EDI in Dictionary Builder

In this section:

This section provides practical instructions for modifying a dictionary in the EDI data format using the Dictionary Builder interface. For more information on EDI and how to process EDI documents using iWay Service Manager, see the iWay Integration Solution for EDI User's Guide.

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The metadata components required for any iWay project in which EDI is the input or output data format are dictionary structure and header.

Because these metadata components provide XML representation of a specific EDI transaction, you must create the dictionary to exactly match the structure of the specific transaction.

To open the standard EDI X12 Ebix Entry project that is presented as an example in this section, download the X12_4010 package from the following Web site, which is hosted and maintained by iWay Software:


When you open the X12_4010 package using iWay Transformer, ensure that you select the Ebix Entry for 850 (Purchase Order) message.

The instructions in this section assume that you are familiar with EDI, XML, and the specific EDI transaction with which you are working. The Dictionary Builder facility enables you to design the EDI metadata without having to manually write or edit XML syntax. This section demonstrates how your metadata is being generated from the graphical structure in Dictionary Builder.

Be careful when making modifications to documents in Dictionary Builder. Published document standards allow documents to be traded easily between trading partners by establishing and agreeing to document footprints. If you add an element or segment, your partner may not be able to read your document. If you decide to allow a qualifier that is not in the published standard, your partner may reject your document for non-compliance. There are several commercial products available that can read and validate EDI documents. You should validate all data after transformation to be sure that it is still standards-compliant.

Dictionary Builder uses a combination of the following components to represent the structure of a dictionary:



Transaction Set

Message type described in the dictionary, which contains a combination of loops and segments. Transaction sets cannot repeat.

Note: The Transaction Set cannot be empty. It must include at least one segment or loop.


Logical group of segments or loops. A loop can repeat within the document.


Token of the document, which can contain data elements and composite elements. A segment can repeat within the loop.

Composite Element

Logical data element contained in the segment. It can contain the component elements and can repeat within the segment.


Component value contained in the segment.

Component Element

Component value contained in the composite element.

Note: EDI dictionary headers are written using the same guidelines that are provided here for dictionary components, but without the Transaction Set node.

The hierarchy of a Transaction Set is outlined in the following diagram.

Note: The arrows on the diagram indicate an aggregation (also called "has-a") type of relationship between a Transaction Set and its subordinate components, Segments, and Loops. The numbers indicate the minimum and maximum number of components allowed for the EDI message.

The hierarchy of a Segment is outlined in the following diagram.

Note: The arrows on the diagram indicate an aggregation (also called "has-a") type of relationship between a Segment and its subordinate components, Elements, Composite Elements, and Component Elements. The numbers indicate the minimum and maximum number of components allowed for the EDI message.

The hierarchy of a Loop is outlined in the following diagram.

Note: The arrows on the diagram indicate an aggregation (also called "has-a") type of relationship between a Loop and its subordinate components, Loop and Segment. The numbers indicate the minimum and maximum number of components allowed for the EDI message.

The following image shows the layout of standard dictionary EDI X12 4010 850 (Purchase Order) as displayed on the Layout pane of the Dictionary Builder interface. You can customize the layout according to your requirements.

Note: To view the properties of a dictionary component node in the Layout pane, right-click the node and select Properties from the context menu, as shown in the following image.

Alternatively, you can double-click the node to view the properties.

The Component Node Properties window opens.

After you finish viewing the dictionary component node properties, click OK to return to the Layout pane.


The necessary set of comments for your metadata are included automatically by Transformer when you build your dictionary using the Dictionary Builder interface, for example:

<!-- Title = EDI Transaction Dictionary by Transaction Set -->
<!-- Transaction = 276 Health Care Claim Status Request -->

Comments do not affect your overall EDI structure. As with any XML document, a comment must begin with <!-- and end with -->. A comment can contain any sequence of characters except the double hyphen (--), which is only permitted to close the comment.

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The EDI node is located at the Root of your structure's hierarchy. The following table lists attribute properties for the EDI node, and indicates which properties are necessary to be defined in compliance with the iWay EDI specification.











Note: The Type attribute specifies the encoding type of your EDI transaction document. The default encoding type is ASCII.

In the following image, the EDI node is displayed in the Layout pane of Dictionary Builder. The Item Properties pane on the bottom provides a list of attribute properties for the EDI node.

To modify an attribute's value, double-click the corresponding row in the Value column.

