AUTOIDMS Sample Sessions

In this section:

These sample sessions will create the Master and Access Files used in the examples found throughout the manual.

Top of page

Creating the EMPFULL Master and Access Files

In this section:

Start the AUTOIDMS procedure by issuing the following command:


The Main Menu opens.

Entering Information on the AUTOIDMS Main Menu

Enter the following information:

Also, to make the Master File shorter and more readable, change the following default entries:

The following shows the Main Menu with the choices specified:

 Main Menu       Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R
                               Information Builders, Inc.       
      IDMS Subschema Name to be Used =====>  empss01            
      Master Filename ====================>  empfull            
      DBName ====> empdemo   DictName ====>  appldict           
      Secondary Dictionary=>      ( A)                          
      Description will be a member of:                          
        Master Target PDS =>  USERID.MASTER.DATA                
        Access Target PDS =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA               
        Replace Existing Description?  ===>  N    (Y/N)         
        Exclude Comments from MFD?     ===>  y    (Y/N)         
        Exclude Description from MFD?  ===>  y    (Y/N)         
        Exclude Occurs for MFD?        ===>  N    (Y/N)         
      Field Information                                         
        Use Record ID Suffix in Name?  ===>  n    (Y/N)         
        Start with Element Name Position =>  1    (1-32)        
                   for a Total Length of =>  32   (1-32)        
        Describe Numeric Displays as     =>  A    (N-Numeric,A-Alpha) 
        Parm File =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA                       
PF1=Help PF3=Exit PF4=Log PF5=TED MFD PF6=TED AFD PF9=Picture PF10=List

Press Enter. The following message displays:

 **    AUTOIDMS is retrieving information from IDD       ** 
 **    Please wait...                                    ** 

Selecting DEPARTMENT as the Root Segment With AUTOIDMS

When AUTOIDMS finishes retrieving information from the IDD, the Root Record Selection screen opens.

Select DEPARTMENT to be the root segment in the generated Master File:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R 
Master    :EMPFULL            ==Root Record Selection==       
Place an 'X' next to the record to be the root of the Master  
 X Record Name                      Index Type  Calc? ID      
 - -----------                      ----------  ----- --      
   COVERAGE                         NONE          N   0400    
   DENTAL-CLAIM                     NONE          N   0405    
 x DEPARTMENT                       NONE          Y   0410    
   EMPLOYEE                         INTEGRATED    Y   0415    
   EMPOSITION                       NONE          N   0420    
   EXPERTISE                        NONE          N   0425    
   HOSPITAL-CLAIM                   NONE          N   0430    
   INSURANCE-PLAN                   NONE          Y   0435    
   JOB                              INTEGRATED    Y   0440    
   NON-HOSP-CLAIM                   NONE          N   0445    
   OFFICE                           NONE          Y   0450    
   SKILL                            INTEGRATED    Y   0455    
PF1=Help             PF3=End                         PF7=Up  PF8=Down

Selecting Descendant Segments for EMPFULL With AUTOIDMS

When you press Enter, the Record/Set Selection screen opens. Select EMPLOYEE to be the descendant of DEPARTMENT:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0410_01
Record: DEPARTMENT                                                    
Parent:                                  Set:                         
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 x EMPLOYEE                         DEPT-EMPLOYEE                    M  Y
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture       PF7=Up  PF8=Down  

When you press Enter, the Record/Set Selection screen opens so you can select descendants for EMPLOYEE. Select COVERAGE, EMPOSITION, EXPERTISE, OFFICE, and STRUCTURE (from the MANAGES set):

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0415_02
Record: EMPLOYEE                                                      
Parent: DEPARTMENT                       Set: DEPT-EMPLOYEE           
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 x COVERAGE                         EMP-COVERAGE                     M  Y
 x EMPOSITION                       EMP-EMPOSITION                   M  Y
 x EXPERTISE                        EMP-EXPERTISE                    M  Y
 x STRUCTURE                        MANAGES                          M  Y
 x OFFICE                           OFFICE-EMPLOYEE                  O  Y   1
   STRUCTURE                        REPORTS-TO                       M  Y
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down

