Generating a Trace

How to:

If you encounter a problem, you can run a set of traces that will help you assess the problem, and, if necessary, communicate it to Customer Support Services for further assistance. This topic describes trace options and provides instructions for creating the traces.

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Procedure: How to Generate a Trace

To generate a trace:

  1. Create a directory under APPROOT to reproduce the problem.
  2. Copy any files required for the reproduction to the directory.
  3. Switch to the directory.
  4. Reproduce the problem using the focus -traceon startup option and executing the procedure you are tracing.
  5. Switch to a directory other than the problem reproduction directory.
  6. Issue the following command:
    focus -savediag

    You must preface focus with the appropriate path, or place the directory in your system PATH variable.

  7. Respond to the prompts to capture, and optionally archive, diagnostic information.

Diagnostic information will commonly contain user data. If the release of that data is considered a security concern when shipping to Customer Support Services, the -savediag feature also allows a diagnostic to be saved and shipped later to allow the site the opportunity to review and cleanse the traces of data of this nature before shipping. For information about sending the diagnostic information to Customer Support Services, see Information You Should Have and Customer Support.

Information Builders