In this section: |
Sufficient disk space is required for AUTOADBS to write the new file descriptions and parameter log file, if applicable, to the data sets specified on the initial input screen. In addition, sufficient disk space must be available for temporary work files. The amount of temporary disk space depends on the size of the files being described. AUTOADBS will use the temporary disk space for all temporary files that are created.
The following are requirements for execution:
If you are not familiar with Master and Access File attributes and ADABAS data attributes, refer to Describing ADABAS Data Sources to FOCUS.
Before you begin, you need to determine the following:
Contact your ADABAS database administrator for specific details of your files. Since you can create several Master Files in the same AUTOADBS session, you may want to prepare several file views before proceeding.
To start AUTOADBS, enter your FOCUS session and type the following at the FOCUS command level:
Press the Enter key.
The following is an example of the initial AUTOADBS screen. User entries on this and following screens are in lowercase.
Main Menu Master File Generation Facility for ADABAS Master Filename ==========> sample Describe ADABAS Files: File Name =========> sysdic* PREDICT Dictionary=> ( ) Description will be a member of: Master Target PDS ======> USER1.MASTER.DATA Access Target PDS ======> USER1.FOCADBS.DATA FOCDEF Target PDS ====> USER1.FOCDEF.DATA Replace Existing Description?=> N Start with Fieldname Position=> 1 (1-32) Include Fieldname Comments? ==> Y for a Total Length of => 36 (5-36) Use NATURAL Column Headings? => N Date Display Format===========> YYMD Use COMMENTS for FOCDEF? =====> N Display all Userviews? =======> N Parm File => USER1.FOCADBS.DATA PF1=Help PF2=Restart PF3=Exit PF4=Log PF5=MFD PF6=AFD PF9=Picture PF10=List |
On the Main Menu, provide information about the ADABAS files to be described, a name for the Master and Access Files, and target data sets for the generated descriptions. Select the appropriate options desired. After you have finished with the Main Menu, press the Enter key to begin processing.
The following options are available on the Main Menu:
Is a one- to eight-character name for the file description. (This name must be a valid member name.)
Is the 1- to 32-character ADABAS filename as registered in the Predict dictionary. The wildcard character, an asterisk (*), may be used anywhere within the filename to create a list that matches the provided pattern. The asterisk (*) is a multi-character mask. Entering only an asterisk (*) selects all files.
Is the one-character dictionary suffix for the Predict dictionary where the desired files are described. The available values are listed on the menu in parentheses and are determined by the ADABAS database administrator when AUTOADBS is installed. If only one dictionary is available (the suffix is blank), you will not be able to type a value in this field.
Is the fully qualified data set name of the Master File PDS where the Master File is stored. Do not use quotation marks in the data set name.
Is the fully qualified data set name of the Access File PDS where the Access File is stored. Do not use quotation marks in the data set name.
Is the fully qualified data set name of the FOCDEF file PDS where the TableTalk Help file is stored. Do not use quotation marks in the data set name. This entry is only required if Use COMMENTS for FOCDEF? is specified as Yes (Y).
Indicates whether to overwrite existing Master and Access Files. No (N), the default, will not overwrite existing Master and Access Files. Enter Yes (Y) to replace Master and Access Files that already exist on disk.
Indicates whether to exclude field comments in the Master File. Yes (Y), the default, includes field comments. Enter No (N) to exclude them. Comments contain the full Predict dictionary fieldname, "*TRUNC*" if the name is truncated, the ADABAS format and length, and start/end characters for superdescriptor elements.
Indicates whether to use the NATURAL heading as the column heading in reports. No (N), the default, uses the fieldname for headings. Enter Yes (Y) to use the NATURAL heading.
Indicates whether to use Predict dictionary comments as help for TableTalk. No (N), the default, does not use Predict dictionary comments as help. Enter Yes (Y) to use them. If you enter Yes (Y), a FOCDEF target PDS is required.
Is a numeric value from 1 to 32. The default is 1. Enter the starting position of the element name to be used as the first character in the fieldname. By increasing the starting position, you may strip off common prefixes from the element name.
