In this section: |
To start AUTOIDMS, enter the FOCUS environment and issue the following command at the FOCUS prompt:
AUTOIDMS allocates some temporary data sets.
Next, the Main Menu opens. (At this point, if you saved data sets/files in a previous session, you are prompted with the Restart Screen. See How to Restart AUTOIDMS for more information.
The following is an example of the AUTOIDMS Main Menu. User entries are in lowercase.
Main Menu Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R Information Builders, Inc. IDMS Subschema Name to be Used =====> Master Filename ====================> DBName ====> DictName ====> Secondary Dictionary=> ( ) Description will be a member of: Master Target PDS => USERID.MASTER.DATA Access Target PDS => USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA Replace Existing Description? ===> N (Y/N) Exclude Comments from MFD? ===> N (Y/N) Exclude Description from MFD? ===> N (Y/N) Exclude Occurs for MFD? ===> N (Y/N) Field Information Use Record ID Suffix in Name? ===> Y (Y/N) Start with Element Name Position => 1 (1-32) for a Total Length of => 32 (1-32) Describe Numeric Displays as => A (N-Numeric,A-A lpha) Parm File => USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA PF1=Help PF3=Exit PF4=Log PF5=TED MFD PF6=TED AFD PF9=Picture PF10=List
On the Main Menu, provide information about the subschema to be described, a Master File name to use in report requests, and target data sets for the descriptions generated. The field information parameters allow you to customize the field name attributes produced by AUTOIDMS.
Specify the following information on the AUTOIDMS Main Menu:
Enter the 1- to 8-character subschema name that you wish to describe. The subschema must already exist in the Data Dictionary.
Enter the 1- to 8-character name that you will use to refer to the data in all requests. (This name must be a valid member name.)
IDMS database name. Required when DictName is entered
IDMS data dictionary.
Dictionary suffix for the IDMSIDD. A indicates ascending, D indicates descending sort order.
Enter the fully qualified data set name of the Master File PDS where the Master File will be stored. Do not use quotation marks in the data set name.
Enter the fully qualified data set name of the Access File PDS where the Access File will be stored. Do not use quotation marks in the data set name.
Enter N if you do not want to overwrite an existing Master File/Access File. Enter Y if you wish to replace a Master File/Access File that already exists on disk.
Enter Y to exclude commented entries from the Master File. AUTOIDMS will comment non-supported dictionary entries such as re-defined elements, groups within groups, and 88 level elements. Enter N to retain the commented elements.
Enter Y to exclude the $DESC=entry from the Master File. Enter N to include the description (excluding comments will also exclude the description).
Enter N to describe repeating fields as OCCURS segments. Enter Y to describe repeating fields that have a fixed number of occurrences as separate fields in the same segment as the non-repeating fields.
Enter Y to use the record element synonym name as the FIELDNAME (using SYN-NAM-083 from the dictionary). Enter N to use the primary element name as the FIELDNAME (using DR-NAM-042). The synonym name contains the schema record ID as a suffix (for example, STATUS-0415). The primary name does not (for example, STATUS). Excluding the record ID suffix may cause duplicate names when more than one record is described.
Enter the starting position of the element name to be used as the first character in the FIELDNAME. By increasing the starting position, you may strip off common prefixes from the element name.
Enter the number of characters of the element name to be used in the FIELDNAME. Entering 32, for example, will use the entire element name (when the starting position is 1). When the starting position is greater than 1, the FIELDNAME length will be the smaller of the total length provided on the Main Menu or the remaining length of the element name.
Using a length less than 32 may cause truncation of the field name and duplicate field names in the resulting Master File.
Enter N to have elements with an IDMS DISPLAY of PIC 9(n) described as numeric values with USAGE=In in the Master File. Enter A to have elements with an IDMS DISPLAY of PIC 9(n) described as alphanumeric with USAGE=An in the Master File.
If you intend to use COBOL numeric displays for summing or mathematical equations, use the Numeric option. If you intend to use these elements for display only, use the Alphanumeric option. If these elements are part of a GROUP field, you may want to use the Alphanumeric option so that the GROUP field will be described for easy access in the Master File.