AUTOIDMS next displays the Record /Set Selection screen for COVERAGE. Select DENTAL-CLAIM, HOSPITAL-CLAIM, and NON-HOSP-CLAIM as descendants:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0400_03
Record: COVERAGE                                                        
Parent: EMPLOYEE                         Set: EMP-COVERAGE              
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 x DENTAL-CLAIM                     COVERAGE-CLAIMS                  M  N   1 
 x HOSPITAL-CLAIM                   COVERAGE-CLAIMS                  M  N   1 
 x NON-HOSP-CLAIM                   COVERAGE-CLAIMS                  M  N   2 
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture       PF7=Up  PF8=Down

Next Select JOB as the descendant of EMPOSITION:

 Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
 Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0420_04
 Record: EMPOSITION                                       
 Parent: EMPLOYEE                         Set: EMP-EMPOSITION
                                                                 Owner/ Own No.
  X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
  - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
  x JOB                              JOB-EMPOSITION                   O  Y   3 
 PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down

Select SKILL as the descendant of EXPERTISE

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0425_05
Record: EXPERTISE                                               
Parent: EMPLOYEE                         Set: EMP-EXPERTISE     
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 x SKILL                            SKILL-EXPERTISE                  O  Y
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture       PF7=Up  PF8=Down

Select EMPLOYEE as the descendant of STRUCTURE. This employee segment will be for the subordinates of the ones selected previously:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0460_06
Record: STRUCTURE                                        
Parent: EMPLOYEE                         Set: MANAGES    
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 x EMPLOYEE                         REPORTS-TO                       O  Y  
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down

Next, the Record/Set Selection screen for EMPLOYEE displays again. There are no descendant segments, so press PF4:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0415_13
Record: EMPLOYEE                                                
Parent: STRUCTURE                        Set: REPORTS-TO        
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
   DEPARTMENT                       DEPT-EMPLOYEE                    O  Y
   COVERAGE                         EMP-COVERAGE                     M  Y
   EMPOSITION                       EMP-EMPOSITION                   M  Y
   EXPERTISE                        EMP-EXPERTISE                    M  Y
   STRUCTURE                        MANAGES                          M  Y
   OFFICE                           OFFICE-EMPLOYEE                  O  Y   1  
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down

Generating the EMPFULL Master and Access Files

When you press PF4, AUTOIDMS creates the Master and Access Files. The Main Menu displays with the message DESCRIPTION CREATED at the bottom:

Main Menu             Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R
                               Information Builders, Inc. 
      IDMS Subschema Name to be Used =====>  EMPSS01
      Master Filename ====================>  EMPFULL
      DBName ====> EMPDEMO   DictName ====>  APPLDICT  
      Secondary Dictionary=>      ( A)              
      Description will be a member of:              
        Master Target PDS =>  USERID.MASTER.DATA    
        Access Target PDS =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA   
        Replace Existing Description?  ===>  Y    (Y/N)
        Exclude Comments from MFD?     ===>  Y    (Y/N)
        Exclude Description from MFD?  ===>  Y    (Y/N)
        Exclude Occurs for MFD?        ===>  N     (Y/N)  
      Field Information                             
        Use Record ID Suffix in Name?  ===>  N    (Y/N)
        Start with Element Name Position =>  1    (1-32)  
                   for a Total Length of =>  32   (1-32)  
        Describe Numeric Displays as     =>  A    (N-Numeric,A-Alpha) 
        Parm File =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA           
PF1=Help PF3=Exit PF4=Log PF5=TED MFD PF6=TED AFD PF9=Picture PF10=List

Note that 126 duplicate field names were created. If these names are in separate segments, you can qualify them with the segment name in requests. Alternatively, you can edit the Master File to create unique field names. All of the duplicate names and their corresponding segments are listed as comments at the bottom of the Master File.

Editing the Generated EMPFULL Master File

To view or edit the generated Master File using TED from within AUTOIDMS, press PF5:

 USERID.MASTER.DATA(EMPFULL)           SIZE=446   LINE=0                     
00000 * * * TOP OF FILE * * *                                                
00001   $$$ CREATED BY AUTOIDMS ON 12/18/12 AT 10.43.33 BY USERID            
00002   $$$ SSCHEMA=EMPSS01                                                  
00003   FILE=EMPFULL,SUFFIX=IDMSR,$                                          
00005   SEGNAME=S0410_01,SEGTYPE=S,$                                         
00006     FIELD=DEPT_ID                 ,ALIAS=F0410_1    ,A4    ,A4  ,$
00007     FIELD=DEPT_NAME               ,ALIAS=F0410_2    ,A45   ,A45 ,$
00008     FIELD=DEPT_HEAD_ID            ,ALIAS=F0410_3    ,A4    ,A4  ,$
00009     FIELD=FIL 0003                ,ALIAS=F0410_4    ,A3    ,A3  ,$
00010     FIELD=S0410_01_KEY            ,ALIAS=DBKEY      ,I10   ,I4  ,$
00012   SEGNAME=S0415_02,SEGTYPE=S,PARENT=S0410_01,$                         
00013     FIELD=EMP_ID                  ,ALIAS=F0415_1    ,A4    ,A4  ,$
00014     GROUP=EMP_NAME                ,ALIAS=F0415_2    ,A25   ,A25 ,$
00015     FIELD=EMP_FIRST_NAME          ,ALIAS=F0415_3    ,A10   ,A10 ,$
00016     FIELD=EMP_LAST_NAME           ,ALIAS=F0415_4    ,A15   ,A15 ,$
00017     GROUP=EMP_ADDRESS             ,ALIAS=F0415_5    ,A46   ,A46 ,$
00018     FIELD=EMP_STREET              ,ALIAS=F0415_6    ,A20   ,A20 ,$
00019     FIELD=EMP_CITY                ,ALIAS=F0415_7    ,A15   ,A15 ,$

Press PF3 to return to the AUTOIDMS Main Menu. Adapter for CA-IDMS Samples shows the complete Master File.

Note: The Master File you edit does not have to be the one generated. You can enter any name in the Master Filename field on the Main Menu and press PF5 to edit it.

Editing the Generated EMPFULL Access File

To view or edit the generated Access File using TED from within AUTOIDMS, press PF6:

 USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA(EMPFULL)          SIZE=95    LINE=0           
00000 * * * TOP OF FILE * * *                                      
00001   $$$ CREATED BY AUTOIDMS ON 12/18/12 AT 10.43.33 BY USERID  
00002   $$$ FILE=EMPFULL,SUFFIX=IDMSR,$                            
00003   SSCHEMA=EMPSS01,RELEASE=12.0,MODE=DML,                     
00004   DBNAME=EMPDEMO  ,DICTNAME=APPLDICT ,$                      
00006   SEGNAM=S0410_01,RECORD=DEPARTMENT,                         
00007          AREA=ORG-DEMO-REGION,                               
00008   CLCFLD=F0410_1,                                            
00009          CLCDUP=N,$                                          
00011   SEGNAM=S0415_02,RECORD=EMPLOYEE,                           
00012          AREA=EMP-DEMO-REGION,                               
00013          ACCESS=SET,SETNAME=DEPT-EMPLOYEE,                   
00014          SETMBR=OA,GETOWN=Y,MULTMBR=N,                       
00015   CLCFLD=F0415_1,                                            
00016          CLCDUP=N,                                           
00017   KEYFLD=F0415_4/F0415_3,                                    
00018          SETORD=A,SETDUP=Y,$                                 
00019   IXSET=EMP-NAME-NDX,IXDUP=Y,IXORD=A,                        

The Access File contains the attribute RELEASE=12.0. If you are accessing a different release of IDMS, you can change this attribute.

Press PF3 to return to the AUTOIDMS Main Menu. Adapter for CA-IDMS Samples shows the complete Access File.

Note: The Access File you edit does not have to be the one generated. You can enter any name in the Master Filename field on the Main Menu and press PF6 to edit it.

Viewing the EMPFULL Structure Diagram

To view a diagram of the structure, press PF9:

