Automatic Monitor

How to:

The following procedure is used to set up automatic monitoring of iWay Business Services running on iWay Service Manager.

Note: This procedure is based on AmberPoint Release

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Procedure: How to Configure Automatic Monitor

Follow these steps:

  1. Install the AmberPoint logging component. Copy the component, packaged as a servlet, from [iwayhome]/etc/setup/apsocketconverter.war to [amberhome]/server/webapps. Then, restart the AmberPoint server instance.
  2. Install/start the AmberPoint Environment Monitor to:
    • Monitor messages that pass through iWay Business Services from the AmberPoint Management Console.
    • Capture messages that pass through iWay Business Services from the AmberPoint Management Console.
    • Send test messages to iWay Business Services from the AmberPoint Management Console.
  3. Add an agent to process messages logged to the AmberPoint Environment by choosing Agent, Add.
  4. Name the agent MessageReader and use the default AmberPoint based WSDL URL:

    Then press the Add button. If a login dialog appears, use the login information you defined for AmberPoint at installation time. Then press OK.

  5. Select the MessageReader, then expand Settings Configurations and double-click Messaging Systems.
  6. Select the Read logged messages check box.
  7. Enter a new log specification in the table by:
    1. Inserting a new row.
    2. Typing iWay as the log name.
    3. Typing AMBERPOINT-FOUNDATION-HOME\SOAManagementSystem\server\amberpoint \apsocketconverter\logdir as the log location for the webapp socket converter directory.
    4. Presenting the log location as the start location.
  8. To complete the configuration process, select File, Submit Configurations.

    Note: AmberPoint does not provide an automated method that can be used to unregister a service. Therefore, if a service is deleted in iWay Service Manager, it will continue to appear in AmberPoint as a down service.

iWay Software