Configuring the Gateway Listener

How to:

The gateway listener offers one service to one attach point. Each active gateway listener offers service attachments to one attach point on a receiving engine. One channel is offered for each possible simultaneous execution. This is configured as the thread count for the listener. The number of offered channels will not grow by demand, although the gateway will attempt to reinstate a failing channel.

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Procedure: How to Configure the Gateway Listener

To configure the gateway listener:

  1. In the left console pane of the Registry menu, select Listeners.

    The Listeners pane opens. The table that is provided lists any existing listeners and a short description for each.

  2. Click Add.

    The Listener Type pane opens.

  3. Select the RVIGateway listener from the drop-down list, then click Next.

    The configuration parameters pane for the gateway listener opens.

  4. Provide the appropriate property values for the gateway listener, as defined in the following table. An asterisk indicates a required property.



    Host Machine*

    Name of the machine where the target system resides.


    Port (socket) number on which messages are exchanged. This value refers to the port number on which the attach listener is listening and where the handshake occurs.

    Service Name*

    Name of the service that is supported by an Executor Server attach point. The service name is a locator that identifies the channel/listener that runs on the specified machine name. Therefore, it represents a combination of the channel name and the machine and port name for remote invocation. In addition, this is the service name that is referred to in the relay agent at the attach point.

    Reverify time

    Period of time (in seconds) to verify the presence of the attach point.

    IP Interface Host

    Local IP interface from which the outgoing IP socket originates. This field is usually left blank.

    Whitespace Normalization

    Specifies how the parser treats whitespace in Element content. Choose preserve to turn off all normalization as prescribed by the XML Specification. Choose condense to remove extra whitespace in pretty printed documents and for compatibility with earlier versions.

    Accepts non-XML (flat) only

    If set to true, the listener expects only flat (non-XML) files and the preparsers do not run.

    Optimize Favoring

    Select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

    • performance
    • memory

    Note: Selecting memory is recommended if you are expecting large input documents.


    Number of documents that can be processed in parallel.

    Execution Time Limit

    Time limit (in seconds) for a document to execute before it is terminated.

    Default Java File Encoding

    Default encoding if the incoming message is not self-declaring, for example, XML.

    Agent Precedence

    Determines the order by which agents are selected for processing (usually, Document overrides listener). This is used to manage iWay documents.

    Always reply to listener default

    If set to true, the default reply definition is used in addition to the defined replies.

    Error Documents treated normally

    If set to true, error documents are processed by any configured preemitters.

    Listener is Transaction Manager

    If set to true, agents run within a local transaction managed by the listener.

    Record in Activity Log(s)

    If set, activity on this channel will be recorded in the activity logs, else the activity will not be recorded.

  5. Click Next.

    The Name and Description pane opens.

  6. Provide a name and, optionally, a description, for the gateway listener, and click Finish.

    The newly created gateway listener is added to the list in the Listeners pane.

iWay Software