Exploring iWay Enable Facilities

In this section:

This section provides an overview of the iWay Enable facilities that are available in the iWay Service Manager Administration Console to build and review real-time applications.

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Applications are built using the elements provided by iWay Enable, such as gauges and charts, that report statistics for events that are related to key business objectives. The Application is an efficient visual grouping of these elements onto a composite page or dashboard, which allows you to easily focus and interpret your real-time business data around key events.

The Applications pane, shown in the following image, provides a list of the iWay Enable applications that are hosted on iWay Service Manager. From this pane, you can select and view any of the listed iWay Enable dashboards or applications.

Demo Application

iWay Enable ships with the Century Cellular Corporation (CCC) demo application, which monitors mobile phone sales transactions. This demo application is packaged as an Eclipse-based project archive. You can download a project archive from the iWay Service Manager Administration Console. The demo application is also delivered in the following iWay Enable directory:


You can load a demo application into iWay Integration Tools (Eclipse) by importing the project.

A server-based configuration file named enable.xml controls the definition and deployment of the demo application. The file resides in the iwayhome\config\base directory. As a security measure, the file is read only when the server is started. For iWay Service Manager to recognize any configuration changes, you must restart the server.

This demo application includes a readme.html file, which explains deployment in more detail. You can access a deployed demo application from the Applications pane in the iWay Service Manager Administration Console.

For more information on using the demo application, see Deploying the Century Cellular Corporation Demo Application.

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Resources are items used to define the visual aspect of an iWay Enable application. A collection of gauges and charts, which can be configured and hosted as portlets, is available to be incorporated into dashboards and composite applications. The following image shows the iWay Enable Resources pane, which includes tabs for Gauges, Charts, Grids, and Portlets.

Gauges, charts, grids, and portlets can be incorporated into an iWay Enable application to represent specific real-time data.


Gauges provide a visual interpretation of the current value of a particular item, rather than providing historic information. For example, an automobile fuel gauge focuses on the amount of fuel that is currently available, as opposed to the fuel that was previously available.

The main gauge types are Angular, Bulb, Cylinder, Linear, Horizontal LED, and Vertical LED. Each main type offers additional selections that allow you to match your data to the most appropriate gauge. For example, linear gauges are used to indicate the progression of a single value, while bulbs can be used along with color and text to indicate a specific state, such as a warning.

When you select the gauge you want to use, the properties pane opens, as shown in the following image. Through the series of property tabs, you define such items as the data source that the gauge will reflect, upper and lower limits of the data, and physical attributes of the gauge, such as color and background.

Sources tab

The Sources tab is used to configure how the selected gauge obtains real-time data. This section lists and describes the various fields that are available in this tab.

Data tab

The Data tab is used to determine the real-time data that the gauge will consume. This section lists and describes the various fields that are available in this tab.

Visuals tab

The Visuals tab is used to customize the visual aspects of the gauge. This section lists and describes the various fields that are available in this tab.

Sizing tab

The Sizing tab is used to adjust the size and border settings for the gauge.

Action Buttons



Charts provide a way to visualize data over a period of time, therefore, it presents current and historic information. Presenting information in a chart allows you to identify trends and patterns in your data. Data streaming charts are automatically updated with real-time data.

The main chart types are Real-Time Line, Real-Time Line - Dual Y, Real-Time Column, Real-Time Stacked Column, Real-Time Area, and Real-Time Stacked Area. When you select the chart type you want to use, the properties pane opens, as shown in the following image. Through the series of property tabs, you define such items as the data source for the chart, events and aggregation, and the physical attributes of the chart, such as the X and Y axis labels.

Sources tab

The Sources tab is used to configure how the selected chart obtains real-time data. This section lists and describes the various fields that are available in this tab.

Data tab

The Data tab is used to determine the real-time data that the chart will consume. This section lists and describes the various fields that are available in this tab.

Note: The Data tab is available only for chart types listed on page 1 of the resources page. Since charts listed on pages 2 and 3 require a preexisting JSON feed, the Data tab is not applicable to their configuration.

Note: There are two extra fields for the RealTimeLineDY chart:

Labels tab

The Labels tab is used to set the label values for the title, subtitle (caption), x-axis, and y-axis.

Visuals tab

The Visuals tab is used to customize the visual aspects of the chart. This section lists and describes the various fields that are available in this tab.

Extras tab

The Extras tab is used to adjust the border and legend settings for the chart.

