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If you exited from the Winform Painter, you can display it again by:
In either case, you return to the Painter exactly where you left off.
Perform one of the following to add a field to the form:
If your terminal emulator indicates the cursor's row and column position, position the beginning of the field at row 6, column 27. This tutorial uses emulator coordinates for positioning controls in the Winform. (The Winform Painter refers to controls as objects.)
To determine the same position using Winform row and column equivalents, subtract 3 from the emulator row position, and 1 from the emulator column position. For example, if you are determining row position by manually counting from the first, that is, the top line inside the Winform, this is row 3 and if you are determining column position by using the rulers above and below the Winform, this is column 26.
The Painter displays the following dialog box, and the cursor flashes in the Field entry field:
You can specify the following in this dialog box:
To specify the field to display, type a name in the Field entry field and then press Enter; or scroll through the list of field names in the Field list box, move the cursor to the appropriate field name, and press Enter.
Try it now: For the purposes of this tutorial, specify the Country field.
All controls—except frames and browsers—have names. The Winform Painter refers to controls as objects, and to their names as object names. These names enable you to refer to controls within your procedure, so that you can dynamically manipulate them in response to run-time events.
Object Name is located in the bottom middle of the dialog box.
Try it now: Name this field CountryField, by overwriting the default name (Field1).
The Source radio button group enables you to select a source for the field's initial value:
The Source Stack drop box lists every stack that was specified in the Winform Properties dialog box.
If no stacks appear, exit this screen and return to the Form Properties dialog box to enter stacks.
When you click the Stacks radio button and then click the down-arrow button, the Painter displays a list of available stacks.
To click a radio button, position your cursor in the middle of the desired button and press any character, for example, an "x".
To select one of these stacks as the source of the field's initial value, position the cursor on the desired stack and press Enter.
Try it now: Select CarStack as your source. In this tutorial, you obtain your input data from this stack.
When you press Enter or a function key—such as PF4 to confirm your entries and close the dialog box—the character you entered changes into an asterisk (*).
Note that the Source and Destination must be the same. Both must either display <None> or the name of the stack.
The destination specifies where the field value supplied by the end-user is to go. The Destination Stack drop box lists every stack that was specified in the Winform Properties dialog box.
When you click the down-arrow button, the Painter displays a list of available stacks.
To select a stack as the destination, position the cursor on the desired stack and press Enter.
If you want the field's value to be written to the Current Area, do not specify anything. Whether or not you select a destination stack, all values are automatically copied to the Current Area.
Try it now: For this tutorial, specify CarStack as the destination stack.
The Painter automatically fills this field when you select a field from the Field list box or when you enter a data source field name in the Field entry field. In this case, the Painter fills in the length the next time you press Enter.
The Length is obtained from the Master File.
You can override the default length by typing in a different length.
If the field length is longer than what is specified in the Master File, all of the characters specified after the end of the Master length are not added to the data source.
Try it now: For this tutorial you want the length specified in the Master File, so you need not change the specification.
The Prompt check box indicates whether or not you want the field name (or other text) to appear to the left of the field.
You can change the value in the Prompt entry field. However, the prompt text may not exceed 13 characters. If you want the prompt text to be longer than 13 characters, you must uncheck Prompt and supply your own text using the method described in Step 4: Adding Text.
Try it now: For the Country field, you want the field name to appear, so accept the default (checked). To enhance the prompt's appearance, change all the letters following the first to lowercase, so that it reads Country.
When the Uppercase check box is checked (this is the default setting), whatever text the user types in is converted to uppercase before being placed in the destination.
Try it now: Accept the default. For this tutorial, all data should be converted to uppercase, because all data in the Car data source is stored in uppercase.
Select the Protected check box to protect the field from users changing its value. You check this box if this field is to be display-only.
Try it now: In general, you want to protect key fields, such as Country, so check this option.
Click OK (or PF4) after you finish making all changes to the field dialog box. If you want to view the dialog boxes associated with clicking PF5 and PF6, do not click PF4 yet.
The Accepts button opens the Accept List dialog box which enables you to specify a data validation test for the field, as well as the conditions under which to display the list or range of valid values. If valid values are already specified for this field in the Master File, you use this dialog box to specify when to display them.
For this tutorial you do not use the Accepts data validation feature. Click PF3 to exit from this dialog box.
Click the Color button when you want to change the colors for a field. When you click this button, the following dialog box opens:
To select a color, an attribute, or an extended attribute, move the cursor to the appropriate radio button and press any key.
Try it now: For this tutorial, you do not show colors. Click PF3 to exit from this dialog box.
When you click the Cancel button, any changes made to the Field dialog box are ignored, and you return to the Winform Design Screen.
When you click the Triggers button, the Triggers dialog box opens. It lists all of the system shortcut keys and enables you to enter functions (which are referred to as cases in the Winform Painter) against the corresponding keys.
When you finish entering options, the Field dialog box should look similar to the following:
Try it now: Press PF4 to indicate that you are done.
After you press PF4, the Country field appears, and the form looks similar to the following:
To add additional fields, move the cursor two lines below the Country field and press PF4. The Field dialog box appears.
Note that the changes you specified in the Field dialog box for the Country field (for example, the CarStack stack) are the new defaults.
Try it now: Select the Car field.
The length is obtained from the Master File.
When you are adding fields (or other controls later in the tutorial), there are two ways to make changes. (Winform Painter refers to controls as objects.)
One way is to remove the control and begin again. To remove a control:
The control no longer appears on the screen. Editing the control presents an easier way to make changes. To edit a control:
The appropriate dialog box opens, and you can specify changes.
You may wish to move controls around on the screen to make the screen more appealing. To move a control:
You may want to resize a control, such as the grid described in the next section, Step 3: Adding a Grid. To change the size of a control:
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