Introduction to the Adapter for CA-IDMS


The Adapter for CA-IDMS/DB supports facilities for handling traditional network record-types, and Logical Records (LR).

The remainder of this manual will use the following terms interchangeably:

  • CA-IDMS/DB data source and IDMS data source.
  • Adapter for CA-IDMS and Adapter for IDMS.

When end users issue FOCUS requests to access IDMS data sources, the Adapter for IDMS generates the most efficient DML calls to satisfy this request. The Adapter for IDMS retrieves the IDMS records, and FOCUS generates the reports. End users do not need to know Data Manipulation Language (DML) or how to navigate IDMS data sources.

The Adapter for IDMS supports all FOCUS read-only facilities such as reporting (TABLE, TABLEF, TABLETALK), creating graphs (GRAPH), statistical analysis (ANALYSE), interactive procedures (Dialogue Manager), and a system editor (TED). You can also report from multiple data sources (using MATCH FILE or JOIN) and create extract files. This is a read-only adapter. Therefore, write-only facilities such as MODIFY and FSCAN are not supported.

Information Builders