In this section: |
This section describes the Teradata SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES and SET TRANSACTION commands. The SET AUTOCLOSE command is also supported and is described in Controlling Connection Scope.
The adapter SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES command enables users to identify themselves to the Teradata RDBMS. When users issue the command at the beginning of FOCUS sessions, the RDBMS verifies their authorization to access tables and views.
Note: DBCLOGON is a synonym for CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES, supported for compatibility with earlier releases of the adapter.
The SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES command must be issued before any DBC/SQL commands or FOCUS requests that require Teradata services. Internally, the adapter stores the Teradata logon ID and password in the user's virtual storage space and the DBC authorization process is deferred until a subsequent command for Teradata services is executed. The adapter initiates the logon immediately prior to executing the user's request for Teradata services.
The SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES command may be issued from the FOCUS command level or be included in the users' PROFILE FOCEXEC. The syntax is
SQL [SQLDBC] SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES [tdpid/]tuserid,tpassword [;]
Is the Teradata Director Program ID (TDP ID). Valid values are site-specific and release-dependent:
Note: Specifying a TDP ID may not be necessary at your site. Contact your database administrator for your site's requirements.
Is your Teradata user ID, up to 30 characters long.
Is the associated Teradata password, up to 30 characters long.
If the SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES command is rejected, a Teradata error message appears and the user should resubmit the command with correct information.
For additional security, a Dialogue Manager procedure may be designed as an alternative to the PROFILE FOCEXEC method. Using -CRTFORM or -PROMPT statements, adapter users are prompted for the Teradata password and the value is stored in a variable. The -CRTFORM statement also provides a non-display option. For information about Dialogue Manager, see your documentation on developing applications.
How to: |
You can control the transaction mode of a Teradata connection by issuing the SET TRANSACTION command.
To set the transaction mode of a Teradata connection, issue the following command in any profile or in a procedure
Sets the Teradata connection to the ANSI transaction mode. This is the default for a CLI connection.
Sets the Teradata connection to the Teradata transaction mode (also known as the BTET transaction mode).
For ODBC connections only. Sets the Teradata connection to the Teradata system default transaction mode. This is the default for an ODBC connection.
For more information about how the Teradata system default is determined, see your Teradata documentation.
Note: The connection scope is different when setting the transaction mode for ODBC and CLI connections.
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