How to: |
HLI users can add control commands to their programs to control the operation of the FOCUS Database Server.
HLI control commands have the following form
Is the File Communication Block.
Prepare the FCB as follows:
Stops the FOCUS Database Server normally, executing queued requests and closing all open files.
Stops the FOCUS Database Server immediately. Because this command can leave files vulnerable to damage, it should be used only in an emergency.
Activates the trace facility that writes information to the HLIPRINT file. This command must be placed in word 1 of the FCB. The FOCUS Database Server only writes trace information for HLI programs that place the word ECHO or STAT in word 18 of their FCBs.
To use the ECHO command, put one of the following values into word 2 of the FCB:
Causes the server to only write trace information for programs that place the words ECHO or STAT in word 18 of their FCBs.
Causes the server to write trace information for all commands. Equivalent to starting the Server with the ECHO parameter in word 18 of the FCB.
Turns off the trace facility.
Causes the server to write extended trace information for all commands. Equivalent to starting the Server with the STAT parameter in word 18 of the FCB.
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