Using the iWay Trading Partner Manager Web Application

In this section:

How to:

The iWay Trading Partner Manager (iTPM) Web application is responsible for managing trading partner data. This section describes how to navigate and use the iTPM Web application during the creation of a trading partner route.

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Procedure: How to Access the iWay Trading Partner Manager Web Application

To access the iWay Trading Partner Manager (iTPM) Web application:

  1. Enter the following URL in your Web browser:

    The User Authentication logon page opens.

  2. Enter admin as the user name (default) and iway as a password.
  3. Click Login.

    The iWay Trading Partner Manager Web application opens, as shown in the following image.

    The various iTPM facilities can be accessed by clicking the tabs at the top of the pane.

    The following sections describe the iTPM facilities in more detail:

    • For more information about using the Partners facility, see Partner.

    • For more information about using the Routes facility, see Routes.

    • For more information about using the Standards facility, see Standards.

    • For more information about using the Messages facility, see Message.

    • For more information about using the Systems facility, see Systems.

    • For more information about using the Environments facility, see Environments.

    • For more information about using the Administration facility, see Administration.

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The Partner page is used to manage partner information, partner contacts, partner systems, and partner certificates.

When a specific partner is selected in the left pane, and the View and Edit button is clicked, the partner tabs in the right pane provide all the related information about that partner. The following tabs are available:

As with all iWay Trading Partner Manager pages, the Partners page has a number of common usability features, which are listed and described in the following table:



Adds another entry of the particular object (on this page, it adds a new Partner).

Deletes a selected partner.

Allows you to view and edit the properties of the selected partner.

Adds any metadata value for the particular business object.

Pagination Tool

Located at the bottom of the left pane for each facility, the pagination tool allows you to quickly navigate through the pages of all defined components (for example, partners, routes, system, and so on). You can click the refresh icon to refresh the current page you are viewing.

If a large number of components are defined, you can go to next page by clicking the right arrow icon. To navigate to the last page of the set, click the icon. By default, the first 25 objects of the set are displayed based on the latest edited information. In this example, 1 - 25 of 231 means that there is a total of 231 partners defined in the system.

Procedure: How to Add a Trading Partner

To add a trading partner using the iTPM Web application:

  1. Select the Partners tab in the iTPM Web application.

    The Partners pane opens, which contains the following tabs:

    • Partner Information

    • Partner Contact

    • Partner System

    • Partner Certificate

    The Partner Information tab is selected by default.

  2. Click the Create button in the upper-left hand corner of the screen.

    The Create New Partner pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  3. Enter the information for the trading partner you are creating.
  4. Click Save Partner Details when you are finished

    The new trading partner is added, as shown in the following image.

    To edit an existing trading partner, select the trading partner and click the View and Edit button.

    To delete an existing trading partner, select the trading partner and click the Delete button.

  5. To associate a trading partner system with the trading partner you just created, select the trading partner in the left pane and click the Partner Systems tab.

    The Partner Systems pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  6. Click the Add icon in the lower-left corner of the Partner Systems pane.

    The Add Partner System pane opens, as shown in the following image.

    Note: The System drop-down list is populated with available systems that have been created using the Systems facility. As a result, you must define a system before it can be associated with a trading partner. For more information, see Systems.

  7. Enter the information for the trading partner system you are creating and select an existing system from the System drop-down list.
  8. Click Save Partner System Information when you are finished.

    The new trading partner system is added, as shown in the following image.

    To edit an existing trading partner system, select the trading partner system and click the Edit Partner System button.

    To delete an existing trading partner system, select the trading partner system and click the Delete button.

    The following message is displayed below the new trading partner system:

    No systemsMessage's assigned for this partnerSystem
  9. To associate a system message with the trading partner system you just created, click the Edit icon, which is located to the right of the trading partner system, as shown in the following image.

    The New/Edit PartnerSystemMessages pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  10. From the Message Types list on the left, select an available system message and it to the BusinessChannels (Direction: IN or Direction: OUT) sections accordingly.
  11. Click Save when you are finished.

    You are returned to the Partner Systems pane, as shown in the following image.

    Notice that the system message is now associated with the trading partner system.

    You are now ready to create a route for your trading partner. For more information, see How to Create a Trading Partner Route.

Partner Information

This section provides an example of the Partner Information pane that is displayed in the browser window when you select the Partner Information tab and then click View and Edit.

Partner Contact

The Partner Contacts tab allows you to add, modify, or delete contacts for the selected trading partner.

Notice that the Create, Delete, View and Edit, and TPA Properties buttons are also available. These buttons provide the same functionality as those found in the main Partners page. The only difference is that they are relative to the contacts for the selected partner. They relate to the partner contact, not the partner itself.

The following image shows the Add new contact for partner pane, which allows you to provide the standard information about a contact.

