Sample Configuration for Inbound Processing: HIPAA to XML

In this section:

This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure a basic inbound message flow for the iWay Integration Solution for HIPAA. The message flow represents the movement and tasks in the conversion of a message from HIPAA format to XML format and acknowledgement of the message.

Top of page

Accessing the iWay Service Manager Administration Console

To access the iWay Service Manager Administration Console, you must first make sure that the iWay Service Manager service is running.

For instructions on starting iWay Service Manager, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

Procedure: How to Access the iWay Service Manager Administration Console on Windows
  1. From the Windows desktop, select Start, All Programs, iWay 6.0.1 SM, and Console,


    from a browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, enter the following URL,



    Is the host machine on which iWay Service Manager is installed. The default value is localhost.
    Is the port number on which iWay Service Manager is listening. The default value is 9999.

    The following image shows the URL with the default values.

  2. When prompted, enter your user name and password, and clickOK.

    Note: The default user name and password is iway.

    The iWay Service Manager Administration Console opens, as shown in the following image.

Top of page

Adding an Ebix to the Registry

The iWay e-Business Information Exchange (Ebix) framework supplies several Ebix files for the iWay Integration Solution for HIPAA.

An Ebix file for HIPAA is named HIPAA_Version.ebx, where Version is the HIPAA version number. For example, the Ebix file for HIPAA version 4010A1 is named HIPAA_4010A1.ebx.

For details on the supported HIPAA versions and transaction sets, see Ebix-Supported Transaction Sets.

This topic describes how to add an Ebix to the Registry on Windows and UNIX.

Procedure: How to Add an Ebix to the Registry on Windows
  1. To access the Registry, select the Registry option in the blue shaded area below the iWay Service Manager banner, as shown in the following image.
  2. Under Components in the left pane of the Registry, select Ebix.

    The Ebix pane opens, as shown in the following image.

  3. Click Add to add a new Ebix. The New Ebix pane opens.

  4. Browse to the directory in which the Ebix is located and select the name of the file, for example, HIPAA_4010A1.ebx.
  5. Once you have selected the Ebix, click Next.

    You are prompted for the name of the Ebix and an optional description.

  6. Enter a name for the Ebix, for example, HIPAA_4010A1, and an optional description.

    Note: This step must be repeated for each HIPAA message set that is added to the Registry.

  7. Click Finish.

    On the Ebix pane, you will see that the Ebix was successfully added. Later you will associate it with the channel for inbound processing.

Procedure: How to Add an Ebix to the Registry on UNIX

Depending on your system configuration, there are two methods that you can use to add an Ebix to the Registry on UNIX.

Top of page

Adding Special Register Sets

In iWay Service Manager, a special register is a name-value pair that defines a variable that is carried throughout the system. Once defined, this variable is available to all components of the system. Within the HIPAA components, a best practice is to use special registers to define inputs and outputs. When packages containing channels are migrated between systems, the only changes required to deploy in the new location is to modify these special registers and build the channel. Channels may have many locations and this practice will minimize the effort required to migrate. For a complete list of system special registers that are provided, see the iWay Service Manager Programmer's Guide. For more information on defining a special register of your own, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

The sample inbound channel uses a set of special registers defined as HIPAA. For example:

Procedure: How to Add a Special Register Set to Your Channel

To add a special register set to your channel:

  1. In the left console pane of the Registry menu, select Channels.

    The Channels pane opens.

  2. In the row for your channel, click Regs for the channel you want to modify.

    The Assign register pane opens.

  3. Select a register and click Finish.
  4. Click Back to return to the Channels pane.

Top of page

Defining an Inlet

An inlet defines how a message enters a channel. It typically contains a:

Procedure: How to Add a Listener
  1. From the Registry menu options on the left pane, select Listeners under Components.
  2. On the Listeners pane on the right, click Add to add a new listener.
  3. For the purpose of this example, we will show the configuration with a File listener. For details on supported protocols, see the iWay Service Manager Protocol Guide.

    Select File from the Type drop-down list and click Next.

    The configuration parameters pane opens.

  4. Supply configuration parameters for the new File listener as follows. An asterisk indicates that a parameter is required. For parameters not listed in the following table, accept the default value.



    Input Path *


    This value is a special register that uses a defined directory in which input messages are received.

    Make sure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment.

