In this section: |
You may use FSCAN to modify the database by adding, updating, and deleting segment instances.
To add a new segment instance to the segment displayed on the screen, type the instance field values in the input area on the bottom of the screen. You can use the Tab key to jump from field to field. Then type I in the prefix area next to the new instance. When you press Enter, FSCAN adds the instance to the database, displaying it in proper sequence based on its key field values.
If the instance you are typing extends beyond the right margin of the screen, use the scrolling commands discussed in Scrolling the Screen. FSCAN adds the segment instance when you press Enter or enter any command except RIGHT, LEFT, RESET, ?, and QQUIT.
For example, suppose you want to add Fred Johnson to the EMPLOYEE database, and you want the new instance to become the current instance. Type his instance in the input area as shown below (note the I/ in the prefix area):
FSCAN FILE EMPLOYEEFOCUS A1 CHANGES :0 EMP_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME HIRE_DATE DEPARTMENT ------ --------- ---------- --------- ---------- == 117593129 JONES DIANE 820501 MIS == 119265415 SMITH RICHARD 820104 PRODUCTION == 119329144 BANNING JOHN 820801 PRODUCTION == 123764317 IRVING JOAN 820104 PRODUCTION == 126724188 ROMANS ANTHONY 820701 PRODUCTION == 219984371 MCCOY JOHN 810701 MIS == 326179357 BLACKWOOD ROSEMARIE 820401 MIS == 451123478 MCKNIGHT ROGER 820202 PRODUCTION == 543729165 GREENSPAN MARY 820401 MIS == 818692173 CROSS BARBARA 811102 MIS -----------------------------INPUT------------------------------------- I/ 123123123 johnson fred 870507 mis ==> MORE=> |
When you press Enter, the screen appears as follows:
FSCAN FILE EMPLOYEEFOCUS A1 CHANGES :1 EMP_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME HIRE_DATE DEPARTMENT ------ --------- --------- --------- ---------- == 123123123 JOHNSON FRED 870507 MIS == 123764317 IRVING JOAN 820104 PRODUCTION == 126724188 ROMANS ANTHONY 820701 PRODUCTION == 219984371 MCCOY JOHN 810701 MIS == 326179357 BLACKWOOD ROSEMARIE 820401 MIS == 451123478 MCKNIGHT ROGER 820202 PRODUCTION == 543729165 GREENSPAN MARY 820401 MIS == 818692173 CROSS BARBARA 811102 MIS ------------------------------INPUT------------------------------------ == ==> 0 Keys Changed 0 Non-Keys Changed 0 Records Deleted 1 Records Input MORE=> |
If you do not type "I" in the prefix area when you input a new instance, FSCAN displays an error message. To continue, you must do one of the following:
Note that the RESET command entered on the command line is an immediate command. However, the R prefix-area command is not an immediate command. If you typed changes on a line not specifying the R prefix, FSCAN enters the changes.
How to: |
There are three ways to update non-key field values:
Note that FSCAN does not accept any new field value that does not conform to the ACCEPT attribute in the Master File (the ACCEPT attribute is explained in the Describing Data manual).
You may update segment instances by typing over their values on the screen. Use the Tab key to jump from field to field within the same instance.
For example, suppose you want to change Richard Smith's department from Production to Sales. Simply type over the DEPARTMENT value and press Enter. The screen appears as shown on the next page. Note that the message at the bottom of the screen indicates one changed non-key field.
The screen is:
FSCAN FILE EMPLOYEEFOCUS A1 CHANGES :0 EMP_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME HIRE_DATE DEPARTMENT ------ --------- ---------- --------- ---------- == 071382660 STEVENS ALFRED 800602 PRODUCTION == 112847612 SMITH MARY 810701 MIS == 117593129 JONES DIANE 820501 MIS == 119265415 SMITH RICHARD 820104 SALES == 119329144 BANNING JOHN 820801 PRODUCTION == 123764317 IRVING JOAN 820104 PRODUCTION == 126724188 ROMANS ANTHONY 820701 PRODUCTION == 219984371 MCCOY JOHN 810701 MIS == 326179357 BLACKWOOD ROSEMARIE 820401 MIS == 451123478 MCKNIGHT ROGER 820202 PRODUCTION --------------------------------INPUT---------------------------------- == ==> 0 Keys Changed 1 Non-Keys Changed 0 Records Deleted 0 Records Input MORE=> |
The message at the bottom of the screen indicates the number of field values you changed since the last time you pressed Enter. The counter at the top of the screen counts the total number of values you changed since the last time the changes were saved on disk.