 NUMBER OF ERRORS=     0                                                
 NUMBER OF SEGMENTS=  21  ( REAL=   21  VIRTUAL=   0 )                  
 NUMBER OF FIELDS=   267  INDEXES=   0  FILES=     1                    
 TOTAL LENGTH OF ALL FIELDS= 3597                                       
SECTION 01                                                     
             STRUCTURE OF IDMSR    FILE EMPFULL  ON 02/13/01 AT 11.58.57
 01      S1                                                    
*FILLER      **                                                
*            **                                                
       I S0415_02                                              
 02    I S1                                                    
*EMP_ID_0415 **                                                
*            **                                                
       I                 I                                     
       I S0450_07        I S0400_03                            
 03    I U         05    I S1                                  
**************    **************                               
*OFFICE_CODE>*    *SELECTION_D>**                              
*OFFICE_ADDR>*    *SELECTION_Y>**                              
*OFFICE_STRE>*    *SELECTION_M>**                              
*OFFICE_CITY>*    *SELECTION_D>**                              
*            *    *            **                              
**************    ***************                              
       I           **************                              
       I                 I                                     
       I                 +-----------------+-----------------+ 
       I                 I                 I                 I 
       I OCC07_01        I S0405_08        I S0430_09        I S0445_10 
 04    I S1        06    I S1        08    I S1        10    I S1 
**************    **************    **************    ************** 
*OCC07_01    **   *CLAIM_YEAR_>**   *CLAIM_YEAR_>**   *CLAIM_YEAR_>**
*            **   *CLAIM_MONTH>**   *CLAIM_MONTH>**   *CLAIM_MONTH>**
*            **   *CLAIM_DAY_0>**   *CLAIM_DAY_0>**   *CLAIM_DAY_0>**
*            **   *            **   *            **   *            **
***************   ***************   ***************   ***************
 **************    **************    **************    **************
                         I                 I                 I 
                         I                 I                 +----------
                         I                 I                 I 
                         I OCC08_01        I OCC09_01        I OCC10_01 
                   07    I S1        09    I S1        11    I S1 
                  **************    **************    ************** 
                  *TOOTH_NUMBE>**   *DIAGNOSIS_0>**   *DIAGNOSIS_0>**
                  *SERVICE_DAT>**   *OCC09_01    **   *OCC10_01    **
                  *SERVICE_YEA>**   *            **   *            **
                  *SERVICE_MON>**   *            **   *            **
                  *            **   *            **   *            **
                  ***************   ***************   ***************
                   **************    **************    **************   
SECTION 02                          
                         I                 I                 I          
                         I S0420_04        I S0425_05        I S0460_06 
                   13    I S1        18    I S1        20    I S1       
                  **************    **************    **************    
                  *START_DATE_>**   *SKILL_LEVEL>**   *STRUCTURE_C>**   
                  *START_YEAR_>**   *EXPERTISE_D>**   *STRUCTURE_D>**   
                  *START_MONTH>**   *EXPERTISE_Y>**   *STRUCTURE_Y>**   
                  *START_DAY_0>**   *EXPERTISE_M>**   *STRUCTURE_M>**   
                  *            **   *            **   *            **   
                  ***************   ***************   ***************   
                   **************    **************    **************   
                         I                 I                 I          
                         I                 I                 I          
                         I                 I                 I          
                         I S0440_11        I S0455_12        I S0415_13 
                   14    I U         19    I U         21    I U        
                  **************    **************    **************    
                  *JOB_ID_0440 *    *SKILL_ID_04>*    *EMP_ID_0415 *    
                  *TITLE_0440  *    *SKILL_NAME_>*    *EMP_NAME_04>*    
                  *DESCRIPTION>*    *SKILL_DESCR>*    *EMP_FIRST_N>*    
                  *S11_OCC01   *    *S0455_12_KEY*    *EMP_LAST_NA>*    
                  *            *    *            *    *            *    
                  **************    **************    **************    
-------+                 +-----------------+-----------------+          
       I                 I                 I                 I          
       I OCC10_02        I OCC11_01        I OCC11_02        I OCC11_03 
 12    I S1        15    I S1        16    I S1        17    I S1       
**************    **************    **************    **************    
*SERVICE_YEA>**   *OCC11_01    **   *OCC11_02    **   *OCC11_03    **   
*SERVICE_MON>**   *            **   *            **   *            **   
*SERVICE_DAY>**   *            **   *            **   *            **   
*            **   *            **   *            **   *            **   
***************   ***************   ***************   ***************   
 **************    **************    **************    **************   

As indicated, type any character and press Enter to return to the AUTOIDMS Main Menu. Then press PF3 to exit AUTOIDMS.

Top of page

Creating the EMPFILE Master and Access Files

In this section:

The EMPFILE Master and Access Files are used in the sample traces shown in Tracing Adapter Processing.

Start the AUTOIDMS procedure by issuing the following command:


The Main Menu opens.