    Destination *


    This value is a special register that uses a defined directory in which output files are stored after transformation.

    Make sure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment.

    Removal Destination


    This value is a special register that uses a defined directory to which input messages are moved if they fail during transformation.

    Make sure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment. It is recommended to configure a removal destination when you are constructing a basic channel.

    Suffix In


    Input files with any file extension are allowed.

    Suffix Out


    The extension for output files is .xml.

  5. Click Next.

    You are prompted for the name of the listener and an optional description.

  6. On the Listeners pane, enter the name of the new listener, HipaaToXML_Ebix, and an optional description. Then click Finish to add the listener. In a later step, you will associate this listener with the inlet.

Procedure: How to Add a Preparser
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Preparsers under Components.
  2. On the Preparsers pane, click Add to add a new preparser. You are prompted for the type of preparser.

  3. Select HipaaSplitterPreParser (com.ibi.preparsers.HIPAASplitPP) from the Type drop-down list.

    The HipaaSplitterPreParser parses a HIPAA input file with one or more ISAs and multiple transaction sets (STs), and creates multiple XML output files. One XML output file is produced for each transaction set. You can also use the HipaaSplitterPreParser if there is only one transaction set in an ISA.

  4. Click Next.

    The Preparsers configuration parameters pane opens.

    The following table lists and describes the available configuration parameters for the preparser:




    Used to locate the template in the Ebix used in the transformation from HIPAA format to XML format.


    If enabled, the transformation components are written to files in the local directory. This parameter is set to False by default.

    Segment Terminator

    The control character that marks the end of a specific variable-length segment.

    To view a list of segment terminator characters, see Separators and Terminators.

    Element Delimiter

    The control character used to separate elements in a segment. It follows the segment identifier and each data element in a segment except the last.

    To view a list of element delimiter characters, see Separators and Terminators.

    Component Element Delimiter

    The control character used to separate sub-elements/components in a composite element.

    To view a list of component element delimiter characters, see Separators and Terminators.

    Escape Character

    The escape character is necessary if any of the HIPAA document separators is part of the actual value of an attribute.


    Disabled by default, this option writes a timestamp to the log file. When enabled, the log file will display the start and end time of the file transformation and the input file name that is used. This feature is useful in development or debugging environments when processing batches of files. When the transaction log is not in use (for example, in a production mode) then this information is available in the Activity Log.

    Note: To use this feature, logging must be enabled in the Log Settings section of the iWay Service Manager Administration Console.

    XML Transformer

    Enabled by default, this option allows you to run the HipaaSplitterPreParser in standalone splitter mode. For example, if you use the false mode and reference the SREG for document version and document type, you can split and route documents before transformation. You can even route a document without transformation.

  5. In the Template field, enter %_^_HIPAA_XML.xch. The preparser obtains the message type and version information from the HIPAA input document. In the parameter, the character "%" represents the message type, and the character "^" represents the version.

    For example, if the message type of the HIPAA input document is 835, and the version is 004010X091A1, the constructed template name is 835_004010X091A1_HIPAA_XML.xch.

  6. Click Next.

    You are prompted for a name and optional description for the new preparser.

  7. Enter a name for the new preparser, for example, HipaaSplitter, and an optional description.
  8. Click Finish to add the preparser. In the next procedure, you will associate this preparser with an inlet.

Procedure: How to Define an Inlet

Now that you have added a File listener and splitter preparser to the Registry, you are ready to add and define an inlet. You will associate the previously created listener and preparser with the inlet.

  1. From the Registry menu options, select Inlets under Conduits.
  2. On the Inlet Definitions pane, click Add to add an inlet.
  3. On the New Inlet Definition pane, enter the name of the new inlet and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the inlet.



    Name *



    The file inlet contains the file listener and edi splitter preparser for Hipaa to XML processing

  4. On the Construct Inlet pane, click Add to associate the listener and preparser with the inlet. The next pane prompts you for the component type.
  5. Select Listener and click Next.

    The next pane prompts you to select a listener.

  6. Select HipaaToXML_Ebix, which is the listener you added earlier, and click Finish.

    The listener is associated with the inlet. Now you need to associate the preparser created earlier with the inlet.

  7. On the Construct Inlet pane, click Add.

    The next pane prompts you for the component type.

  8. Select Preparser and click Next.

    On the next pane, you are prompted to select a preparser.

