
In this section:

In the left console pane of the Server menu, the Settings group contains links to the following iSM settings you can configure:

The following sections describes how to configure each of the settings that are available.

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General Settings

Using the iWay Service Manager Administration Console, you can configure general settings that are used by the base configuration of the server.

Procedure: How to Configure General Settings

To configure general settings:

  1. In the left console pane of the Server menu, select General Settings.

    The General Settings pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  2. Type new values or modify the existing values. For more information, see the table in List of General Settings.
  3. Click Update when you have finished modifying the general settings.

Reference: List of General Settings

The following table lists and describes the available general settings.






Identifies the default character encoding set to use (if not specified in the document or in the listener configuration). Defaults to your local system encoding. You may overwrite the default value with a value from the drop-down list.

The values from the drop-down list are:

  • EUC-JP
  • ISO-10646-UCS-2
  • ISO-10646-UCS-4
  • ISO-2022-JP
  • ISO-8859-1 (US ASCII)
  • ISO-8859-2 (Eastern Europe)
  • ISO-8859-3 (Southern Europe)
  • ISO-8859-4 (Northern Europe)
  • ISO-8859-5 (ASCII plus Cyrillic)
  • ISO-8859-6 (ASCII plus Arabic)
  • ISO-8859-7 (ASCII plus Greek)
  • ISO-8859-8 (ASCII plus Hebrew)
  • ISO-8859-9 (Latin 5 Turkish)
  • ISO-8859-10 (Latin 6 ASCII plus Nordic)
  • Shift-JIS
  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16
  • windows-1252 (Cp1252) - This is the default.


Check box

Select from the following compatibility options:

  • EDA Documents - Processes EDA documents. Looks for <eda>, <eda_island>, and <eda:control> elements in XML requests.
  • XPATH 1.0 Functions - Determines the version of the XPATH language used in some iWay functions. Select this option to make the _xpath() and _exists() functions use the full XPATH 1.0 language. By default, these functions use a simpler version of XPATH to be compatible with prior iSM releases.



Determines how transforms will be cached in the current iSM configuration. Select one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Server: Caching at the server level (default) - This option is selected by default and recommended in production environments.
  • Channel: Caching at the individual channel level - This option in development environments where transforms are modified and republished.
  • None: No caching will be performed - Use this option if transforms will change in a runtime system. However, this option also increases latency and should be avoided.

Configuration Backups


Number of automatic backups of the configuration (for example, base.xml) to maintain. 0 equals none. If you supply a value greater than 0, the configuration is backed up every time the server starts.

It is recommended that you enable this setting.

Dead Letter


Default directory where responses that cannot be delivered are held when the reply-to value cannot be identified. If the directory does not exist, select the check box to create the named directory.

Retry Interval

Duration: xxhxxmxxs

Interval (in seconds) after which the listener can be retried if it fails for external causes. The default value is 120.

Note: The Retry Interval is a global setting that applies to all listeners.

Kill Interval

Duration: xxhxxmxxs

Interval at which to check for runaway requests that exceed their maximum life. Default is 60 (seconds), for example, 1h2m3s=1 hour, 2 minutes, and 3 seconds.

Note: Each listener has an Execution Time Limit property that determines the maximum life of each request.

Java Settings

The Java Settings pane in the iWay Service Manager Administration Console enables you to specify Java Virtual Machine (JVM) options and Java system properties. It also enables you to register Java classes by adding .JAR files to the class path.

Specifying Java Virtual Machine Options

The Java Virtual Machine Settings section enables you to specify the options used for starting the JVM. For example, you can set memory allocation options.

Setting JVM options can improve the performance of Service Manager or correct problems. The most common setting adjustments are for the size of the Java heap and stack, which determine memory availability for Java programs and the JVM. If sufficient memory is not available, errors can occur. The heap size affects performance, as it determines how often garbage collection occurs.

If you encounter performance problems or receive “out of memory” exceptions, you can adjust these sizes. The following are the JVM memory settings most commonly adjusted:


Sets the Java thread stack size.


Sets the maximum Java heap size.


Sets the initial Java heap size.