Entering Information on the AUTOIDMS Main Menu

Enter the following information:

Also, to make the Master File shorter and more readable, change the following default entries:

The following shows the Main Menu with the choices specified:

Main Menu        Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R
                                    Information Builders, Inc.    
       IDMS Subschema Name to be Used =====>  empss01               
       Master Filename ====================>  empfile               
       DBName ====> empdemo   DictName ====>  appldict              
       Secondary Dictionary=>      ( A)                             
       Description will be a member of:                             
         Master Target PDS =>  USERID.MASTER.DATA                   
         Access Target PDS =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA                  
         Replace Existing Description?  ===>  N    (Y/N)            
         Exclude Comments from MFD?     ===>  y    (Y/N)            
         Exclude Description from MFD?  ===>  y    (Y/N)            
         Exclude Occurs for MFD?        ===>  N    (Y/N)            
       Field Information                                            
         Use Record ID Suffix in Name?  ===>  n    (Y/N)            
         Start with Element Name Position =>  1    (1-32)           
                    for a Total Length of =>  32   (1-32)           
         Describe Numeric Displays as     =>  A    (N-Numeric,A-Alpha)
         Parm File =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA                          
PF1=Help PF3=Exit PF4=Log PF5=TED MFD PF6=TED AFD PF9=Picture PF10=List

Press Enter. The following message displays:

 **    AUTOIDMS is retrieving information from IDD       ** 
 **    Please wait...                                    ** 

Selecting EMPFILE Segments With AUTOIDMS

When AUTOIDMS finishes retrieving information from the IDD, the Root Record Selection screen displays. Select EMPLOYEE as the root and press Enter:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R
Master    :EMPFILE            ==Root Record Selection==    
Place an 'X' next to the record to be the root of the Master
 X Record Name                      Index Type  Calc? ID   
 - -----------                      ----------  ----- --   
   COVERAGE                         NONE          N   0400 
   DENTAL-CLAIM                     NONE          N   0405 
   DEPARTMENT                       NONE          Y   0410 
 x EMPLOYEE                         INTEGRATED    Y   0415 
   EMPOSITION                       NONE          N   0420 
   EXPERTISE                        NONE          N   0425 
   HOSPITAL-CLAIM                   NONE          N   0430 
   INSURANCE-PLAN                   NONE          Y   0435 
   JOB                              INTEGRATED    Y   0440 
   NON-HOSP-CLAIM                   NONE          N   0445 
   OFFICE                           NONE          Y   0450 
   SKILL                            INTEGRATED    Y   0455 
PF1=Help               PF3=End                            PF7=Up  PF8=Down

Next select DEPARTMENT as the descendant of EMPLOYEE and press Enter:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0415_01  
Record: EMPLOYEE                                                  
Parent:                                  Set:                     
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 x DEPARTMENT                       DEPT-EMPLOYEE                    O  Y  
   COVERAGE                         EMP-COVERAGE                     M  Y  
   EMPOSITION                       EMP-EMPOSITION                   M  Y  
   EXPERTISE                        EMP-EXPERTISE                    M  Y  
   STRUCTURE                        MANAGES                          M  Y  
   OFFICE                           OFFICE-EMPLOYEE                  O  Y   1 
   STRUCTURE                        REPORTS-TO                       M  Y  
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down

The description is now generated:

Main Menu      Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R
                               Information Builders, Inc. 
      IDMS Subschema Name to be Used =====>  EMPSS01   
      Master Filename ====================>  EMPFILE   
      DBName ====> EMPDEMO   DictName ====>  APPLDICT  
      Secondary Dictionary=>      ( A)                 
      Description will be a member of:                 
        Master Target PDS =>  USERID.MASTER.DATA       
        Access Target PDS =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA      
        Replace Existing Description?  ===>  N    (Y/N)
        Exclude Comments from MFD?     ===>  Y    (Y/N)
        Exclude Description from MFD?  ===>  Y    (Y/N)
        Exclude Occurs for MFD?        ===>  N    (Y/N)
      Field Information                                
        Use Record ID Suffix in Name?  ===>  N    (Y/N)
        Start with Element Name Position =>  1    (1-32)  
                   for a Total Length of =>  32   (1-32)  
        Describe Numeric Displays as     =>  A    (N-Numeric,A-Alpha)
        Parm File =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA              
 DESCRIPTION CREATED                                   
PF1=Help PF3=Exit PF4=Log PF5=TED MFD PF6=TED AFD PF9=Picture PF10=List

Press PF3 to exit AUTOIDMS. For a complete listing of the generated Master and Access Files, see Adapter for CA-IDMS Samples.

