About iWay Trading Partner Manager

In this section:

iWay Trading Partner Manager (iTPM) is an extension of iWay Service Manager (iSM) and a Web application that enables users to receive and process messages from trading partners.

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iWay Trading Partner Manager Components

This section provides an overview of the components that are used within the iWay Trading Partner Manager (iTPM) framework.

iWay Service Manager

iWay Trading Partner Manager (iTPM) is an extension of iWay Service Manager (iSM) and a Web application that monitors information published and archived by iWay Service Manager. iWay Service Manager is a prerequisite of the iWay Trading Partner Manager extension.

iWay Trading Partner Manager Extension

iWay Trading Partner Manager provides an iWay Service Manager extension, which can be applied to a standard installation of iWay Service Manager.

iWay Trading Partner Manager Web Application

iWay Trading Partner Manager provides an iWay Service Manager Web application, which is used to configure Trading Partner settings from a console environment.

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iWay Trading Partner Manager Architecture

iWay Trading Partner Manager (iTPM) is an extension of iWay Service Manager (iSM). As a result, the architecture of iTPM is based on iSM. iTPM uses standard iSM components and augments the iWay service design-time and runtime environment to easily access the iTPM repository data.

The iTPM Web application allows users to configure trading partners using an intuitive GUI and persist the data to an iTPM database. Users can also map partners to iWay components (for example, channels, listeners, adapters, and so on) using iSM. iTPM runtime and custom functions serve as iTPM runtime components, which provide easy access to the iTPM repository. Custom and runtime functions in process flow messages can be routed between partners.iTPM Web Application

iWay Software