The following functions are available from the Main Menu using the PF keys:
Press PF1 to display an extensive online help facility; much of the text of this document is available using this function.
Press PF3 to exit AUTOIDMS.
Press PF4 to save your customized default values for the Main Menu to disk. These will be saved in member IDMS$PRM in the parm data set shown on the menu. This data set will be the PDS preallocated to ddname IDMS$PRM, 'userid.FOCIDMS.DATA', or the first data set allocated to ddname FOCIDMS (see Search Order for the AUTOIDMS Parameter Log File for further details). Parameter logging assumes that the user has write access to the target data set. An attempt to log parameters to a data set without write access will result in a security abend.
The following information will be logged:
All validations must pass before the default values are logged.
Press PF5 or PF6 to edit (using TED) the Master or Access File, respectively, entered in Master File name on the Main Menu.This will select the member in the data set named in either MASTER TARGET PDS or ACCESS TARGET PDS. These files did not have to be created with AUTOIDMS to edit them.
Press PF9 to generate a diagram of the structure of the file entered in Master File name. After the picture is displayed, type in any character and press Enter. The Master name must be a member of a data set allocated to DDNAME MASTER to generate the picture (the MASTER TARGET PDS is not used).
Leave the subschema name blank and press PF10 to display a list of all subschemas described in the IDMS Data Dictionary. A subset of the list can be generated by entering a partial name with wild card characters.
An underscore (_) may be used as a mask to select any character in the position used. The percent sign (%) may be used as a mask to select any sequence of zero or more characters.
All validations must pass in order to use these PFkey options.
Enter the appropriate values on the initial screen, and press Enter. AUTOIDMS will inform you that it is accessing the IDMS Integrated Data Dictionary by issuing the following message:
**======================================================** ** AUTOIDMS is retrieving information from IDD ** ** Please wait... ** **======================================================**
This message is only displayed during the first retrieval in an AUTOIDMS session, or when the subschema criteria have changed since the previous retrieval (within the session). AUTOIDMS will not access the dictionary a second time for the same immediate subschema in a single session.
When subschema information retrieval has been completed, the Root Record Selection Screen will be displayed.
The Root Record Selection is used to choose the first record of the selected subschema to be described. It will be the root segment in the generated Master File.
The following is the Root Record Selection screen for the EMPSS01 subschema. User entries are in lowercase:
Subschema :EMPSS01 Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R Master :TEST ==Root Record Selection== Dictionary: Place an 'X' next to the record to be the root of the Master X Record Name Index Type Calc? ID - ----------- ---------- ----- -- COVERAGE NONE N 0400 DENTAL-CLAIM NONE N 0405 DEPARTMENT NONE Y 0410 x EMPLOYEE INTEGRATED Y 0415 EMPOSITION NONE N 0420 EXPERTISE NONE N 0425 HOSPITAL-CLAIM NONE N 0430 INSURANCE-PLAN NONE Y 0435 JOB INTEGRATED Y 0440 NON-HOSP-CLAIM NONE N 0445 OFFICE NONE Y 0450 SKILL INTEGRATED Y 0455 PF1=Help PF3=End PF7=Up PF8=Down
Type X at the record desired and press Enter to select the root.
It is recommended that the root record-type have a set relationship with a CALC or index field. Record-types with logical (CALC or index-based) relationships require special attention (see Special Considerations for AUTOIDMS for further details).
Once the root is selected, the Record/Set Selection screen will be displayed for set based records that participate in a set. For records that are not part of a set, or for LRF records, the description will be generated and the Main Menu will be redisplayed.
The Root Record Selection Screen displays the following information:
Subschema | Subschema name provided on the Main Menu. |
Master | Master File name provided on the Main Menu. |
X | Select the record to be chosen as the root by placing an X in this column. |
Record Name | Record name from the IDMS Data Dictionary. LRF records will have ',LR=Y' appended to the record name. |
Index Type | Indicates the type of index on the record. Values are NONE (no index), INTEGRATED, or blank (LRF records). |
Calc? | Indicates whether a CALC field exists. Values are N (no), Y (yes), or blank (LRF records). |
ID | The IDMS record ID. For LRF records the value is LRF. |
The following functions are available from the Root Record Selection screen using the PF keys:
Press PF1 to display an extensive online help facility. Much of the text of this document is available using this function.