Top of page

Comparing a Master File With OCCURS and Without OCCURS

This sample session creates a Master File in which repeating fields with a fixed number of repetitions are listed as a separate OCCURS segment in the Master File.

Enter the following information:

Also, to make the Master File shorter and more readable, change the following default entries:

Note: If you want to save these selections, press PF4 after entering them in order to save them to your log file.

The following shows the Main Menu with the choices specified:

Main Menu             Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R           
                               Information Builders, Inc.                  
      IDMS Subschema Name to be Used =====> EMPSS01                        
      Master Filename ====================> EMPFULL1                       
      DBName ====> EMPDEMO   DictName ====> APPLDICT                       
      Secondary Dictionary=>      ( )                                      
      Description will be a member of:                                     
        Master Target PDS => USERID.MASTER.DATA                            
        Access Target PDS => USERID.ACCESS.DATA                            
        Replace Existing Description?  ===> Y    (Y/N)                     
        Exclude Comments from MFD?     ===> Y    (Y/N)                     
        Exclude Description from MFD?  ===> Y    (Y/N)                     
        Exclude Occurs for MFD?        ===> Y    (Y/N)                     
      Field Information                                                    
        Use Record ID Suffix in Name?  ===> N    (Y/N)                     
        Start with Element Name Position => 1    (1-32)                    
                   for a Total Length of => 32   (1-32)                    
        Describe Numeric Displays as     => A    (N-Numeric,A-A lpha)      
        Parm File =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA                                  
PF1=Help  PF3=Exit  PF4=Log  PF5=TED MFD  PF6=TED AFD  PF9=Picture PF10=Lis

Press Enter. The following message displays:

 **    AUTOIDMS is retrieving information from IDD       ** 
 **    Please wait...                                    ** 

When AUTOIDMS finishes retrieving information from the IDD, the Root Record Selection screen opens.

Select COVERAGE to be the root segment in the generated Master File:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R             
Master    :EMPFULL1           ==Root Record Selection==                      
Place an 'X' next to the record to be the root of the Master                 
 X Record Name                      Index Type  Calc? ID                     
 - -----------                      ----------  ----- --                     
 X COVERAGE                         NONE          N   0400                   
   DENTAL-CLAIM                     NONE          N   0405                   
   DEPARTMENT                       NONE          Y   0410                   
   EMPLOYEE                         INTEGRATED    Y   0415                   
   EMPOSITION                       NONE          N   0420                   
   EXPERTISE                        NONE          N   0425                   
   HOSPITAL-CLAIM                   NONE          N   0430                   
   INSURANCE-PLAN                   NONE          Y   0435                   
   JOB                              INTEGRATED    Y   0440                   
   NON-HOSP-CLAIM                   NONE          N   0445                   
   OFFICE                           NONE          Y   0450                   
   SKILL                            INTEGRATED    Y   0455                   
PF1=Help               PF3=End                               PF7=Up  PF8=Down

When you press Enter, the Record/Set Selection screen opens. Select DENTAL-CLAIM, HOSPITAL-CLAIM, NON-HOSP-CLAIM, and EMPLOYEE to be the descendants of COVERAGE:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0400_001 
Record: COVERAGE                                                              
Parent:                                  Set:                                 
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 X DENTAL-CLAIM                     COVERAGE-CLAIMS                  M  N   1 
 X HOSPITAL-CLAIM                   COVERAGE-CLAIMS                  M  N   1 
 X NON-HOSP-CLAIM                   COVERAGE-CLAIMS                  M  N   2 
 X EMPLOYEE                         EMP-COVERAGE                     O  Y     
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down 

When you press Enter, the Record/Set Selection screen opens so you can select descendants for EMPLOYEE. Select DEPARTMENT, EMPOSITION, EXPERTISE, STRUCTURE (from the MANAGES set), AND OFFICE:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0415_005 
Record: EMPLOYEE                                                              
Parent: COVERAGE                         Set: EMP-COVERAGE                    
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 X DEPARTMENT                       DEPT-EMPLOYEE                    O  Y     
 X EMPOSITION                       EMP-EMPOSITION                   M  Y     
 X EXPERTISE                        EMP-EXPERTISE                    M  Y     
 X STRUCTURE                        MANAGES                          M  Y     
 X OFFICE                           OFFICE-EMPLOYEE                  O  Y   1 
   STRUCTURE                        REPORTS-TO                       M  Y     
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down 