The size is usually set in megabytes, for example:


Optimum sizes vary, depending on the total memory available, the requirements of your application, the number of other processes that require memory, the type of JVM, and other considerations.

The location for setting these and other JVM options depends on the operating system. You must edit the UNIX script or the script to include JVM options on that platform.

Procedure: How to Specify JVM Options on Windows

To specify JVM options on Windows:

  1. In the left console pane of the Server menu, select Java Settings.

    The Java Settings pane opens, as shown in the following image, displaying two sections: Java Virtual Machine Settings and Additional Java System Runtime Properties.

  2. In the Java Virtual Machine Settings section, type a JVM memory setting in the Startup field, for example:
  3. Click Update.
  4. Completely stop and restart Service Manager.

Procedure: How to Specify JVM Options on a Non-Windows Platform (Service)

To specify JVM options on a non-Windows platform when running Service Manager as a service (daemon):

  1. Manually modify the script that starts Service Manager.
  2. Edit the script used to start the service (for example, and add JVM options to the last line, for example:
    su $IWAYUSER -c "java -Xmx512M
    -Xss256M $REMDBG -cp $CLASSPATH -DIWAY60=$IWAY60sm
    com.ibi.service.edaqm.XDDocument -$IWAYCONFIG >> $IWAY60sm/bin/service.log &"

Procedure: How to Specify JVM Options on a Non-Windows Platform (Non-Service)

To specify JVM options on a non-Windows platform when running iWay Service Manager manually:

  1. Manually modify the script that starts Service Manager.
  2. Edit the script used to start Service Manager (for example, and add JVM options to the line that calls the Java command, for example:
    java -Xmx512M -Xss256M $REMDBG -cp 
    $CLASSPATH -DIWAY60=$IWAY60sm edaqm -config $SCRIPT $2 $3 $4 $5 $6

Specifying Java System Runtime Properties

The Additional Java System Runtime Properties section enables you to add, edit, or delete Java system properties.

Procedure: How to Specify Java System Runtime Properties

In the Additional Java System Runtime Properties section:

  1. In the Property field, type a name for the Java system property.
  2. In the Value field, type the value of the Java system property.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Continue adding more system properties as required.
  5. Click Update.

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Register Settings

A special register is a named variable that referenced a value which is carried throughout the system. Once defined, this variable is available to all components of the system.

You can examine special registers as part of the Service Manager conditional routing facility to control a message flow.

Note: Special registers operate on a global (system-wide) level. As a result, you must restart iWay Service Manager for any changes to be applied.

For more information on using a special register to supply configuration properties, see Configuring Basic Properties.

Procedure: How to Define a Special Register

To define a special register:

  1. In the left console pane of the Server menu, select Register Settings.

    The Special Registers pane opens, listing the register settings for the base server, as shown in the following image.

  2. Click Add.
    1. In the Name field, type a name for the special register.
    2. From the Type drop-down list, select one of the following:
      • Boolean
      • Duration
      • Float
      • Integer
      • Password
      • String
    3. In the Value field, type a value for the special register.
    4. In the Description field, type a brief description (optional).

    As shown in the following image, the completed Special Register Definition pane shows the Name, Type and Value fields completed.

  3. Click Finish.

    You are returned to the first Special Registers pane which displayed the newly defined special register. If required, you can now associate the defined special register with a channel. For more information, see Adding Register Sets.

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Trace Settings

Trace settings allow you to control the amount of detail that is produced by the diagnostic components embedded within iWay Service Manager. Traces produced during run time are either displayed or logged based on settings in the run time environment. For more information on configuring trace settings, see Diagnostics, Tracing, and Logging.

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Log Settings

Log settings are used to record the diagnostic information that is generated by the run time components of iWay Service Manager. For more information on configuring log settings, see Diagnostics, Tracing, and Logging.

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Path Settings

The Path Settings pane contains the various path settings defined in the configuration of iWay Service Manager.

Adding entries to the Java classpath tells the JVM where to look for Java classes and libraries. The entries in a classpath are either directories that contain class files, .jar files, or .zip files. You can add new entries to the beginning of the classpath (PreClassPath) and to the end of the classPath (PostClassPath).