Click Save Partner Contact Details to save the entry that you are editing.

Partner System

The Partner Systems tab associates systems to the selected partner. Within each system, the message types can be passed in or out from the particular system, as shown in the following image.

The Add MetaData button is located within each system tabular group and next to each message. This allows you to add specific properties for either the partner system or for the combination of partner, system, and message.

Partner System Message Page

To add a set of messages to be defined to interact between the partner and the particular system, click the Add MessageFormat button. To edit the set of messages that are defined to interact between the partner and the particular system, click the Edit MessageFormat button.

The New/Edit Partner System Messages pane opens.

This pane lists all the available message types and allows you to define whether messages go in or out of the particular system.

By selecting single or multiple messages, you can include the selected messages on the inbound business channel or outbound business channel.

Partner Certificate

The Partner Certificates tab allows iTPM to manage and reference keys and certificates that are used by iWay Service Manager.

Click the Create button to create a partner certificate. Click the Edit button to edit a partner certificate.

The Add new certificate for partner pane opens, as shown in the following image.

The following table lists and describes the available fields.



Certificate Storename

Refers to the certificate store or provider in which the certificate is used in iWay Service Manager.


Indicates whether the certificate is a public certificate of a partner or a private key for local use by iWay Service Manager.


Indicates the alias being used by the certificate.

Valid From

Indicates the starting period for which the certificate is valid.

Valid To

Indicate the ending period for which the certificate is valid.

X509 Certificate

Contains the PEM encoded X509 certificate.


A business route is the combination of an inbound business channel and an outbound business channel, where each channel is a combination of a partner’s system sending or receiving messages.

When the main Routes page is accessed for the first time, there are no routes that are loaded automatically. The Partner search fields enable you to search for any one or two partners involved in a business route irrespective of the direction.

Once the list of matching business routes is returned and a specific route is selected, the Route Details tab displays the details for the route.

Procedure: How to Create a Trading Partner Route

To create a trading partner route using the iTPM Web application:

  1. Select the Routes tab at the top of the iTPM Web application.

    The Partner Routes pane opens, which contains the following tabs:

    • Route Details

    • Code Substitution

    • Route Contacts

    The Route Details tab is selected by default, as shown in the following image.

  2. Click the Create button in the upper-left corner of the Partner Routes pane.

    The Create New Route pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  3. Enter the information for the trading partner route you are creating as required.
  4. Click OK when you are finished.

    The new trading partner route is added, as shown in the following image.

    To edit an existing trading partner route, select the trading partner route and click the View and Edit button.

    To delete an existing trading partner route, select the trading partner route and click the Delete button.

Route Detail

The Route Details tab on the main Route page allows you to create business routes between the systems of partners and the messages they exchange, as shown in the following image.

Click the Create button to create a new business route. The TPM Edit BusinessRoute pane opens, as shown in the following image.

From this pane, you can select an environment for the route. For each direction, In (from a partner and channel) and Out (to a partner and channel), a pair of drop-down lists reflect the partner and the specific partner's system and message type combinations for the selected environment.

Code Substitution

The Code Substitution tab on the main Route page allows you to substitute values in messages where original values can be substituted with alternate values of codes, as shown in the following image.

Route Contacts

The Route Contacts tab on the main Route page provides the existing contact or contacts that are associated with the entire business route.

To add or edit the list of contacts assigned to the business route click the Create button. You can also specify whether the route is a primary route or a secondary route.

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The Standards facility provides a grouping of message formats and message types, and most importantly are holders of particular sets of codes.

The following image shows the Standard Details tab, which lists all defined standards.

The following image shows the CodeSubstitutions tab, which shows the code substitutions between two standards.

Select a specific code substitution to open the Edit Code Substitution pane, as shown in the following image.

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The main Message page allows you to edit message types and formats. Formats are a grouping of message types within a defined group.

You can choose a particular format from the list of message types by clicking the Message Type Information tab, as shown in the following image.

Click the Create button to add a new message type, as shown in the following image.

The Schema name and Schema location fields can be used to reference messages to a particular schema for use in either design-time (for use with iWay Transformer) or run-time in iWay Service Manager, for use with schema validation. Click Save Message Type Information to save the message type.

Procedure: How to Add a Message to the System

To add a message to the system using the iTPM Web application:

  1. Select the Message tab in the iTPM Web application.

    The Messages pane opens, which contains the following tabs:

    • Message Format Information

    • Message Type Information

    The Message Format Information tab is selected by default.

  2. Click the Create button at the upper-left corner of the screen.

    The Create New Message Format pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  3. Enter the information for the message you are creating.
  4. Click Save Message Format Information when you are finished.

    The New Message is Added, as shown in the following image.

    To edit an existing message, select the message and click the View and Edit button.

    To delete an existing message, select the message and click the Delete button.