Next Select JOB as the descendant of EMPOSITION:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0420_007 
Record: EMPOSITION                                                            
Parent: EMPLOYEE                         Set: EMP-EMPOSITION                  
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 X JOB                              JOB-EMPOSITION                   O  Y   3 
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down 

Select SKILL as the descendant of EXPERTISE:

Subschema :EMPSS01    Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R      Segments
Place an 'X' next to each record/set to be a descendant of SEGNAME: S0425_008 
Record: EXPERTISE                                                             
Parent: EMPLOYEE                         Set: EMP-EXPERTISE                   
                                                                Owner/ Own No.
 X Record Name                      Set Name                    Member Ptr Occ
 - -----------                      --------                    ------ --- ---
 X SKILL                            SKILL-EXPERTISE                  O  Y     
PF1=Help  PF2=Restart  PF3=End  PF4=None  PF5=Picture        PF7=Up  PF8=Down 

Next, the Record/Set Selection screen for EMPLOYEE displays again. There are no descendant segments, so press PF4.

When you press PF4, AUTOIDMS creates the Master and Access Files. The Main Menu displays with the message DESCRIPTION CREATED at the bottom:

Main Menu             Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R            
                               Information Builders, Inc.                   
      IDMS Subschema Name to be Used =====> EMPSS01                         
      Master Filename ====================> EMPFULL1                        
      DBName ====> EMPDEMO   DictName ====> APPLDICT                        
      Secondary Dictionary=>      ( )                                       
      Description will be a member of:                                      
        Master Target PDS => USERID.MASTER.DATA                             
        Access Target PDS => USERID.ACCESS.DATA                             
        Replace Existing Description?  ===> Y    (Y/N)                      
        Exclude Comments from MFD?     ===> Y    (Y/N)                      
        Exclude Description from MFD?  ===> Y    (Y/N)                      
        Exclude Occurs for MFD?        ===> Y    (Y/N)                      
      Field Information                                                     
        Use Record ID Suffix in Name?  ===> N    (Y/N)                      
        Start with Element Name Position => 1    (1-32)                     
                   for a Total Length of => 32   (1-32)                     
        Describe Numeric Displays as     => A    (N-Numeric,A-A lpha)       
        Parm File =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA                                   
PF1=Help  PF3=Exit  PF4=Log  PF5=TED MFD  PF6=TED AFD  PF9=Picture PF10=List

To view or edit the generated Master File using TED from within AUTOIDMS, press PF5. A partial listing of the Master File follows. The segment OCC003_01 has two occurrences of the DIAGNOSIS field. The position of the OCCURS segment is after the DISCHARGE_DAY field:

GROUP=DISCHARGE_DATE                  ,ALIAS=F0430_26   ,A8    ,A8  
FIELD=DISCHARGE_YEAR                  ,ALIAS=F0430_27   ,A4    ,A4  
FIELD=DISCHARGE_MONTH                 ,ALIAS=F0430_28   ,A2    ,A2  
FIELD=DISCHARGE_DAY                   ,ALIAS=F0430_29   ,A2    ,A2  
FIELD=S003_OCC01                      ,ALIAS=           ,A120  ,A120
  GROUP=OTHER_CHARGES                   ,ALIAS=F0430_41   ,A24   ,A15
  FIELD=DELIVERY_COST                   ,ALIAS=F0430_42   ,P11.2 ,P5 
  FIELD=ANESTHESIA_COST                 ,ALIAS=F0430_43   ,P11.2 ,P5 
  FIELD=LAB_COST                        ,ALIAS=F0430_44   ,P11.2 ,P5 
  FIELD=S0430_003_KEY                   ,ALIAS=DBKEY      ,I11  ,I4  
  FIELD=DIAGNOSIS                       ,ALIAS=F0430_30   ,A60   ,A60
  FIELD=OCC003_01                       ,ALIAS=ORDER      ,I9    ,I4 
  GROUP=CLAIM_DATE                      ,ALIAS=F0445_1    ,A8    ,A8 
  FIELD=CLAIM_YEAR                      ,ALIAS=F0445_2    ,A4    ,A4 
  FIELD=CLAIM_MONTH                     ,ALIAS=F0445_3    ,A2    ,A2 
  FIELD=CLAIM_DAY                       ,ALIAS=F0445_4    ,A2    ,A2 
  GROUP=PATIENT_NAME                    ,ALIAS=F0445_5    ,A25   ,A25
  FIELD=PATIENT_FIRST_NAME              ,ALIAS=F0445_6    ,A10   ,A10
  FIELD=PATIENT_LAST_NAME               ,ALIAS=F0445_7    ,A15   ,A15
  GROUP=PATIENT_BIRTH_DATE              ,ALIAS=F0445_8    ,A8    ,A8 