Adding entries to the system path is used to determine the location of native files that may be required for proper server operation. These files can include Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll) on Windows or they may be shared objects or shared libraries, which vary by system.

Any changes that are made with respect to path settings do not take effect until you restart iWay Service Manager.

Registering Libraries

On Windows, the Path Settings pane enables you to include JAVA class and JAR files in the class path. Use this function to add third-party drivers, such as those for IBM WebSphere MQ, Oracle AQ, and JDBC. You also can specify additional library directories that may be required when the third-party Java classes require dynamic link libraries or shared objects (depending on the platform in use). WebSphere MQ, for example, requires this type of setting.

Note: For the change in these values to take effect, you must completely stop Service Manager and then start it again. The Restart option on the top navigation pane of the console is not sufficient for the change to take effect.

The location for registering libraries depends on the operating system. You must edit the UNIX or script to include additional Java libraries on that platform.

The following procedure describes how to add third-party Java libraries on Windows, using IBM WebSphere MQ as an example. First, the third-party JAVA files (JAR, CLASS, or ZIP) must be installed.

Procedure: How to Add Java Libraries on Windows

To add a Java library:

  1. In the left console pane of the Server menu, select Path Settings.

    The Path Settings pane opens, as shown in the following image. You can add jar files or dll files using this pane.

  2. To add the entry to the beginning of the class path, type the directory path and/or file name in the PreClassPath field.


    To add the entry to the end of the class path, type the directory path and/or file name in the PostClassPath field.


    To add a dll to the system path, type the directory path to the dll file in the Path field.

  3. Click Add.
  4. Repeat the previous steps for each required file.
  5. Click Update when done.
  6. For the path entries to take effect, completely stop Service Manager and then, start it.

Procedure: How to Add Java Libraries on UNIX, z/OS, and iSeries

To register libraries or other files on UNIX, z/OS, and iSeries, you edit the script used to start iWay Service Manager and add files to the CLASSPATH variable. Ensure you add the full path including the file name.

If you run iWay Service Manager as a service (daemon), edit iWay60/bin/

If you run Service Manager as a non-service, edit iWay60/

  1. Edit or in a text editor and find the CLASSPATH lines.

    The following relevant lines are the same in both and

    CLASSPATH='echo $IWAY60/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':'if [ -f
    $IWAY60sm/etc/manager/extensions/*.jar ]
    $IWAY60/etc/manager/extensions/*.jar | tr ' ' ':''
    echo CLASSPATH set to: $CLASSPATH
  2. On the first CLASSPATH line, add the path to any files, including the file name, you wish to register. Separate files by a colon.

    To load files before iWay files, add the files you are registering after CLASSPATH= and place a colon after each file as in the following:

    $IWAY60/lib/*.jar | tr ' ' ':''

    To load files after iWay files, add a colon at the end of the line, followed by the path to the files you wish to register, separated by colons.

    CLASSPATH='echo $IWAY60/lib/*.jar | tr ' '

    Note: Ensure you add the full path to the files, including the file names. Adding the directory containing the files is not sufficient.

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Data Settings

JLINK is a technology that can be used to access information hosted by iWay, WebFOCUS, and EDA data servers. The Data Settings pane contains the general settings for the JLINK in the base configuration of this server.

Note: The Data Settings pane is retained for legacy users. It is recommended that all new configurations to data servers should be made through the Data Provider facility in the iWay Service Manager Administration Console. For more information on configuring data providers, see Data Provider.

For more information on configuring the JLINK properties, see Diagnostics, Tracing, and Logging.

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Backup Settings

iWay Service Manager (iSM) can be deployed to automatically fail over to another waiting machine usually referred to as a hot backup host. Simple fail over relies on native functionality in iWay to emit and respond to "heartbeat" messages, which signify normal operation of the primary server. More sophisticated backup can be configured via the Hot Backup extension on the backup server. In the Backup Settings pane of the iWay Service Manager Administration Console, provide a hostname and port number in the Location of Backup field that corresponds to the iWay Service Manager that is monitoring this instance of iSM.

For more information about configuring the Hot Backup extension, see the iWay Service Manager Extensions User's Guide.

iWay Software