Is a numeric value from 5 to 36. The default is 36. Enter the maximum length of fieldnames described with AUTOADBS. Predict dictionary fieldnames are up to 32 characters and AUTOADBS can add 4-character suffixes to them.
Is a valid date format for fields described in Predict dictionary as dates. The default is YYMD. Formats may include any valid combination of YY, Y, M, or D and can use month translation (T or TR) and day translation (W or WR). You may also display the day of week (W or WR), the quarter (Q, YQ, or YYQ), or Julian dates (JUL).
Indicates whether to display all Master Files and views for the selected file(s). No (N), the default, does not display all Master Files and views. Enter Yes (Y) to display them. This option is useful when selecting particular file names. You may also toggle the display from the file list menu.
Identifies the file containing your customized default values for the Main Menu.
The PF keys on the Main Menu perform the following functions:
Help (PF1)
Press the PF1 key to display an extensive online help facility.
Refreshing the List of Files (PF2)
Press the PF2 key to clear the existing list of files maintained by AUTOADBS for this session. When you select files from the Main Menu, information is gathered from the Predict dictionary. Each time you change the selection criteria, the new files are appended to the existing list. Pressing the PF2 key purges this list without exiting AUTOADBS. The message Enter new file selection criteria is displayed when the list is successfully purged. No message is displayed if you press the PF2 key before you have created a list of files.
Exit (PF3)
Press the PF3 key to exit AUTOADBS.
Logging Default Menu Parameters (PF4)
Press the PF4 key to save your customized default values for the Main Menu to disk. These values are saved in member ADBS$PRM in the parameter data set shown on the menu. This data set is one of the following:
Parameter logging assumes that you have write access to the target data set. Attempting to log parameters to a data set without write access will result in a security abend. See Search Order for the Parameter Log File.
The following information is logged:
Note that all validations must pass before the default values are logged.
TED Master File (PF5)/TED Access File (PF6)
Press the PF5 or PF6 key to edit (using TED) the Master or Access File specified in the Master Filename entry field. The file selected is the member in the data set named as either Master Target PDS or Access Target PDS.
Picture of Master File (PF9)
Press the PF9 key to generate a diagram of the structure of the file specified in the Master Filename entry field. After the picture is displayed, type in any character and press the Enter key to return to the Main Menu. The Master name must be a member of a data set allocated to ddname MASTER to generate the picture (the Master Target PDS is not used).
File List (PF10)
Press the PF10 key to display a list of all files that meet the screening criteria provided in the Master Filename entry field. The Display all Userviews prompt is not used for this report.
In this section: |
After you complete the Main Menu, press the Enter key to generate a Master and Access File. AUTOADBS informs you that it is accessing the dictionary with the following message:
**================================================================** ** Retrieving FILE information from dictionary ** ** Please wait... ** **================================================================**
This message is only displayed during the first retrieval for each AUTOADBS session or when the file selection criteria is changed after the previous retrieval (within the session). AUTOADBS does not access the dictionary a second time for the same immediate selections in a single session.
When file information retrieval is completed, the File Selection Screen displays.
Master: Master File Generation Facility for AUTOADBS Show userviews: Y SAMPLE ==File Selection== Select the ROOT file with 'R', children files with 'C'. When a file exists in several databases, select the one entry that describes the file/database combination desired. R/C File A Fnr D --- --------------------------------- - --- - SYSDIC A 012 r SYSDIC-DB U 012 SYSDIC-DDM U 012 SYSDIC-DEF U 012 SYSDIC-DESC U 012 SYSDIC-EL U 012 c SYSDIC-FI U 012 SYSDIC-FI-ADA U 012 SYSDIC-FI-GEN U 012 SYSDIC-IMS U 012 SYSDIC-KY U 012 SYSDIC-MO U 012 PF1=Help PF3=End PF4=Add Files PF5=Views PF7=Up PF8=Down |
The File Selection Screen is used to choose the ADABAS files that will be described in the Master File. This screen displays all files that match the selection criteria provided on the Main Menu.