In order to list repeating fields with a fixed number of occurrences as separate fields, change the following entries and execute AUTOIDMS again with the same selections:

Main Menu             Master File Generation Facility for IDMS/R            
                               Information Builders, Inc.                   
      IDMS Subschema Name to be Used =====> EMPSS01                         
      Master Filename ====================> EMPFULL2                        
      DBName ====> EMPDEMO   DictName ====> APPLDICT                        
      Secondary Dictionary=>      ( )                                       
      Description will be a member of:                                      
        Master Target PDS => USERID.MASTER.DATA                             
        Access Target PDS => USERID.ACCESS.DATA                             
        Replace Existing Description?  ===> Y    (Y/N)                      
        Exclude Comments from MFD?     ===> Y    (Y/N)                      
        Exclude Description from MFD?  ===> Y    (Y/N)                      
        Exclude Occurs for MFD?        ===> N    (Y/N)                      
      Field Information                                                     
        Use Record ID Suffix in Name?  ===> N    (Y/N)                      
        Start with Element Name Position => 1    (1-32)                     
                   for a Total Length of => 32   (1-32)                     
        Describe Numeric Displays as     => A    (N-Numeric,A-A lpha)       
        Parm File =>  USERID.FOCIDMS.DATA                                   
PF1=Help  PF3=Exit  PF4=Log  PF5=TED MFD  PF6=TED AFD  PF9=Picture PF10=List

Making the same selections as before, the new partial Master File follows. Now, instead of a segment for the two DIAGNOSIS fields, there are two separate field names, DIAGNOSIS01 and DIAGNOSIS02. Just as before, they are positioned following the DISCHARGE_DAY field:

GROUP=DISCHARGE_DATE                  ,ALIAS=F0430_26   ,A8    ,A8
FIELD=DISCHARGE_YEAR                  ,ALIAS=F0430_27   ,A4    ,A4
FIELD=DISCHARGE_MONTH                 ,ALIAS=F0430_28   ,A2    ,A2
FIELD=DISCHARGE_DAY                   ,ALIAS=F0430_29   ,A2    ,A2
FIELD=DIAGNOSIS01                     ,ALIAS=F0430_3001 ,A60   ,A60
FIELD=DIAGNOSIS02                     ,ALIAS=F0430_3002 ,A60   ,A60
GROUP=HOSPITAL_CHARGES                ,ALIAS=F0430_31   ,A72   ,A41
GROUP=ROOM_AND_BOARD                  ,ALIAS=F0430_32   ,A48   ,A26
GROUP=WARD                            ,ALIAS=F0430_33   ,A24   ,A13
FIELD=WARD_DAYS                       ,ALIAS=F0430_34   ,P6    ,P3 
FIELD=WARD_RATE                       ,ALIAS=F0430_35   ,P11.2 ,P5 
FIELD=WARD_TOTAL                      ,ALIAS=F0430_36   ,P11.2 ,P5 
GROUP=SEMI_PRIVATE                    ,ALIAS=F0430_37   ,A24   ,A13
FIELD=SEMI_DAYS                       ,ALIAS=F0430_38   ,P6    ,P3 
FIELD=SEMI_RATE                       ,ALIAS=F0430_39   ,P11.2 ,P5 
FIELD=SEMI_TOTAL                      ,ALIAS=F0430_40   ,P11.2 ,P5 
GROUP=OTHER_CHARGES                   ,ALIAS=F0430_41   ,A24   ,A15
FIELD=DELIVERY_COST                   ,ALIAS=F0430_42   ,P11.2 ,P5 
FIELD=ANESTHESIA_COST                 ,ALIAS=F0430_43   ,P11.2 ,P5 

Information Builders