Press PF3 to exit the file description generator and return to the Main Menu.
Press PF7 to scroll the record list backward; press PF8 to scroll the record list forward.
When the root record has been selected, the Record/Set Selection Screen will be displayed.
The Record/Set Selection Screen is used to choose the descendants of the record shown on the top of the screen.
The following shows the Record/Set Selection Screen for record EMPLOYEE, which was chosen as the root. User entries are in lowercase.
Subschema :EMPSS01 Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R Segments Dictionary: Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0415_01 Record: EMPLOYEE Parent: Set: Owner/ Own No. X Record Name Set Name Member Ptr Occ - ----------- -------- ------ --- --- x DEPARTMENT DEPT-EMPLOYEE O Y COVERAGE EMP-COVERAGE M Y EMPOSITION EMP-EMPOSITION M Y x EXPERTISE EMP-EXPERTISE M Y STRUCTURE MANAGES M Y x OFFICE OFFICE-EMPLOYEE O Y 1 STRUCTURE REPORTS-TO M Y PF1=Help PF2=Restart PF3=End PF4=None PF5=Picture PF7=Up PF8=Down
Type X next to the records you want to describe as descendants and press Enter. Press PF4 if none of the records/sets are to be described as descendants of the record listed at the top of the screen.
In the previous sample, the EMPLOYEE record-type is the current record-type. Its segment name is S0415_01. Relationship-types for EMPLOYEE vary. For example, DEPARTMENT acts as the owner of EMPLOYEE in the DEPT-EMPLOYEE set, while EXPERTISE acts as the member in EMP-EXPERTISE set.
The record relationships will be described in top down, left to right order. Initially, this screen will display the records and sets that the root record participates in. Then, it will show the records/sets of the first selection of the previous screen. This continues until the selected record does not participate in any other sets or the user selects no descendant records (by pressing PF4). Then the records/sets of the second selection of the previous screen are shown for selection. Once all possible descendant selections have been exhausted, the description will be generated and the Main Menu will be redisplayed.
The Record/Set Selection Screen displays the following information:
Subschema | Subschema name provided on the Main Menu. |
Master | Master File name provided on the Main Menu. |
Segments Left | The number of records (including OCCURS) segments that can still be described. |
Segname | The segment name for the record displayed (generated by AUTOIDMS). |
Record | The name of the record already described on a previous screen for which the records/sets are being displayed. |
Parent | The parent of the record shown. This is displayed to illustrate the top down order of the selection process. |
Set | Set name that relates the displayed record and its parent (blank for the root segment). |
X | Select the records to be chosen as descendants by placing an X in this column. |
Record Name | Record name related (using Set Name) to the record shown above. |
Set Name | Set name that relates the record on this line with the record shown above. The set will not appear in this list. |
Owner/Member | Indicates whether the record on this line is the owner (O) or member (M) of this set. |
Own Ptr | Owner pointer indicator. Y indicates that the member record has a pointer to the owner of the set. Generally, do not select descendant sets where the Owner/Member flag is O and the owner pointer is N unless the member record chain is short. (GET OWNER calls are issued to retrieve these relationships and can adversely effect data retrieval efficiency.) |
No. Occ | Number of OCCURS (repeating groups) described in this record. |
The following functions are available from the Record/Set Selection Screen using the PF keys:
Press PF1 to display an extensive online help facility. Much of the text of this document is available using this function.
Press PF2 to cancel all previous selections and restart the Master File generation process at the Root Record Selection Screen.
Press PF3 to exit the file description generator and return to the Main Menu.
Press PF4 if you do not wish to describe any of the displayed record/sets as descendants of the current record.
Press PF5 at any time to generate a diagram of the structure of the data source being described.
Note that the description will be created on disk (and will remain there even if the program is ended with PF3).
After the picture is displayed, type any character and press the Enter key. The target Master PDS must be allocated to DDNAME MASTER to generate the picture. If a member exists with the Master name selected in a data set concatenated in front of the target data set, the picture will be generated from that member.
Press PF7 to scroll the record list backward; press PF8 to scroll the record list forward.
Information Builders |