Obtaining a Personalized FLICENSE File

How to:

FOCUS will not start unless it detects a valid ERRORS file named FLICENSE. FOCUS ships with a default FLICENSE file so that all customers can run FOCUS out of the box. However, even though FOCUS will run without a personalized FLICENSE file, it will not have the necessary information to display the correct site CODE and CPU ID, and certain features will not work. For example, the site code displayed in the banner by the default FLICENSE file will be the default value, SITE.ID, as opposed to the actual site code.

Note: If you have a personalized FLICENSE file from a prior release, that file is no longer valid. You must obtain a new FLICENSE file for the current release.

You must obtain a personalized FLICENSE file for your site as soon as possible. To get the valid FLICENSE file, contact the Customer Support Services (CSS) staff. You can either open a case at http://techsupport.informationbuilders.com/iro/newcase.jsp or call them at (800) 736-6130 or (212) 736-6130. Customer Support Consultants are available Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. EST.

The license file will be generated by CSS and emailed to you. You can then replace the default FLICENSE file with your personalized FLICENSE file.

The FLICENSE file must be a member of the ERRNLS.DATA library.

The default license file:

In addition, the site code and CPU ID values are derived from the personalized FLICENSE file. The FOCSITE, REGCPUID, and REGCPUIN jobs that were required to install these values in prior releases are no longer distributed or supported.

You should obtain a personalized license file as soon as possible and install it using the instructions in How to Download and Install the FLICENSE File.

The personalized license file will contain:

Procedure: How to Download and Install the FLICENSE File

Prior to contacting CSS to obtain a license file, have the following information available:

  • The model numbers of all the processors on which FOCUS will run. For example, IBM 3907-W04.
  • The number and type of processors on each CPU. For example, the number of general and zIIP processors that will run FOCUS. For example, 5 GPs, 2 zIIPs.
  • Your site code. For example, 1234.56.
  • Will your site use the zIIP, active reports, and/or FOCLOG features.
  1. Contact CSS to obtain the personalized FLICENSE file for your site.

    You can either open a case at http://techsupport.informationbuilders.com/iro/newcase.jsp or call them at (800) 736-6130 or (212) 736-6130. Customer Support Consultants are available Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. EST.

    CSS will send you an e-mail that has the FLICENSE file as an attachment named flicense.txt.

  2. Save the attachment to the hard drive on your PC.
  3. Change directories on your PC to the location in which you saved the attachment.
  4. Issue the FTP command from a command window on your PC or use a GUI FTP tool to transfer the file to z/OS:
    ftp your_mainframe_DNS_name



    Is the IP address or DNS name of your mainframe system.

  5. Enter the user ID on your mainframe system that will receive the FLICENSE file:
    ftp> open your_mainframe_DNS_name Connected to your_mainframe_DNS_name.
    220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V1R8 at your_mainframe_DNS_name, 16:13:11 on 2009-09-02.
    220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.
    User (your_mainframe_DNS_name:(none)): userid
  6. Enter the password of your mainframe user ID (the password will not display):
    331 Send password please.

    The following message indicates that you have successfully logged into your mainframe system and can issue FTP commands:

    230 userid is logged on.  Working directory is "userid.".
  7. Establish ASCII mode transfer:
    ftp> ascii

    The following message indicates that ASCII mode has been established, and FTP is waiting for a command:

    200 Representation type is Ascii NonPrint
  8. Transfer the FLICENSE file from your PC to a physical sequential file on the mainframe user ID:
    ftp> put flicense.txt 'userid.flicense.errors'

    The following messages indicate that the transfer was successful:

    200 Port request OK.
    125 Storing data set userid.FLICENSE.ERRORS
    250 Transfer completed successfully.
    ftp: 9105 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 9105000.00Kbytes/sec.
  9. Exit the FTP session:
    ftp> quit
    221 Quit command received. Goodbye.
  10. Copy the transferred file to the correct location.

    Use ISPF to copy the physical sequential file to the ERRNLS.DATA library as member FLICENSE, replacing the default member that was shipped with FOCUS.

    If CONFIRM is ON, you get the following message indicating that the from file (a physical sequential file) has different data set attributes from the to file (a PDS member):

    Data set attributes are inconsistent. Truncation may result in the right-most portion of some "from" records if COPY is performed.

    Press Enter to complete the copy operation.

Information Builders