Event Cloud

In this section:

The event cloud is similar to a term cloud in that it uses the font size of the event/term to reflect its amount or relevance. In iWay Enable, the event cloud displays the top 100 events and sizes them by occurrence count relative to each other. Placing your cursor over an event will show its count, and if available, its description. The highest count is displayed using the largest font. The lowest count is displayed using the smallest font, producing a linear representation.

In the event cloud algorithm:

  1. The events are ordered by descending count.
  2. The first event uses the max_font_size.
  3. Subsequent event sizes are calculated using the following formula:
    (int) event_count / first_event_size * max_font_size
  4. The events are ordered alphabetically.

Note: To view the examples that are provided, you must deploy the CCC demo and at least one completed run of messages.

Relationship View

The description above describes the top level view. The relationship view can be seen by clicking an event in the cloud. This will render the cloud to show only the events which are related to the selected event. You can click on any event in this view to drill-down the relationship model infinitely. Event relationships materialize when the iFL functions _EXPOSER or _EXPOSECT are invoked with the same Correlation ID (CID). All events exposed from within the same _ERULES call will get the same CID and therefore all events exposed will get related.

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Navigating the Event Cloud Tab

Clicking the Event Cloud tab will invoke a refresh and display the top level Event Cloud view.

Filter Field

Adding text into this field and clicking the Star button will filter the event cloud to contain events which contain the string in the field. The filter will only work for the top level view and does not apply to the relationship view. If you click the Star button and no value is entered in the field, only a refresh of the event cloud will occur.

Drill Up

If you click on any of the events to view its related events, the drill up button will bring you up one level. If you are only one level deep, this button will return you to the top level view. If you are already in the top level view, this button will only refresh the event cloud.

History Bar

The history bar allows you to limit the amount of data displayed to be within a time limit specified in the window. The image above indicates you are viewing a 30 day window of real time data. You can slide the bar to reduce or increase the amount of data you would like to see. These changes will affect the event font sizes in the cloud. For example, if you have not had any lg-phone events in the past 5 min, setting the history bar to 5 min will show no lg-phone events. If you know you've had lg-phone events in the past 8 hrs, moving the bar to the right to 8 hrs will force the lg-phones term to increase in size.


The Excludes options allow you to display more of the events in iWay Enable. System Events are all events which start with 'enable.' and are considered to be in the iWay Enable namespace. Rule Events are events that monitor Rule statistics. Zero Events are all events that have not occurred. Deselecting an Excludes option will not include that event in the event cloud. All Zero Events will appear with a strike-through.

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One Level Relationship

Using the tools testfuncs feature in the iSM command line shell, you can invoke _EXPOSER and _EXPOSECT functions to drive the event cloud.

Procedure: How to Test a One Level Relationship

To test a one level relationship:

  1. Enter the following command at the iSM command prompt:
    Enter command:>tools testfuncs
  2. Type the following command:
  3. Proceed to the event cloud and click the Star button.

    The following cloud is displayed:

  4. Click test1.

    You should see that test2 is related to it.

    Notice next to the Drill Up button that there is a relationship path. This value indicates how deep you are in the relationship model. The value “test1:” means that you are viewing events related to “test1”. Clicking test2 from this view will show "test1:test2:" meaning you are viewing events related to test2, which is related to test1. This drill-down will not yet produce any events.

    If you click the Drill Up button to return to the top level view and click test2, then you should see that test1 is related to it.

    Note: If you are confused whether you are in the top level view or not, always look down next to the Drill Up button. If there are no values next to it, you are at the top level. If you see values there, you have drilled down into an event relationship.

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Two Level Relationship

Using the tools testfuncs feature in the iSM command line shell, you can invoke _EXPOSER and _EXPOSECT functions to drive the event cloud.

Procedure: How to Test a Two Level Relationship

To test a two level relationship:

  1. Enter the following command at the iSM command prompt:
    Enter command:>tools testfuncs
  2. Type the following command:
  3. Proceed to the event cloud and click the Event Cloud tab to refresh the event cloud.

    The following cloud is displayed:

    You just exposed another test1 and test2 event, and a new test3 event. Notice that the test1 and test2 events are larger than test3. This is because you have already exposed test1 and test2. As a result, there are now two test1 and two test2 events. You have only exposed test3 once. Place your cursor over the events to validate.

  4. Click test1.

    You should see that test2 and test3 are related to it.

  5. Click test2.

    Notice that test3 is related to test2 which is related to test1. This means there is one test3 event that is related to test1 and test2.

  6. Click the Drill Up button once to refresh and then click the test3 event.

    The image above shows that there is one test2 event related to test1 and test3. Remember that there are two test2 events. This view says there is only one because only one out of the two test2 event occurrences is related to both test1 and test3. The other test2 event occurrence is only related to test1 and not test3.

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Using the _EXPOSECT() Function

Repeat the one level relationship and two level relationship examples using the _EXPOSECT() function. You will see the same results, but this time you control the CID.

One Level Relationship


Two Level Relationship


iWay Software