  9. Select HipaaSplitter, which is the preparser you added earlier, and click Finish.

    You have now successfully completed definition of the inlet.

Defining a Route

A route defines the path a message takes through a channel.

The route for the channel for inbound processing consists of a process. A process is a stateless, lightweight, short-lived microflow executed by iWay Service Manager on a message as it passes through the system.

A service is an executed procedure that handles the business logic of a message. In this example, the process consists of two services:

First you will add the services to the Registry, then associate them with a new process, and, finally, associate the process with a new route.

Tip: To define a route using iWay Designer, see Defining a Route With iWay Designer.

Procedure: How to Add a Copy Service and an Acknowledgement Service
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Services.
  2. On the Services pane, click Add to add a service.

    You are prompted for the type of service you want to add.

  3. From the Type drop-down list, select Document copy (com.ibi.agents.XDCopyAgent) and click Next.
  4. On the configuration parameters pane. click Next to accept the default values (Delay of 0, no Comment).

    You are prompted for the name and an optional description for the new service.

  5. Enter the name CopyAgent and a description, and click Finish. The copy service is added to the Registry.
  6. To add the acknowledgement service, on the Services pane, click Add.

    You are prompted for the type of service.

  7. From the Type drop-down list, select HIPAAAckAgent (com.ibi.agents.XDHipaaAckAgent) and click Next.
  8. On the configuration parameters pane, click Next to accept the default values.

    You are prompted for the name and an optional description for the new service.

  9. Enter the name HipaaAckAgent and a description, and click Finish.

    The acknowledgement service is added to the Registry.

Procedure: How to Add a Process and Associate the Services With It
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Processes under Conduits.
  2. On the Process Definitions pane, click Add to add a process.
  3. On the New Process Definition pane, enter the name of the new process and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the process.



    Name *



    Hipaa to XML process which contains an Ack and copy agent service

  4. On the Construct Process pane, click Add to associate the copy and acknowledgement services with the process.

    You are prompted to associate services with the new process.

  5. Select HipaaAckAgent and CopyAgent, which are the services you added earlier, and click Finish.

    You will see that the services are added to the process.

  6. The acknowledgement service should be first in order. If necessary, reverse the order of the services using the arrow icon in the Move column.

Procedure: How to Add a Route and Associate the Process With It
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Routes.
  2. On the Route Definitions pane, click Add to add a route.
  3. On the New Route Definition pane, enter a name for the route and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish.



    Name *



    Simple Hipaa to XML route which contains an Ack and copy agent

  4. On the Construct Route pane, click Add.

    You are prompted for the type of component to associate with the route.

  5. Select Process and click Next.
  6. The next pane prompts you to select a process. Select the process you added earlier, HipaaToXML_Ebix, and click Finish.

    The route, with its associated process, has been successfully defined.

    Note: This is the simplest possible route to configure. In a real world scenario, most users will have more complex business logic.

Defining the Outlets

An outlet defines how a message leaves a channel. An emitter is a transport protocol that sends a document to its recipient. In the sample configuration, we will use a File emitter. For details on supported protocols, see the iWay Service Manager Protocol Guide.

For the channel in this example, you will add three emitters to the Registry. Then you will define three outlets, associating one emitter with each outlet.

When you associate the outlets with the channel in later steps, you will apply a condition to each one to dynamically direct the flow of the output document based on its content.

In the example, you will add:

Procedure: How to Add an Emitter for Valid XML Output
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Emitters.
  2. On the Emitters pane, click Add to add an emitter. The next pane prompts you for the emitter type.
  3. For this example, select File from the drop-down list and click Next.

    The configuration parameters pane opens.

  4. Supply configuration parameters for the new File emitter as follows, then click Next.



    Destination *


    This value is the directory where the valid XML output is placed.

    sreg(Hipaa.GoodOutput) is a special register value that uses a defined directory in which valid output files are stored after transformation.

    Make sure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment.

    SREG(basename) is a special register reserved by iWay Service Manager, which uses a file name without an extension. For more information on how to configure a special register (SREG), see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

    On output, an asterisk (*) in the destination file name is replaced by a date and time stamp.

    Since you are using the HipaaSplitterPreParser, include an asterisk in the file name to create each XML output file with a unique name.

    Create Directory


  5. On the Emitters pane, enter the name of the new emitter and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the emitter.