If you select N (No) for Display all Userviews on the Main Menu, all files that exactly match the specifications supplied in the File Name field are displayed, whether they are ADABAS files or user views. For example, if you enter SYSDIC in the File Name field, the ADABAS file SYSDIC is displayed. If you enter SYSDIC-DB, only the view SYSDIC-DB is displayed. If you enter the wildcard character as part of a name (for example, SYSDIC*), all files and views that begin with SYSDIC are displayed.
If you select Y (Yes) for Display all Userviews on the Main Menu, all files that exactly match the specifications supplied in the File Name field are displayed, along with all views associated with the selected files. For example, you will see the same results if you enter either SYSDIC or SYSDIC-DB in the File Name field because both files are views of the same ADABAS file.
To change your selection for Display all Userviews directly on the File Selection Screen, press the PF5 key. This will toggle the file list between only those files that exactly match your selections and all views associated with the selected files.
To add more ADABAS files to the list, press the PF4 key. When the Main Menu redisplays, select the next ADABAS filename you want to include and press the Enter key. You return to the File Selection Screen to see the additional file displayed in the list. Repeat this process for each additional file you want to add to the list.
Place an r in the column labeled R/C to select the root file. Select all other files to be used as descendants by placing a c in the R/C column. Press the Enter key when your file selection is complete.
The File Selection Screen displays the following information:
Master Filename provided on the Main Menu.
Yes (Y) indicates that views are included on the list. No (N) indicates that views are not included.
Select the root file with R and children files with C.
Filename of selected files.
File type: A=ADABAS file, U=view.
File number.
Predict dictionary suffix selected on Main Menu.
The PF keys on the File Selection Screen perform the following functions:
Help (PF1)
Press the PF1 key to display an extensive online help facility.
Exit (PF3)
Press the PF3 key to exit the File Selection Screen and return to the Main Menu.
Add Files (PF4)
Press the PF4 key to return to the Main Menu to add additional files to the list.
Views (PF5)
Press the PF5 key to toggle between including views and excluding them.
Scroll Backward (PF7)/Scroll Forward (PF8)
Press the PF7 key to scroll the contents of the File Selection Screen backward; press the PF8 key to scroll the contents forward.
After the File Selection Screen is completed, AUTOADBS informs you that it is accessing the dictionary for field information with the following message:
**=============================================================** ** Retrieving FIELD information from dictionary ** ** Please wait... ** **=============================================================**
This message is displayed once for each Predict dictionary that must be accessed, based on the location of the selected files. This message does not appear if all selected files (or any of their associated views) have already been selected during this AUTOADBS session.
When the field information retrieval is completed, the Access File Attributes Screen displays, once for each selected file, in file name order.
Master: Master File Generation Facility for AUTOADBS SAMPLE ==Access File Attributes== File: SYSDIC-DB Dictionary: Enter: CALLTYPE RL PASSWORD DBNR 000 Select SEQFIELD with 'S' (Natural Default: ) S Fieldname Alias Usage Actual D U S Ty L - -------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------ - - - -- - s DATA_BASE_REC S1 A34 A34 D N SP 1 FILE_TYPE_EL S7 A33 A33 D N SP 1 DATA_BASE_TYPE AT A1 A1 D N 1 L_DBNR AU P3 Z3 D N 1 P_DBNR DP P5 Z5 D N 2 IMS_DB_NAME AS A8 A8 D N 2 DB2_DB_NAME A1 A8 A8 D N 2 PF1=Help PF2=Restart PF3=End PF7=Up PF8=Down |
The Access File Attributes Screen describes attributes that allow the adapter to create direct ADABAS calls. The cursor is initially placed at the first field to be selected as a SEQFIELD. You can change the CALLTYPE, add a password, or override the DBNR on this screen, too.
Place s in the column labeled S to select the SEQFIELD for the selected file. Tab to CALLTYPE, PASSWORD, and DBNR to change them when appropriate. When your selections are complete, press the Enter key.
