period

    Minimum time to wait before the provider checks if the KeyStore needs to be reloaded. The format is [xxh][xxm]xx[s]. Enter 0 to check for reload every time the keystore is requested. Leave the parameter empty to never reload the keystore. A file based keystore is reloaded only if the file was modified since last reload.

    The following image is a sample of the Keystore Definition pane with values for the required fields.

  6. Click Add.

    You are returned to the Security Provider pane, which now includes the keystore you defined, as shown in the following image.

iWay Software