    Name *



    Hippa file output

Procedure: How to Add an Emitter for Acknowledgement Output
  1. On the Emitters pane, click Add to add another emitter. The next pane prompts you for the emitter type.
  2. For this example, select File from the drop-down list and click Next.

    The configuration parameters pane opens.

  3. Supply configuration parameters for the second File emitter as follows, then click Next.



    Destination *


    This value is the directory where the acknowledgement output is placed. You can use an extension other than .txt, for example, .edi or .data.

    sreg(Hipaa.Ack) is a special register value that uses a defined directory in which output files are stored after transformation.

    Make sure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment.

    On output, an asterisk (*) in the destination file name is replaced by a date and time stamp. For details on the special register (SREG) used in the preceding file name, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

    Create Directory


  4. On the Emitters pane, enter the name of the new emitter and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the emitter.



    Name *



    Hippa Acknowledgement Out

Procedure: How to Add an Emitter for Invalid XML Output
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Emitters.
  2. On the Emitters pane, click Add to add an emitter. The next pane prompts you for the emitter type.
  3. For this example, select File from the drop-down list and click Next.

    The configuration parameters pane opens.

  4. Supply configuration parameters for the new File emitter as follows, then click Next.



    Destination *


    This value is the directory where the invalid XML output is placed.

    sreg(Hipaa.BadOutput) is a special register value that uses a defined directory in which invalid output files are stored after transformation.

    Make sure that you have created this directory; otherwise, errors will occur during deployment.

    SREG(basename) is a special register reserved by iWay Service Manager, which uses a file name without an extension. For more information on how to configure a special register (SREG), see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

    On output, an asterisk (*) in the destination file name is replaced by a date and time stamp.

    Since you are using the HipaaSplitterPreParser, include an asterisk in the file name to create each XML output file with a unique name.

    Create Directory


  5. On the Emitters pane, enter the name of the new emitter and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the emitter.



    Name *



    Hipaa Bad Output File

Procedure: How to Define an Outlet for Acknowledgement Output

Now that you have added the required emitters to the Registry, you are ready to add and define the outlets. You will associate the previously created emitters with the outlets (one emitter for each outlet).

  1. From the Registry menu options, select Outlets.
  2. On the Outlet Definitions pane, click Add to add an outlet.
  3. On the New Outlet Definition pane, enter the name of the new outlet and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the outlet.



    Name *



    Outlet containing Hipaa Acknowledgement to be sent to your trading partner

  4. On the Construct Outlet pane, click Add to associate the acknowledgement emitter with the acknowledgement outlet.

    The next pane prompts you for the component type.

  5. Select Emitter and click Next.

    The next pane prompts you to select an emitter.

  6. Select HipaaAckOut, which is the acknowledgement emitter you added earlier, and click Finish.

    The acknowledgement emitter is associated with the acknowledgement outlet.

Procedure: How to Define an Outlet for Invalid XML Output
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Outlets.
  2. On the Outlet Definitions pane, click Add to add an outlet.
  3. On the New Outlet Definition pane, enter the name of the new outlet and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the outlet.



    Name *



    Outlet containing converted Hipaa data that failed rules validation

  4. On the Construct Outlet pane, click Add to associate the invalid XML output emitter with the invalid XML output outlet. The next pane prompts you for the component type.
  5. Select Emitter and click Next.

    The next pane prompts you to select an emitter.

  6. Select HipaaBadFileOut, which is the XML emitter you added earlier, and click Finish.

    The invalid XML output emitter is associated with the invalid XML output outlet.

Procedure: How to Define an Outlet for Valid XML Output
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Outlets.
  2. On the Outlet Definitions pane, click Add to add an outlet.
  3. On the New Outlet Definition pane, enter the name of the new outlet and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the outlet.



    Name *



    Outlet containing converted Hipaa data into XML format

  4. On the Construct Outlet pane, click Add to associate the valid XML output emitter with the valid XML output outlet.

    The next pane prompts you for the component type.

  5. Select Emitter and click Next.

    The next pane prompts you to select an emitter.

  6. Select HipaaFileOut, which is the XML emitter you added earlier, and click Finish.

    The valid XML output emitter is associated with the valid XML output outlet.

Defining a Channel

Now that you have defined the inlet, route, and outlets for the channel, you are ready to add the channel to the Registry and associate the conduits with it.