If you type over field values and change your mind before you press Enter, you can restore the original field values by entering R (to specify the RESET command) on the prefix area next to the instance whose values you are recovering, or by pressing the PF2 or PF14 key. However, if you press Enter before pressing one of these keys, you will not recover the typed-over values.
Note that the RESET command entered on the command line is an immediate command. However, the R prefix area command is not an immediate command. If you typed changes on a line not specifying the R prefix, FSCAN enters the changes.
The REPLACE command replaces one field value with another either for a specific instance or for all the instances in a group. (In the root segment, this is all the instances in the segment; in a descendant segment, this is all the instances that share a parent instance.) The syntax is
REPlace field1 = value1[,field2 = value2, ...] [,$ {*|n}]
Is a field in the current instance whose value you want to change.
Is a new value for the field.
Enables you to change multiple instances starting from the current instance (the current instance included). n is the number of instances to be searched for the field value you want to change. If you want all instances in the group starting from the current instance changed, use an asterisk (*).
For example, to change Richard Smith's department from Production to Sales, make Richard Smith's instance the current instance. Then enter:
To change the DEPARTMENT value to SALES in the next five instances, enter:
To change all DEPARTMENT values in the group to SALES, make the first instance on display the current instance by entering:
Then enter:
The CHANGE command changes character strings within field values either for a specific instance or for all the instances in a group (in the root segment, this is all the instances in the segment; in a descendant segment, this is all the instances that share a parent instance). The fields must be alphanumeric. The syntax is
CHAnge field = /oldstring/newstring/ [,$ {*|n}]
Is the name of the field in the current instance whose value you want to change. The field must be alphanumeric, and it cannot be a key field.
Is the substring of the field value that you want to change.
Is the character string to replace the substring.
Enables you to change multiple instances counting from the current instance (the current instance included). n is the number of instances to be searched for the substring. If you want all instances in the group searched, starting from the current instance, use an asterisk (*).
For example, to change Joan Irving's department from Production to Products, make Joan Irving's instance the current instance. Then enter:
To change the Production department to Products in the next five instances starting from the current instance, enter:
To change this substring in all the instances in the group, make the first instance on display the current instance by entering:
Then enter:
How to: |
FSCAN enables you to change values of key fields, either by typing over the values or by using the REPLACE KEY command.
Note: FSCAN does not allow you to change a key field to a value that will make the key field values of one instance the same as another instance.
FSCAN does not accept any new key field value that does not conform to the ACCEPT attribute in the Master File (the ACCEPT attribute is explained in the Describing Data manual).
To change the value of a key field, do the following:
If you want the instance to be the current instance after its key value is changed, type K/ in the prefix area next to the instance.
After you change the key value, FOCUS moves the instance within the segment so that the key values remain sorted in their proper sequence. The screen shows this immediately.
Note: FOCUS does not physically move instances in the root segment, although the instances appear on the FSCAN screen sorted by their key field values.
If you do not enter the KEY command or type K in the prefix area when you change a key field value, FSCAN displays an error message. Before continuing, you must do one of the following:
Note: The RESET command entered on the command line is an immediate command. However, the R prefix area command is not an immediate command. If you type any changes on a line that does not specify the R prefix, FSCAN enters the changes.
For example, suppose you want to change Alfred Stevens' employee ID from 071382660 to 444555666, and you want his instance to remain the current instance. Type over the employee ID and type K/ in the prefix area.