Action Buttons



Grids are useful for displaying a large amount of information at once, which is driven by an iWay Enable data set feed. Grids can automatically be updated in real-time, and evaluate the entire set at once.

Sources tab

The Sources tab is used to configure how the selected grid obtains real-time data.

Visuals tab

The Visuals tab is used to customize the visual aspects of the grid. Note that not all configurations are applicable to all grids. Since the grids are a different type and are capable of processing various visual options, settings will vary for each grid type. This section lists and describes all of the available settings.


Portlets are specifically designed to be referenced through an inline frame (IFRAME) inside a CEP/BAM dashboard. They are the output of the gauges and charts defined for your application.

iWay Enable is not packaged with any predefined portlets. For more information on how to create a portlet, see Enabling Real-time Data Capture and Reporting. Once the portlet is created, it can be viewed by right-clicking the portlet name and selecting View from the context menu. As a shortcut, you can also double-click the portlet name.

Selecting Edit from the context menu returns you to the configuration page for the portlet where it can be edited and saved. You can overwrite an existing portlet or save a new version. There is no option available to delete a portlet using the console, since a portlet can be used by an external application. You can only delete a portlet manually.

To delete a portlet, navigate to the iwayhome\etc\enable\portlets directory where the created portlets are stored. Open the index.html file in an editor and remove the entry corresponding to the portlet you want to delete. Each entry is contained within the <a> element.

This method will not permanently remove a portlet, since portlets are stored on the file system in portletname.isp files, where portletname refers to a specific portlet. The portlet is only removed from the Portlets tab in the console. To remove a portlet permanently, you must delete the corresponding .isp file from the iwayhome\etc\enable\portlets directory.

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Services refer to process flows that are currently deployed through iWay Enable, but are not yet bound to a transport (listener). This late binding model allows iWay integrators to develop the process flow and its business logic without having to decide on a specific transport.

The Services pane, shown in the following image, assists you with binding a service to a Representational State Transfer (REST) style transport. REST refers to a collection of network architecture principles that outline how resources are defined and addressed.

iWay Enable gauges and charts require an initial XML document to configure the Flash object that will render the gauge or chart in the composite application or dashboard. iWay Enable includes pre-configured and pre-installed process flows that serve these XML documents to a Web application. If you are overriding any of these process flows to further customize them or if you have changed the pre-installed process flows, you can test them in the Services pane.

Running a REST Style Service

iWay Enable allows you to run a REST style service from the iWay Service Manager Administration Console. To run a service, in the iWay Enable Services pane, right-click the service name you want to run and select Run from the menu.

The Service Parameters window opens with either no parameters or showing a set of parameters that have been associated with the service through a Register Set. The following image shows a Service Parameters window with several parameters.

In the Service Parameters window, you can enter a parameter value in the override column to override the default parameter value before running the service. This window also displays a preview of the URL string, which includes the parameters and their values, where the parameters are separated by either an ampersand (&) or a vertical bar (|). You can also add or edit parameters directly in the URL string. The following image shows the addition of a parameter, NewParam=NEW.

To run the service (actually, the underlying process flow) with the provided parameters, click Run Service.

In our example, the full URL for the service call is:


This underlying process flow (pFlow) does not perform any task. It simply returns the incoming document, as follows:

This response XML document represents the generic structure of the request document being generated by the iWay Enable component to run a REST Style service call. The URL request string has been converted into an XML representation, where the root of the document is the name of the service (pFlow) that has been run, followed by a list of the provided parameters and their values.

The design of the process flow should take into account if it will be deployed as a REST full service, such it should be able to process the XML document in the above format representing the URL specific information.

The URL format for a REST style service call is




Is the host name and port number of the iWay Service Manager that will be servicing the request.


Specifies that the iSM Console Listener will process the request.


Is the context endpoint that allows the run-time support for REST style services.


Is the name of the iSM process flow that can service the request.


Is the Name-Value pair for parameters that will be passed to the process flow for processing.

The following is the format of the XML document generated by the iSM console once it receives a REST style service call on the /ism/enable-run context endpoint.

   <parm name="parm1" value="value1"/>
   <parm name="parm2" value="value2"/>
   <parm name="parmN" value="valueN"/>

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Settings provide configuration options, which allow you to control various aspects of iWay Enable. The following image shows the Settings pane.

The Settings pane includes the following tabs:

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Views are used to define and organize iWay Enable data and metadata. For example, key business objectives can be monitored by tapping and analyzing events. The results are then published as real-time feeds, ready for incorporation into dashboards, composite applications and other components.

The View pane includes the following tabs:

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