The recommended SEQFIELD (as supplied by the Predict dictionary) is displayed at the top of the screen in the entry for Natural Default. If there is no recommended SEQFIELD, the Natural Default will be blank. AUTOADBS displays only those fields that can be used as a SEQFIELD on this screen. The SEQFIELD must be a descriptor, a superdescriptor, or a subdescriptor. It cannot be a PE group, an element of a PE group, an MU field, or a reformatted field.
The adapter uses the SEQFIELD to perform Read Logical (RL) processing when there are no IF or WHERE selection tests in the report request. Your site installation may require you to select a SEQFIELD. See the Adapter for ADABAS Installation Guide, for details.
The Access File Attributes Screen displays the following information:
Master Filename provided on the Main Menu.
File name of selected file.
Predict dictionary suffix selected on Main Menu.
Enter RL or FIND. The default is RL. If the site installation requires a CALLTYPE of RL, you cannot change this value.
Enter the password for password-protected files.
Enter the database number if you have access to multiple databases in your ADABAS environment. If this value is 0, the database number is determined from the DBID attribute in the ADABAS DDCARD available to your session.
Enter S for the selected SEQFIELD.
Predict dictionary fieldname.
ALIAS used in the Master File. It is the ADABAS name.
USAGE format of the field in the Master File.
ACTUAL format of the field in the Master File.
Descriptor flag. Value is Descriptor (D) for descriptors.
Unique flag. Value is Unique (U) for unique descriptors.
Null suppression option. Values are Null suppression (N), Fixed format (F), or blank.
Field type. Values are Group (GR), Periodic group (PE), Multi-value field (MU), Superdescriptor (SP), or Subdescriptor (SB).
Level number. Values are from 1 to 7.
The PF keys on the Access File Attributes Screen perform the following functions:
Help (PF1)
Press the PF1 key to display an extensive online help facility.
Restart (PF2)
Press the PF2 key to cancel all previous selections and restart the Master File generation process at the File Selection Screen.
Exit (PF3)
Press the PF3 key to exit the Access File Attributes Screen and return to the Main Menu.
Scroll Backward (PF7)/Scroll Forward (PF8)
Press the PF7 key to scroll the contents of the Access File Attributes Screen backward; press the PF8 key to scroll the contents forward.
If only one file is specified on the File Selection Screen, the Master and Access Files are generated and you return to the Main Menu.
Otherwise, you are asked to select the children of the root file on the Child Selection Screen. The Child Selection Screen lists files that you can select as descendants of the parent file.
Master: Master File Generation Facility for AUTOADBS SAMPLE ==Child Selection== File: SYSDIC-DB Dictionary: Select children files with 'S' S File Fnr Dictionary - -------------------------------- --- ---------- s SYSDIC-FI 012 PF1=Help PF2=Restart PF3=End PF4=None PF5=Picture PF7=Up PF8=Down |
This screen is the first of three screens that display as part of the child identification process. For each child file selected, you provide a relationship between it and the parent file. You identify a common field in each file, the foreign key (IXFLD) in the child file and the primary key (KEYFLD) in the parent file. Choosing the keys are described in The IXFLD Selection Screen.
Place s in the column labeled S next to each desired child file and press the Enter key.
Press the PF4 key if no files are to be assigned as children of the current parent segment.
The file relationships are described in top-down, left-to-right order. Initially, this screen displays the root file as the current parent. All files selected as children will appear in the list. Select only those files that will be children of the current parent by placing s in the column labeled S for the desired files.
After identifying the primary and foreign keys for the root and all of its children, the process will repeat for the files selected as children of the root. The first child of the root will be displayed at the top of the screen. This is now the current parent file. All files selected as children on the File Selection Screen, but not yet assigned, appear in the list. Files from the list are selected as children of the current parent. These are grandchildren of the root.
Child selection continues down this first path until the user selects no descendants (by pressing the PF4 key). Only then will the second child of the previous parent be displayed at the top of the screen. This process continues until all files have been assigned children or all possible descendants have been exhausted. At this point, the description will be generated and the Main Menu will be redisplayed.
The Child Selection Screen displays the following information:
Master Filename provided on the Main Menu.
The current file being assigned children.
