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The chartFrame property defines the fill color and border of the chart frame.
The chart frame encloses the visual area of the chart. It does not enclose the axis labels, the legend, or the chart title, subtitle, and footnote,
chartFrame: { fill: { color: color }, border: { width: number, color: ‘string’, dash: 'string' }, shadow: boolean}
Is the fill color. Can be:
A color string, enclosed in single quotation marks, specifying a name or numeric specification string, or a gradient defined by a string. The default value is 'transparent'.
A JSON object that defines a gradient.
For information about specifying colors and gradients, see Colors and Gradients.
Defines the properties of the frame border
Is the width of the frame border in pixels. The default value is zero (no border).
Is the color of the border around the frame. Can be:
A color string, enclosed in single quotation marks, specifying a name or numeric specification string, or a gradient defined by a string. The default value is 'transparent'.
A JSON object that defines a gradient.
Is a string that defines the dash style of the border. The default value is '' (a solid line). Use a string of numbers that defines the width of a dash in pixels followed by the width of the gap between dashes in pixels (for example, dash: '1 1' draws a dotted line).
Multiple dashes can be defined within the string (for example, '2 4 4 2'), in which case, the dashes alternate around the border.
Enables or disables the shadow. Can be:
The following request generates a chart frame whose fill color is antique white and whose border is a blue dashed line. It also generates a border that is a red dashed line with two different dash sizes that alternate around the border:
GRAPH FILE WFLITE SUM COGS_US GROSS_PROFIT_US REVENUE_US DISCOUNT_US ACROSS PRODUCT_CATEGORY ON GRAPH HOLD FORMAT JSCHART ON GRAPH SET LOOKGRAPH VBAR ON GRAPH SET STYLE * INCLUDE=ENDEFLT,$ *GRAPH_JS title: {visible:true, text:"Blue Frame and Red Border", color:'green', font:'bold 14pt Sans-Serif'}, chartFrame: { fill: { color: 'antiquewhite' }, border: { width: 2, color: 'blue', dash: '2 2' } }, border: { width: 4, color: 'red', dash: '2 4 4 2' }, *END ENDSTYLE END
The output is
The following example applies a linear gradient fill to the chart frame that transitions from bisque to ghost white:
GRAPH FILE WFLITE SUM COGS_US GROSS_PROFIT_US REVENUE_US DISCOUNT_US ACROSS PRODUCT_CATEGORY ON GRAPH HOLD FORMAT JSCHART ON GRAPH SET LOOKGRAPH LINE ON GRAPH SET STYLE * INCLUDE=ENDEFLT,$ *GRAPH_JS blaProperties: {lineConnection: 'curved'}, border: { width: 2, color: 'navy', }, chartFrame: { fill: { color: { type: 'linear', start: {x: '0%', y: '0%'}, end: {x: '100%', y: '100%'}, stops: [ [0, 'bisque'],[1, 'ghostwhite'], ], }, }, border: { width: 2, color: 'navy', }, }, series: [ {series: 0, color: 'purple'}, {series: 1, color: 'lightgreen'}, {series: 2, color: 'red'}, {series: 3, color: 'coral'}, {series: 4, color: 'tan'} ] *END ENDSTYLE END
The output is:
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