  5. To associate a message type with the message you just created, select the message in the left pane and click the Message Type Information tab.

    The Message Type Information pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  6. Click the Create button at the top of the Message Type Information pane.

    The Create New Message Type pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  7. Enter the information for the message type you are creating.
  8. Click Save Message Type Information when you are finished.

    The new message type is added, as shown in the following image.

    To edit an existing system, select the system and click the Edit icon.

    To delete an existing system, select the system and click the Delete icon.

    You are now ready to add a trading partner. For more information, see How to Add a Trading Partner.

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The main Systems page allows users to define the technical systems that partners use and which performs sending or receiving, out or in respectively, of messages (which are instances of message types).

Systems are direct mapping between iSM components (such as adapters, channels, and listeners) and iTPM. Before a system can be defined, the appropriate adapters, channels, or listeners must be created and available in the iSM registry.

From the Edit pane, you can indicate which environment the system is operating (for example, a production system or a test system). A system can only be in one environment at a time.

Additionally, you can link the trading partners' systems to actual iWay systems through iWay Service Manager adapter, channel, or listener targets. In doing so, you can also look up a partner's system and reference a runtime system (for example, to allow routing by a partner system). As with all other trading partner objects, you can define extended attributes about a particular system by clicking on the Add Metadata button.

Procedure: How to Create a System

To create a system using the iTPM Web application:

  1. Select the Systems tab from the iTPM Web application.

    The System pane is displayed, as shown in the following image.

  2. Click Create in the upper-left hand corner of the System panes

    The Create New System pane opens, as shown in the following image.

    The Listener Target drop-down list displays all the listeners defined in iSM. The Channel Target drop-down list displays all the channels defined in iSM. The Adapter Target drop-down list displays all the adapters defined in iSM.

  3. Enter the information for the system you are creating.
  4. Click Save System Information

    The new system is added, as shown in the following image.

    The number of partners that are associated with a system are shown in the table that is located in the left pane, under the Partners Using column.

    To view all the partners that are associated with a system, click on the system name and then click the Partners tab in the right pane. The associated partners for the selected system are displayed, as shown in the following image.

    To edit an existing system, select the system name and click the Edit icon.

    To delete an existing system, select the system name and click the Delete icon.

    You are now ready to add a message to the system. For more information, see How to Add a Message to the System.

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The iWay Trading Partner Manager application, associated database, and runtime functions are built based on a defined set of business objects particular to trading partners and their e-business messaging interactions. However, it is clear that not all trading partnerships have the same needs and related information.

Adding Metadata allows you to define additional extended attributes (information) about each iWay Trading Partner Manager (iTPM) business object. For example, if you want to add information about a particular System (for example, an FTP System or a Siebel System), you can define metadata for the System object. Once metadata has been defined for the particular business object (for example, System, Partner, Standard, and so on), you can add TPA values for any defined metadata attribute for the particular instance of the business object. For example, if you want to store the FTP Active/Passive connection mode for a sample FTP System, you would first define the Active/Passivemetadata attribute on the System business object. Then assign a value to the particular System (for example, MyFTPSystem).

This process of defining metadata for iTPM business objects is analogous to adding a column in the particular table (for example, the System table) for a particular field (for example, ActivePassiveType column). On the main Systems page, adding a TPA value against ActivePassiveType metadata attribute for a particular System is like adding a value in that system's row in the ActivePassiveType column. This ability to dynamically add virtual or logical columns to iTPM business objects provides the extensibility feature of iTPM. Additionally, in order to organize metadata, the metadata items can be related hierarchically to one another, which aids in understanding and reduces duplication.

To add metadata for a partner object, select the partner object in the left pane and click Add MetaData. The following window opens, which allows you to add, delete, and update metadata values.

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The main Environments page allows you to manage the environments defined in iWay Trading Partner Manager. With different environments, you can organize one’s infrastructure. Systems and business routes can be associated to an environment.

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The Administration tab allows those users designated with the role of administrator to add, delete, and edit other users. Administrators can also designate who else has the privilege of administrator. The Administration tab is shown in the following image.

Note: Users who are not designated administrators will not be able to access the Administration tab. It will appear to be greyed out and is unable to be selected, as shown in the following image.

iTPM does not allow all of the defined administrators to be deleted. When deleting administrators and the current administrator is the last administrator, an error is generated.

To add a user or administrator click the Create button. To edit a current user click the View and Edit button. The Create New User and Edit User panes are similar and are shown in the following image.

The following table lists and describes the available fields.



User Name

The login name for the user.


The user’s password for logging into iTPM.

First Name

The user’s first name.

Last Name

The user’s last name.

User is Administrator

A check box that, if checked, will enable the user administrative powers.


The Logout tab allows the current user to log out of the current profile and log into another.

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