Exporting a Resource from a Registry

How to:

You can use the Registry Explorer to browse resources available in the registry of an iSM server.

Some resources, for example, Transforms, Process Flows, Adapter, Registry Sets, and Schemas can be exported to an Integration Project.

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Procedure: How to Export a Resource

To export a resource:

  1. Connect to an iSM instance using the Registry Explorer in the iWay Explorer view and right-click on the Registry Explorer under the alias name of the iSM instance you wish to browse.
  2. Right-click on a resource you would like to export to iIT and select Export.
  3. Select a target project from the Export Resource wizard, as shown in the following image.

    If you have not created a project, click the Browse button and then the Create Project button.

    By default, the resource will be exported by iIT to the folder defined for containing that resource type. You can export the resource to a different location by deselecting the Use default destination checkbox and browsing for a target folder.

    All dependencies of the resource will be exported with the parent by default. For example, if you have a flow containing a transform, the transform will be exported to the default containing folder during the process flow export process. This can be disabled by deselecting the Export Dependencies checkbox.

  4. Click Finish. After the process is complete, the selected resource can be found in the Integration Explorer under the target folder.

iWay Software