The Predict dictionary where this file is described.
Enter S to select the children files.
Files to be assigned as children for the shown parent.
File number.
Predict dictionary where this file is described.
The PF keys on the Child Selection Screen perform the following functions:
Help (PF1)
Press the PF1 key to display an extensive online help facility.
Restart (PF2)
Press the PF2 key to cancel all previous selections and restart the Master File generation process at the File Selection Screen.
Exit (PF3)
Press the PF3 key to exit the Child Selection Screen and return to the Main Menu.
None (PF4)
Press the PF4 key if you do not want to describe any of the listed files as children of the current parent file.
Create a Picture of the Description (PF5)
Press the PF5 key at any time to generate a diagram of the structure of the file being described. Note that the description is created on disk (and remains there even if the program was ended by pressing the PF3 key). After the picture is displayed, enter any character and press the Enter key to return to the Child Selection Screen. The target Master PDS must be allocated to ddname MASTER to generate the picture. If a member exists with the Master name selected in a data set concatenated in front of the target data set, the picture is generated from that member.
Scroll Backward (PF7)/Scroll Forward (PF8)
Press the PF7 key to scroll the contents of the Child Selection Screen backward. Press the PF8 key to scroll the contents forward.
When files are selected as children, the IXFLD Selection Screen displays, once for each selected file.
Master: Master File Generation Facility for AUTOADBS SAMPLE ==IXFLD Selection== File: SYSDIC-FI Dictionary: Parent: SYSDIC-DB Dictionary: Select the common field (IXFLD) from the descendant file with 'S' S Fieldname Alias Usage Actual D U S Ty L - -------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------ - - - -- - HOLD_USER AF A8 A8 D N 1 s FILE_REC S6 A33 A33 D N SP 1 L_FNR AR P3 Z3 D N 1 ADANET_FILE_TYPE D8 A1 A1 D N 2 ADABAS_AVB_REC S4 A34 A34 D N SP 1 IMS_SEGMENT_NAME AX A8 A8 D N 2 IMS_PARENT_FILE AY A32 A32 D N 2 IMS_SOURCE_FILE1 A2 A32 A32 D N 2 IMS_SOURCE_FILE2 A3 A32 A32 D N 2 DB2_EDIT_PROGRAM D9 A8 A8 D N 2 DB2_VALID_PROGRAM EA A8 A8 D N 2 DSNAME DL A44 A44 D N 2 PF1=Help PF2=Restart PF3=End PF4=Skip PF7=Up PF8=Down |
The IXFLD Selection Screen identifies the foreign key in the child file. Place s in the column labeled S to select the common field in the cross-reference file and press the Enter key.
Press the PF4 key to skip this file as a descendant if it was selected in error. Pressing the PF4 key does not affect previous or subsequent selections.
AUTOADBS displays only those fields that can be used as an IXFLD on this screen. The IXFLD must be a descriptor, a superdescriptor, or a subdescriptor. It cannot be a PE group, an element of a PE group, an MU field, or a reformatted field.
The IXFLD Selection Screen displays the following information:
Master Filename provided on the Main Menu.
The child file from which the IXFLD is being selected.
The Predict dictionary where this file is described.
The parent filename.
Enter s for the selected IXFLD.
Predict dictionary fieldname.
ALIAS used in the Master File. It is the ADABAS name.
USAGE format of the field in the Master File.
ACTUAL format of the field in the Master File.
Descriptor flag. Value is Descriptor (D) for descriptors.
Unique flag. Value is Unique (U) for unique descriptors.
Null suppression option. Values are Null suppression (N), Fixed format (F), or blank.
Field type. Values are Group (GR), Periodic group (PE), Multi-value field (MU), Superdescriptor (SP), or Subdescriptor (SB).
Level number. Values are from 1 to 7.
The PF keys on the IXFLD Selection Screen perform the following functions:
Help (PF1)
Press the PF1 key to display an extensive online help facility.
Restart (PF2)
Press the PF2 key to cancel all previous selections and restart the Master File generation process at the File Selection Screen.
