Managing Configurations in Batch


A batch/shell file (cnfgmgr.bat), available in the iWay60\bin directory, enables you to manage configurations in batch, schedule changes, and integrate with your change management system.

You can:

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Reference: Configuration Analysis Options

The following table lists the options for analyzing configurations and their associated commands.



List all configurations.


List all users for this installation.


List all packages available for merge.


Reference: Configuration Creation and Removal Options

The following table lists the options for creating and removing configurations and their associated commands.



Create a new configuration using the base template and the default user name of iway with the password of iway.

-c name

Create a new configuration using the default user name of iway with the password of iway, specified template.

-c name -template name

Create a new configuration based on specified user, base template.

-c name -user name

Create a new configuration using the specified template and user.

-c name -template name -user name

Create a new configuration based on a dictionary with a full path.

-c name -file name

Remove the named configuration.

-c name -remcfg

Reference: Optional Configuration Creation Parameters

The following table lists the optional parameters available when creating configurations and their associated commands.



Include a description with the configuration.

-description text

Specify a port.

-port number

Configuration is used as a template only.


Reference: Configuration Updating Options

The following table lists the options for updating configurations and their associated commands.



Update console (bport), soap (sport), or http (hport) number to an existing configuration.

-c name -sport number -bport number -hport number

These can be applied in any combination.

Reference: Options for Adding or Deleting a Package

The following table lists the options for adding or deleting a package and their associated commands.



List all packages available for merge.


Add packages to a new/existing configuration. Specify multiple packages in the following format: swift/1997, hipaa/4010.

-c name -pkg name/version

List packages available for unmerge by configuration.

-c name -listpr

Remove packages from an existing configuration. Add multiple packages in the following format: swift/1997, hipaa/4010.

Note: Use the -replace option to override keep package add conflicts.

-c name -rempkg -pkg name

Example: Listing Configurations

The following example shows how to list the configurations defined in your iWay 6.0.1 SM environment:

confgmgr -listc

The resulting output includes console port and configuration description information.

IWAY 6.0.1 SM home directory: C:\Program Files\iWay60
USAGE:    CnfgMgr -parm value
EXAMPLE:  CnfgMgr -listc (lists all existing configurations)
EXAMPLE:  CnfgMgr -c base2  (creates a new configuration base2)
DEEP (parseconfig) full path to config file is: 
C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\config.xml
----            ----      -----------
base            9999
demo            52104     null
ntk             10001     null
raw             81

Example: Creating a Configuration

The following example shows how to automate the creation of configurations. This example creates a new configuration called xconfig. The configuration is based on a template called raw. The configuration is associated with a specific user ID, that is, iway.

cnfgmgr -c xconfig -template raw -user iway

The result is:

IWAY 6.0.1 SM home directory: C:\Program Files\iWay60
USAGE:    CnfgMgr -parm value
EXAMPLE:  CnfgMgr -listc (lists all existing configurations)
EXAMPLE:  CnfgMgr -c base2  (creates a new configuration base2)
DEEP (parseconfig) full path to config file is: C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\config.xml
parameters selected:
config = xconfig
template = raw
package(s) = null
port = null
hidden = false
remove(config) = false
remove(package) = false
user = iway
file = null
install directory =
description = null
DEEP (parseconfig) no current configuration by the name xconfig
DEEP (parseconfig) dictionary is: C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\raw\raw.xml
DEEP (genconfig) template dictionary location is: 
C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\raw\raw.xml
DEEP (genconfig) new dictionary location is: C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\xconfig
DEEP (genconfig) New Configuration written to: 
C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\xconfig\xconfig.xml

Example: Adding an iWay Package to a Configuration

The following example shows how to add an iWay package for Oracle Applications to the xconfig configuration in order to migrate iWay components from production to test. In this example, the package is available in iway\home\etc\manager\packages.

cnfgmgr -c xconfig -pkg OracleApplications/1.0

The result is:

IWAY 6.0.1 SM home directory: C:\Program Files\iWay60
USAGE:    CnfgMgr -parm value
EXAMPLE:  CnfgMgr -listc (lists all existing configurations)
EXAMPLE:  CnfgMgr -c base2  (creates a new configuration base2)
DEEP (parseconfig) full path to config file is: C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\config.xml
parameters selected:
config = xconfig
template = base
package(s) = OracleApplications/1.0
port = null
hidden = false
remove(config) = false
remove(package) = false
user = iway
file = null
install directory =
description = null
DEEP (packages) package file directory is C:\Program Files\iWay60\etc\manager\packages
DEEP (packages) package file is 
C:\Program Files\iWay60\etc\manager\packages\
DEEP (packages) 
C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\xconfig\OracleApplications\OracleApplications-package.xml
already exists on disk and keep option selected. File was not replaced.
DEEP (packages) C:\Program Files\iWay60\etc\misc\oracle\Concurrent.ora already exists on 
disk and keep option selected. File was not replaced.
DEEP (parseconfig) dictionary is: C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\xconfig\xconfig.xml
DEEP (packages) package OracleApplications has been added to 
C:\Program Files\iWay60\config\xconfig\xconfig.xml

iWay Software