iWay Migration Tools Extension

In this section:

The iWay Migration Tools extension (iwxmigrate) provides a set of tools that simplify the migration of applications from iSM 5.x to iSM 6.x platforms. These tools are technical and are recommended to be used by system administrators who have the responsibility to migrate from the iSM 5.x platform. The iWay Migration Tools extension (iwxmigrate) is packaged with the 6.0.1 installation, and can also be requested by special order for 6.0 server applications. For more information on how to install the iWay Migration Tools extension (iwxmigrate), see the iWay Service Manager Extensions User's Guide.

The migration tools can be run from the iSM command line, either through the console shell window or via the new Telnet-based command console.

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iSM 5.x releases required applications to define access to resources, such as a JDBC database or an LDAP server, in the components where the resource was used. In iSM 6.0, this access has been consolidated into named providers. Components using the service simply name the predefined provider to be used. This enables iSM to control the resource for integrity and performance more efficiently. Examples of providers include LDAP, keystore access, and database connections. Older services (agents) or listeners that controlled their own resources (such as requiring an SSL-based HTTP listener to specify the location of its keystore) continue to function as before. Many components have also been modified to use providers (either exclusively or as an alternative to the specific configuration of the resource) and new components all use providers. For example, the nHTTP listener uses providers exclusively. Some operations in iSM 6.0, such as the LDAP() function, operate only through providers.

While the advantages of providers are numerous, each provider must be configured (defined) before it can be used. As a case in point, any use of the LDAP function must specify either the default LDAP provider or a specific named provider. In iSM 6.0, many LDAP directories can be used, rather than the single one supported by the iSM 5.x release.

To assist in defining the required providers, the Migrate5 tool is provided. This tool can transfer settings from an iSM 5.x configuration into a newly defined iSM 6.x configuration.

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Supported Components

The following components can be migrated using the iWay Migration Tools extension (iwxmigrate):

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Migration Tools

This section describes the available migration tools that are provided with the iWay Migration Tools extension (iwxmigrate).


The Migrate5 tool can be used to transfer settings from a 5.x iSM configuration into a newly defined 6.x iSM configuration.

The following command syntax is used:

tool migrate5 <path to 5.x dictionary> [<path to output file>]

For example:

tool migrate5 c:/release5.6/config/base/base.xml c:/out.xml


tool migrate5 c:/release5.6/config/base/base.xml

Note: The migrate5 command must be run on the iSM 6.0 command prompt. This is the 6.0 release to which you are migrating.

If the output file is omitted, the current configuration is upgraded. This is the expected behavior in which the Migrate5 tool is used. Regardless, the configuration (<configname>.xml) is copied before the migration to a new file called <configname>.bak.

If the 5.6 configuration includes user-defined special registers and for example, JDBC providers, iSM 6.0 will contain these special registers and JDBC providers after the migrate5 command is used.


In several cases the results of an iFL statement in iSM 6.x will differ from iSM 5.x. Usually this is caused by the stricter adherence to language syntax in iSM 6.x. In addition, the xpath() function has changed to properly support XPATH 1.

The Comparefuncs tool uses the same syntax as the Testfuncs tool. Comparefuncs will execute the entered iFL statement in both the 5.6 interpreter and the 6.0 interpreter. It is recommended to test iFl statements in 5.6 and 6.x and compares the results.

The following command syntax is used:

tool comparefuncs [<parm1>] [-debug] [-parse] [-string]




Filename of XML document or string on which to operate.


Provide debug messages.


Provide parsing messages to assist the debugging process.


When used, parm1 is a string rather than a file name.

For example:

funcs->set rega hello

The Abstract Syntax Tree that shows the interpretation of the statement clearly shows the problem, which are actually the dashes in the name. In iSM 5.x this dash is a simple character, but in iSM 6.x it is a math operator, thus the NAN (Not a Number) response.

The following is an example of another technique that can be used:


As a result, it is possible to find a statement that works in the iSM 5.x and iSM 6.x releases.


The Scanparms tool examines the configuration files in a specific configuration and reports on "suspect" parameters. It attempts to identify the parameter and the cause of the issue. It also looks for configuration elements that require manual examination.

The following command syntax is used:

tool scanparms  <config | -file filename> [@reportfile]




Name of a configuration to scan.


Single file to evaluate, name follows.


Path to a file to hold the results of the analysis.

The parameter identified may not actually require modification to run in iSM 6.x. However, it should be examined to determine whether the configuration value does require any modification.

Enter command:>tool scanparms fred
scanparms: review dictionary for minus---> settings/logroot,
scanparms: review dictionary for exist()---> listener=filein/parm1,
scanparms: review dictionary for minus---> listener=filein/maxcount,
scanparms: review dictionary for xpath/ns---> listener=filein/sregns,
scanparms: review dictionary for xpath/ns---> listener=filein/sregsr,
scanparms: review dictionary for xpath/sreg---> listener=filein/sregsr,                                                   
Tool scanparms complete

iWay Software