Transaction Set

The Transaction Set node is always positioned as a child object of the EDI node. The following table lists the corresponding attribute properties for the Transaction Set.







Optionally, you can insert the information for your own reference into the value for the Note attribute.

For example, for a standard dictionary of the EDI X12 4010 850 (Purchase Order) transaction, the Transaction Set opening tag (node) would be defined in the syntax with values for the Name (850) and Description (Purchase Order) attribute properties.

In the following image, the Transaction Set node is shown in the Layout pane of Dictionary Builder. The Item Properties pane on the bottom provides a list of attribute properties for the highlighted 850 Transaction Set node.

To modify an attribute's value, double-click the corresponding row in the Value column.


A Segment node is always a child element of either a Transaction Set or Loop node. The following table lists the corresponding attributes for the Segment node.











The Name attribute provides a two or three character length value that identifies the Segment in the dictionary document tree node, for example, DTM.

The Description attribute provides a description of the Segment node, for example, Date/Time Reference.

The Req attribute defines the requirement for the occurence of the segment, which can be either 'M' (mandatory), 'O' (optional), or 'N' (not used).

The MaxUse attribute sets the maximum allowed number of occurrences of the Segment, which is set to null if the Segment is allowed to exist an indefinite number of times.

Two optional attributes, Note and Type exist for the Segment node. A value supplied to Note contains information you can supply for your own reference. When multiple loops with the same name exist in your transaction, the type attribute is used to differentiate between the loops. For more information, see Segment Type Attribute.

For example, if you wish to add an ST segment, (Transaction Set Header), which is mandatory and can only occur once, the Segment opening tag (node) would be defined in the syntax with values for the Name, Description, Req, and MaxUse attributes.

In the following image, the highlighted ST Segment node is shown in the Layout pane of Dictionary Builder. The Item Properties pane on the bottom provides a list of attribute properties for the ST Segment.

To modify an attribute's value, double-click the corresponding row in the Value column and type the new value.

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Segment Type Attribute

The Type attribute is used to define a rule on a segment that has the same first segment. For example, your dictionary may have sibling loops 2000A and 2000B that both have a segment with ID="HL" as their first child segment. In this case, the Type attribute has to be added to these HL segments in order to determine which loop of the input data they belong to.

The Type attribute specifies a condition that is always true for the segment to which it belongs and is unique to the loop the segment is contained in. The condition could contain information about one of the segment elements, such as its value or whether this element exists in the segment. If the condition is based on the existence of a child element value, it can be entered in either of the two following ways:

If the condition is based on the value of a child element, it can be entered in either of the two following ways:

For example, you may know that the third element of segment HL always has value '20' for loop 2000A and always has value '21' for loop 2000B. In this case, you would add Type="03=='20'" to segment HL in loop 2000A and Type="03=='21'" to segment HL in loop 2000B.

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A Loop node is always positioned as a child object of either a Transaction Set node or another Loop node. The following table lists the corresponding attribute properties for the Loop.













The MaxUse attribute is set to null if the loop is allowed to repeat an infinite number of times. Optionally, you can add a Req attribute, which value would determine whether the particular loop is required to be present in this position within the message. The values for Req can be either 'M' (mandatory), 'O' (optional), or 'N' (not used). If you do not specify this attribute, the loop is considered optional by default.

For example, if you create a loop with the Name SG0 that can be repeated as many times as required, the Loop opening tag (node) would be defined in the syntax with value “SG0” for the Name and value “99999” for MaxUse attributes.


An Element node is always a child element of a Segment node. The following table lists the corresponding attributes for the Element node.
















The Name attribute supplies a numerical value based on the Element position within its parent segment.

Elements and Composite Element Names are given as ID values sequentially within their parent segment. For example, if a segment contains the sequence of two Elements, one Composite Element, followed by another Element, the respective ID values for these components would be 01, 02, 03, and 04.

The Description attribute provides a description for the Element node.

The Req attribute defines the requirement for the occurence of this element within the parent segment.

It must have values of either 'M' (mandatory), 'O' (optional), or 'N' (not used). For more information, see Req: Conditional Requirement.

The MinLength attribute sets the minimum length permitted for the Element.

The MaxLength attribute sets the maximum length permitted for the value of the Element.

The Pad attribute allows you to enable or disable padding by selecting True or False from the drop-down list.

The PadChar attribute allows you to specify the character that will be used for padding, for example, an underscore character “_”. This attribute is used only if padding is enabled.