The screen appears as shown below:
FSCAN FILE EMPLOYEEFOCUS A1 CHANGES :2 EMP_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME HIRE_DATE DEPARTMENT ------ --------- ---------- --------- ---------- k/ 444555666 STEVENS ALFRED 800602 PRODUCTION == 112847612 SMITH MARY 810701 MIS == 117593129 JONES DIANE 820501 MIS == 119265415 SMITH RICHARD 820104 PRODUCTION == 119329144 BANNING JOHN 820801 PRODUCTION == 123764317 IRVING JOAN 820104 PRODUCTION == 126724188 ROMANS ANTHONY 820701 PRODUCTION == 219984371 MCCOY JOHN 810701 MIS == 326179357 BLACKWOOD ROSEMARIE 820401 MIS == 451123478 MCKNIGHT ROGER 820202 PRODUCTION -------------------------------INPUT----------------------------------- == ==> MORE=> |
When you press Enter, the screen appears as shown below:
FSCAN FILE EMPLOYEEFOCUS A1 CHANGES :3 EMP_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME HIRE_DATE DEPARTMENT ------ --------- ---------- --------- ---------- == 444555666 STEVENS ALFRED 800602 PRODUCTION == 451123478 MCKNIGHT ROGER 820202 PRODUCTION == 543729165 GREENSPAN MARY 820401 MIS == 818692173 CROSS BARBARA 811102 MIS ------------------------------INPUT------------------------------------ == ==> 1 Keys Changed 0 Non-Keys Changed 0 Records Deleted 0 Records Input MORE=> |
The message at the bottom of the screen indicates the number of key field values you changed since the last time you pressed Enter.
You may also use the REPLACE command to change key fields of the current instance. The syntax of the REPLACE command to replace key fields is
REPlace KEY key1 = value1[, key2 = value2, ...]
Is the key field you want to change. Remember that an instance may have more than one key field (as determined by the SEGTYPE attribute in the Master File).
Is the new value for the key field.
For example, to change Alfred Stevens' employee ID from 444555666 to 071382660, make his instance the current instance by placing a slash in the prefix area, and enter the following:
REPLACE KEY EMP_ID = 071382660
How to: |
You can easily delete a data instance with the DELETE command.
To delete the current instance, type a D in the prefix area next to the instance or enter:
FSCAN displays the complete segment instance alone on the screen and asks if you really want to delete it. Press Enter to delete the instance, or respond:
Do not delete the current instance. (Returns to the previous screen.)
Do not delete the current instance. (If you made no other changes to the database, entering Q leaves FSCAN and returns to the FOCUS prompt. Otherwise, it returns to the previous screen.)
Note: When you delete an instance, you delete all its descendant instances as well.
For example, suppose you want to delete information about John Banning from the database. First, make John Banning's instance the current instance. Then, enter the DELETE command. The following screen appears:
FSCAN FILE EMPLOYEEFOCUS A1 CHANGES :4 Delete Confirmation Screen EMP_ID : 119329144 LAST_NAME : BANNING FIRST_NAME : JOHN HIRE_DATE : 820801 DEPARTMENT : PRODUCTION CURR_SAL : 29700.00 CURR_JOBCODE : A17 ED_HR : .00 ==> Press ENTER to delete Enter N(o) to abort Enter Q(uit) to quit session |
If you press Enter, the screen appears as follows:
FSCAN FILE EMPLOYEEFOCUS A1CHANGES :2 EMP_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME HIRE_DATE DEPARTMENT ------ --------- ---------- --------- ---------- == 123764317 IRVING JOAN 820104 PRODUCTION == 126724188 ROMANS ANTHONY 820701 PRODUCTION == 219984371 MCCOY JOHN 810701 MIS == 326179357 BLACKWOOD ROSEMARIE 820401 MIS == 451123478 MCKNIGHT ROGER 820202 PRODUCTION == 543729165 GREENSPAN MARY 820401 MIS == 818692173 CROSS BARBARA 811102 MIS -------------------------------INPUT----------------------------------- == ==> 0 Keys Changed 0 Non-Keys Changed 1 Records Deleted 0 Records Input MORE=> |
Information Builders |