QA Print (com.ibi.preemit.XDQAPrint)

How to:




Emits the output document to a file along with additional runtime information, such as Special Registers.

This preemitter is useful for extensive testing and debugging purposes. Thus, the output document would contain the test results such as the special registers, errors generated and so on.





File pattern to receive trace file.


When to emit information.


Identifier name to mark emitted trace document.

Emit input

Location (file pattern} to which to emit actual input document. If omitted or empty, the incoming document is not emitted.

Base64 Decode

If set, the value is assumed to be in base64 notation. Only applicable is a specific write value is specified.

Procedure: How to Use the QA Print Preemitter
  1. Select XDQAPrint Preemitter from the list.
  2. Click Next.

    The Configuration Parameters for QA Print preemitter appears.

  3. Enter the required values for Where, Name, and Emit input fields.
  4. Choose always {always} for the When field.

    The Name and Description pane opens.

  5. Provide a name and optionally, a description for the preemitter.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Name the preemitter QAPrint.

    After you add the QAPrint Preemitter to iWay Service Manager, create an outlet, PreemitterOutlet and add the QAPrint Preemitter to this outlet.

    Create a file emitter which writes to a flat file a*.txt. Also add the file emitter to this outlet. In this example, to test the QAPrint preemitter use a process flow which does conditional checking on special registers and printing it to a trace file using the QAPrint preemitter. In this example the pflow is constructed as shown in the following image.

    Where the decision test object has the condition:

    Add the process flow to a route named CondRt. Construct the channel PreemitChannel using a file listener case1 as inlet, CondRt route and the outlet created in the previous step.

    Let the input to this channel be:


    The trace files are obtained as a result of the QAPrint preemitter as follows.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><debug>trace*.txt
     <test errors="0"> </test>
     <variable name="SECCONFIGPORT" type="CFG">10001</variable>
     <variable name="SREG1" type="USR">X</variable>
     <variable name="X" type="CFG">X</variable>
     <variable name="basename" type="DOC">test</variable>
     <variable name="console-master-port" type="SYS">9999</variable>
     <variable name="debug" type="USR">false</variable>
     <variable name="doclocation" type="SYS">config</variable>
     <variable name="extension" type="DOC">xml</variable>
     <variable name="filename" type="DOC">test.xml</variable> 
     <variable name="ibse-port" type="CFG">9000</variable>
     <variable name="iwayconfig" type="SYS">base</variable>
     <variable name="iwayhome" type="SYS">C:/tools/iway56sm/</variable>
     <variable name="iwayversion" type="SYS">5.6.000.SM.PATCH.32615</variable>
     <variable name="iwayworkdir" type="SYS">C:/tools/iway56sm/config/base</variable>
     <variable name="locale" type="SYS">en_us</variable>
     <variable name="name" type="SYS">PreemitChannel</variable>
     <variable name="parent" type="DOC">c:\case\in</variable>
     <variable name="protocol" type="SYS">FILE</variable>
     <variable name="source" type="DOC">C:\case\in\test.xml</variable>
     <variable name="tid" type="DOC">PreemitChannel-FILE-
     <variable name="timeout"type="USR">0</variable>

iWay Software