Exit (PF3)
Press the PF3 key to exit the IXFLD Selection Screen and return to the Main Menu.
Skip (PF4)
Press the PF4 key to skip this file as a descendant if it was selected in error. Previous or subsequent selections are not affected. However, the skipped segments appear in subsequent lists when you return to the Child Selection Screen to define any additional paths in the hierarchy.
Scroll Backward (PF7)/Scroll Forward (PF8)
Press the PF7 key to scroll the contents of the IXFLD Selection Screen backward; press the PF8 key to scroll the contents forward.
Once the IXFLD is selected in the child file, the KEYFLD Selection Screen displays, once for each selected file.
Master: Master File Generation Facility for AUTOADBS SAMPLE ==KEYFLD Selection== File: SYSDIC-DB Dictionary: Child: SYSDIC-FI Dictionary: IXFLD: FILE_REC Actual: A33 Select the common field (KEYFLD) from the parent file with 'S' S Fieldname Alias Usage Actual D U S Ty L - -------------------------------- ---------- ------ ------ - - - -- - RECORD_TYPE AA A2 A2 N 1 COMMENTS BD A30 A30 N MU 1 DESC AB A1 A1 N 1 MAINTENANCE_ACTION BG A1 A1 N 2 KEY_WORD KY A32 A32 D N MU 1 OWNER_ID II A32 A32 D N MU 1 DATA_BASE_NAME JJ A32 A32 N 1 SPMRF_TYPE DA A1 A1 N 1 s FILE_ELEMENT DC A32 A32 N MU 1 FILE_TYPE_EL S7 A33 A33 D N SP 1 DATA_BASE_TYPE AT A1 A1 D N 1 GEN_FLAG CI A1 A1 N MU 2 PF1=Help PF2=Restart PF3=End PF4=Skip PF7=Up PF8=Down |
The KEYFLD Selection Screen identifies the primary key in the parent file. Place s in the column labeled S to select the common field in the parent file, and press the Enter key.
Press the PF4 key to skip this parent/child relationship if it was selected in error. Pressing the PF4 key does not affect previous or subsequent selections.
AUTOADBS displays only those fields that can be used as a KEYFLD on this screen. The KEYFLD must have the same format type as the IXFLD, and the field length may be the same or shorter than that of the IXFLD. It cannot be a periodic group (PE), a subdescriptor, a superdescriptor composed of partial fields, or a reformatted field.
The KEYFLD Selection Screen displays the following information:
Master Filename provided on the Main Menu.
The child file from which the IXFLD is being selected.
The Predict dictionary where this file is described.
The child file from which the IXFLD was selected.
The selected IXFLD.
The ACTUAL format of the selected IXFLD.
Enter s for the selected IXFLD.
Predict dictionary fieldname.
ALIAS used in the Master File. It is the ADABAS name.
USAGE format of the field in the Master File.
ACTUAL format of the field in the Master File.
Descriptor flag. Value is Descriptor (D) for descriptors.
Unique flag. Value is Unique (U) for unique descriptors.
Null suppression option. Values are Null suppression (N), Fixed format (F), or blank.
Field type. Values are Group (GR), Periodic group (PE), Multi-value field (MU), Superdescriptor (SP), or Subdescriptor (SB).
Level number. Values are from 1 to 7.
The PF keys on the KEYFLD Selection Screen perform the following functions:
Help (PF1)
Press the PF1 key to display an extensive online help facility.
Restart (PF2)
Press the PF2 key to cancel all previous selections and restart the Master File generation process at the File Selection Screen.
Exit (PF3)
Press the PF3 key to exit the KEYFLD Selection Screen and return to the Main Menu.
Skip (PF4)
Press the PF4 key to skip this file as a descendant if it was selected in error. Previous or subsequent selections are not affected; however, the skipped segments appear in subsequent lists when you return to the Child Selection Screen to define any additional paths in the hierarchy.
Scroll Backward (PF7)/Scroll Forward (PF8)
Press the PF7 key to scroll the contents of the KEYFLD Selection Screen backward; press the PF8 key to scroll the contents forward.
Information Builders |