Procedure: How to Define a Channel
  1. From the Registry menu options, select Channels under Conduits.
  2. On the Channel Definitions pane, click Add to add a channel.
  3. On the New Channel Definition pane, enter the name of the new channel and an optional description, as shown in the following table. Then click Finish to add the channel.



    Name *



    Processing channel - Hipaa inbound data to XML. Channel uses SREG (Special Registers) to define destination paths. Ebix files should be attached to this channel before deployment.

  4. On the Construct Channel pane, click Add to associate the inlet, route, and outlets defined previously with the channel.

    You are prompted to associate components with the channel.

  5. Select Inlet and click Next. The next pane prompts you to select an inlet.
  6. Select HipaaToXML_Ebix, which is the inlet you defined earlier, and click Finish.

    The inlet is added to the channel. Now you need to associate the route defined earlier with the channel.

  7. On the Construct Channel pane, click Add.

    The next pane prompts you for the component type.

  8. Select Route and click Next.

    On the next pane, you are prompted to select a route.

  9. Select HipaaToXML_Ebix, which is the route created earlier, and click Finish.
  10. On the Construct Channel pane, click the minus sign (-) under Conditions next to the name of the route to set it as the default.

  11. On the Construct Channel pane, click Add to add the outlets.
  12. On the next pane, select Outlet and click Next.
  13. Select the three outlets defined earlier HipaaAckOut, HipaaBadFileOut, and HipaaFileOut.
  14. Click Finish.
  15. To set a condition for the outlets, on the Construct Channel pane, click the plus sign (+) under Conditions for the specific outlet.

    The Set Condition pane opens.

  16. In the Condition input field, enter the appropriate conditional expression, and click Update.

    The following table lists the expression that must be entered for each outlet.






    _isXML() AND COND(SREG(edi.ackstatus),NE,'A')


    _isXML() AND COND(SREG(edi.ackstatus),EQ,'A')

    For details on supported conditions, see the topic on using functions in the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

Procedure: How to Build the Channel
  1. From the Registry menu options on the left pane, select Channels under Conduits.
  2. On the Channel Definitions pane, select the channel defined previously, HipaaToXML_Ebix, and click Build.

    The results of the build are displayed on the right pane.

  3. Review the results of your build and then click Back.

    If an error or errors are displayed in the Message column, take the appropriate action as instructed.

Procedure: How to Deploy the Channel

Deployment is the mechanism by which a channel moves from being stored in the Registry to becoming active in iWay Service Manager. For more information on deployment, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

  1. Select the Deployments option in the blue shaded area below the iWay Service Manager banner.
  2. On the Channel Management pane, click Deploy.

  3. On the Available Channels pane, select the channel you defined previously, HipaaToXML_Ebix, and click Deploy.

    The Channel Management pane reopens.

  4. Select HipaaToXML_Ebix and click Start.

    The red X under Status changes to a green check mark to indicate that the channel has been started. If an error or errors are displayed, take the appropriate action as instructed.

Procedure: How to Verify the Channel

To make sure that the channel is working as expected, perform the following steps:

  1. Place a HIPAA document as test data in the C:\file_in\hipaa directory. This is the path in which HIPAA messages are received, which you specified for the listener associated with the inlet for the channel.

    The following table contains a link to the HIPAA input document that is attached to this PDF and can be used to verify your channel.

    HIPAA Input Document



    Note: You can also view this file in Sample HIPAA Files.

  2. Check for the XML file in the c:\file_out\hipaa\good directory and the functional acknowledgement in the C:\file_out\hipaa\ack directory. This is the destination path you specified for the emitters associated with the outlets for the channel. The listener will detect the presence of the file in the input directory, and the copy service will copy it to the output directory, replacing the asterisk in the file name with a time stamp.

    The following table contains a link to the sample XML output document that is attached to this PDF and can be used to verify your output.

    XML Output Document



    Note: You can also view this file in Sample HIPAA Files.

    The following table contains a link to the sample functional acknowledgement document that is attached to this PDF and can be used to verify your output.

    Functional Acknowledgement Document



    Note: You can also view this file in Sample HIPAA Files.

Top of page

Reusing Your Channel Configuration

Using the Archive Manager feature of iWay Service Manager, you can archive your channel configuration with its associated components and import them into another Registry. They will then be available from that Registry for modification or reuse.

For details on this feature, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.

iWay Software