XMI Server Security

In this section:

In the past, the only form of security available for the XMI Server was through RACF, CA-Top Secret, or CA-ACF2. You would apply this security to the FOCBMP data set, which denied access to the server by not allowing the user to allocate the data set.

The problem with this type of security was that the user had access to all PCBs within the PSB associated with the XMI Server.

The XMI Server includes a security exit (IMSECHK) that allows a site to secure the environment at the user level. This means that the security administrator for the site can define which PCBs within the PSB associated with the server can be accessed by a given user.

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How Does the Exit Work

When you issue a TABLE or SQL SELECT against an IMS file, the following things occur:

Code the exit to perform the appropriate security check:

Example: Exit
         USING *,R15   
         B     ARROUND          
         DC    C'** IMS SECURITY EXIT FOR XMI -- '
         DC    C'&SYSDATE',C' ** '
         DS    0H                                                       
ARROUND  EQU   *                                                        
         DROP  R15                                                      
         STM   R14,R12,12(R13)                                          
         USING IMSECHK,R12                                              
         LR    R12,R15                                                  
         LR    R3,R1                                                    
         GETMAIN R,LV=LUSAREA                                           
         XC    0(LUSAREA,R1),0(R1)                                      
         ST    R13,4(R1)                                                
         ST    R1,8(R13)                                                
         LR    R13,R1                                                   
         USING USAREA,R13                                               
         LM    R4,R5,0(R3)                                              
         MVC   USER(8),0(R4)                                            
         MVC   FILE(8),0(R5)                                            
**************   ACTUAL BODY OF THE EXIT ****************************   
         LA    R11,=V(TABLE)      Link to the list of users             
         LTR   R11,R11            Is it linked?                         
         BZ    GOOD               BIF nothing to check                  
         L     R10,0(R11)         Number of elements in the table       
         L     R9,4(R11)          Number of MFDs in the element         
         LA    R11,8(R11)         Points to the first one               
         USING ELEMENT,R11        Map it                                
CHECKU   EQU   *                  Check the user id                     
         CLC   USER(8),USERID     Does user registered in the table?     
         BE    CHECKF             BIF found                             
         LA    R11,LELEMENT(R11)  Bump to the next element              
         BCT   R10,CHECKU         Continue to search                    
         B     GOOD               User can access any file if NOT found 
CHECKF   EQU   *                  Check the MFD                         
         LA    R8,MFDS            Address of the MFD's list             
COMPMFD  EQU   *                                                        
         CLC   FILE(8),0(R8)      Compare names                         
         BE    GOOD               BIF found                             
         LA    R8,8(R8)           Bump to the next MFD                  
         BCT   R9,COMPMFD                                               
         LA    R5,1        FAILED if not found in the list              
         B     EXIT                                                     
GOOD     EQU   *                                                        
         LA    R5,0        PASSED 
**************   EXIT FROM THE EXIT *********************************   
EXIT     EQU   *                                                        
         DROP  R13                                                      
         LR    R1,R13                                                   
         L     R13,4(R13)                                               
         FREEMAIN R,LV=LUSAREA,A=(R1)                                   
         LR    R15,R5       RETURN RC TO THE CALLER                     
         L     R14,12(R13)                                              
         LM    R0,R12,20(R13)                                           
         BR    R14                           
USAREA   DSECT                                                          
SAVE     DS    18A                                                      
USER     DS    CL8                                                      
FILE     DS    CL8                                                      
LUSAREA  EQU   *-USAREA                                                 
ELEMENT  DSECT                                                          
USERID   DS    CL8                                                      
MFDS     DS    10CL8                                                    
LELEMENT EQU   *-ELEMENT                                                
*  Table of users and accessible MFDs   *                               
*  Separate Control Section             *                               
TABLE    CSECT                                                          
ENTRIES  DC    A(TABLEL/ENTRYL)                                         
MFDS#    DC    A(10)                                                    
ENTRY    EQU   *                                                        
USER1    DC    CL8'PGMJVP5'                                             
         DC    CL8'******',9CL8' '                                      
ENTRYL   EQU   *-ENTRY                                                  
USER2    DC    CL8'PGMBOP5'                                             
         DC    CL8'******',9CL8' '                                      
USER3    DC    CL8'PMSMJB5'                                             
         DC    CL8'******',9CL8' '                                      
USER4    DC    CL8'PMSHEB'                                              
         DC    CL8'PATINFO',9CL8' '                                     
USER5    DC    CL8'EDANTK5'                                             
         DC    CL8'******',9CL8' '                                      
TABLEL   EQU   *-ENTRY                                                  

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Installation of IMSECHK Exit

To install the exit you must do the following:

The exit will be called each time the user makes a request against the XMI server.

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Tracing the Exit

To trace the exit, you can allocate ddname FSTRACE in the XMI server JCL. The trace shows the Userid, Filename, and return code used and returned by the exit. The following messages will appear in the trace output.

IMSRV: Security Check Exit is called.  User:  %8s;  FILE:  %8s
IMSRV: Security Check Exit returned %d, rc

The syntax to allocate ddname FSTRACE2 is as follows:


Information Builders