The Align attribute allows you specify the alignment of the padding by selecting Left or Right from the drop-down list.

The Type attribute specifies the type of the value to be contained within the Element node.

The attribute can take one of the following values:

Req: Conditional Requirement

If the requirement for the occurence of an Element or Composite Element depends upon the outcome of another condition, then its Req attribute must be defined as a conditional requirement. This requirement always evaluates to one of 'M' (mandatory), 'O' (optional), or 'N' (not used). A conditional requirement must be supplied in the following way:

condition, trueReq, falseReq

A condition is comprised of terms, relational operators, and conditional operators. Terms can be either sibling element IDs (for example, 04 or 12), or constant values (for example, 3 or foo).

Relational Operators

The following table describes the relational operators supported for EDI conditional requirements, gives an example of each, and indicates when an operator returns "true."




Returns true if


Is equal to


Sibling element 01 has a value equal to 'A'.


Is not equal to


Sibling element 02 has a value not equal to '9'.


Is greater than


Sibling element 03 has a value greater than '81'.


Is less than


Sibling element 04 has a value less than '729'.

Conditional Operators: Listed From Highest to Lowest Precedence

The following table describes the conditional operators, gives an example of each, and indicates when an operator returns "true."




Returns true if


Sibling element with given ID exists


Value exists for sibling element 0.1.




Value does not exist for sibling element 02 (value is null).


See note*



Values exists for both sibling elements 03 and 11.




Value exists for either sibling element 08 or 26, or both values exist.

Note: &amp;&amp; replaces the standard logic operator “&&” due to the special character status given to the “&” character in XML.

You apply the trueReq requirement if the given condition evaluates to true. This can only take the value 'M', 'O', or 'N' and cannot be the same as the value given to falseReq.

You apply the falseReq requirement if the given condition evaluates to false. This can only take the value 'M', 'O', or 'N' and cannot be the same as the value given to trueReq.

Composite Element

A Composite Element node is always a child element of a Segment node. The following table lists the corresponding attributes for the Composite Element node.








The Name attribute is a numerical value based on the Composite Element position within its parent segment.

Elements and Composite Elements are given ID values sequentially within their parent segment. For example, in a segment containing two Elements, one Composite Element, and another Element, the respective ID values would be 01, 02, 03, and 04.

The Description attribute provides a description for the Composite Element node.

The Req attrribute defines the requirement, which can be either 'M' (mandatory), 'O' (optional), or 'N' (not used).

For example, if you need to add a mandatory Composite Element whose name is "Composite Medical Procedure Identifier" as the first child in a segment, the Composite Element opening node would be defined with particular attributes for the Name, Description, and Req attributes, as displayed in the following image. The Item Properties pane on the bottom provides a list of attribute properties for the 01 Composite Element node.

To modify an attribute's value, double-click the corresponding row in the Value column and type the new value.

Component Element

A Component Element node is always a child element of a Composite Element node. The following table lists the corresponding attributes for the Component Element node.



















Optionally, you can add an attribute, Note, whose value contains information for your own reference.

The Name attribute is a numerical value based on the Component Element position within its parent Composite Element.

For example, the first Component Element must have ID="01" and the fourth must have ID="04".

The Description attribute provides a description for the Component Element node.

The Req attribute defines the requirement.

It must be either 'M' (mandatory), 'O' (optional), 'N' (not used), or a conditional requirement. For more information, see Req: Conditional Requirement.

The Type specifies the type of content that the Component Element node can hold. The permitted values are:

The MinLength attribute sets the minimum length permitted for the Component Element content.

The MaxLength attribute sets the maximum length permitted for the Component Element content.

The Pad attribute allows you to enable or disable padding by selecting True or False from the drop-down list.

The PadChar attribute allows you to specify the character that will be used for padding, for example, an underscore character “_”. This attribute is used only if padding is enabled.

The Align attribute allows you specify the alignment of the padding by selecting Left or Right from the drop-down list.

For example, if you want to add an optional Component Element that has alphanumeric content with minimum and maximum lengths of two, and whose name is "Procedure Modifier" as the first element in a Composite Element, the Component Element tag (node) would be defined in the syntax with values for the required attributes.

A Component Element tag (node) cannot contain any children.

In the following image, the 01 Component Element node is displayed in the Layout pane of Dictionary Builder. The Item Properties pane on the bottom provides a list of attribute properties for the 01 Component Element node.

To modify an attribute's value, double-click the corresponding row in the Value column and type the new value.

iWay Software