How to: |
The dataSubset properties define the range of data to draw in the chart. They can be used with the interaction properties (for example, mouseDrag: pan) to define the range of data that is visible following a mouseDrag interaction.
dataSubset: { startGroup: number, stopGroup: number, }
Is a zero-based starting group number to show. The default value is undefined.
Is a zero-based number identifying the first group that should not be shown. The default value is undefined.
The following request uses Dialogue Manager variables to enable the user to specify the data subset to draw:
GRAPH FILE WFLITE SUM COGS_US GROSS_PROFIT_US REVENUE_US DISCOUNT_US ACROSS PRODUCT_CATEGORY ON GRAPH HOLD FORMAT JSCHART ON GRAPH SET LOOKGRAPH VBAR ON GRAPH SET STYLE * INCLUDE=ENDEFLT,$ *GRAPH_JS title: {visible: true, text: 'Start Group: &startg, Stop Group: &stopgp ', color:'blue'}, dataSubset: {startGroup:'&startg', stopGroup:'&stopgp'} *END ENDSTYLE END
When the request is run, the user enters the start group number and the stop group number, in this case 0 and 4.
The following chart is generated that shows groups 0 through 3:
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