In this section: |
SCAN subcommands can be entered as unique truncations or in full. In the summary below, the capital letters represent the shortest unique truncations.
A list of descriptions of these subcommands, with additional information and examples, begins with AGAIN Command.
Subcommand |
Function |
Again |
Repeat the last subcommand. |
BAck |
Go back to a previously marked logical record (see MArk, below). |
CHAnge |
Change a character string. |
CRTform |
Display a list of fields on a CRTFORM. |
DElete |
Delete one or more instances of the segment containing the named field (and all descendant segments). |
DIsplay |
Display the data values for the fields specified. |
End |
Terminate the SCAN session and write the changes to the database. |
File |
Terminate the SCAN session and write the changes to the database. |
Input |
Enter a new record. |
Jump |
Jump to the next or nth occurrence of field. |
Locate |
Search for records that match the selection criteria. |
MArk |
Mark a record so that you can return to it later in the SCAN session. |
MOve |
Relink the segment to another parent. |
Next |
Move n records ahead. |
Quit |
End the session and drop the pending changes. |
Replace |
Replace a field value in one or more instances. |
SAve |
Save all pending changes and continue. |
SHow |
Select a subset of the fields in the database (a logical view—Show List). |
TLocate |
Go to top of database, then locate record(s) meeting the selection criteria. |
TOp |
Reset current position at first logical record in the database. |
TYpe |
Type record(s). |
UP |
Move current position to parent segment's first descendant. |
X |
Used for command substitution. |
Y |
Same as X above. |
? |
Print the previous subcommand. |
How to: Reference: |
The AGAIN command tells the system to repeat the previous valid command.
This is particularly useful after LOCATE, as it continues the search for the next instance of the target value.
show emp_id last_name salary dpt locate dpt=mis EID=112847612 LN=SMITH DPT=MIS SAL= 13200.00 again EID=117593129 LN=JONES DPT=MIS SAL= 18480.00
LOCATE retrieves the first record following the current position that matches the test condition. AGAIN repeats the process, as if the LOCATE statement had been retyped, and the next record that meets the test condition is displayed.
The fields displayed above are those named in the previous SHOW subcommand. The DPT (Department) field is available in the Show List because it resides in the same segment as the EMP_ID and LAST_NAME fields.
How to: Reference: |
The BACK subcommand works in conjunction with the previous MARK subcommand (only one MARK is in effect at a time). When BACK is issued, control returns to the previous marked record (see MARK subcommand).
show emp_id last_name first_name salary next EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED SAL= 11000.00 jump emp_id 2 EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 18480.00 mark next 2 EID=119265415 LN=SMITH FN=RICHARD SAL= 9500.00 back EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 18480.00
How to: |
CHANGE is used to replace specified alphanumeric character strings with new strings in data fields. Changes may be made sequentially to every record in the database, or to all records that match a LOCATE criteria.
Note: CHANGE cannot be used on numeric fields with formats I, P, F, and D.
CHAnge field=/oldstring/newstring/,$ [*|n]
A period (.), colon (:), or slash (/) may be used as the string delimiter and must be the first character after the equal sign (=). The same character must then be used to terminate the old and new strings.
The replication factor n (where n is number of strings to be replaced) has a default value of 1. When more than one string is to be changed, indicate the replication factor as a single digit following the line terminator characters ,$. To replace all instances of the string in the remainder of the database, use the asterisk (*). To replace all instances of the string in the database, issue TOP before the CHANGE. This resets the current position at the first logical record.
Reference: |
This section will show how to use the CHANGE command.
To change a single field, first locate it then make the change.
show emp_id last_name first_name tlocate ln=stevens EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED change ln=/stevens/stephens/,$ EID=071382660 LN=STEPHENS FN=ALFRED
To change all occurrences of the old string to the new string throughout the database starting at the current position, use the replication factor, *.
show last_name department salary locate dpt=mis LN=SMITH DPT=MIS SAL= 13200.00 change dpt=/mis/mis dept/,$ * LN=SMITH DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 13200.00 LN=JONES DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 18480.00 LN=JONES DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 17750.00 LN=MCCOY DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 18480.00 LN=BLACKWOOD DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 21780.00 LN=GREENSPAN DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 9000.00 LN=GREENSPAN DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 8650.00 LN=CROSS DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 27062.00 LN=CROSS DPT=MIS DEPT SAL= 25775.00 VALUES REPLACED= 6 EOF:
The VALUE REPLACED parameter displayed at the bottom of the report shows how many segment instances were changed, not how many lines SCAN displays after the change.
The current position is reached through a LOCATE (or TLOCATE) subcommand, and the conditions of the LOCATE are retained and applied in selecting records to be changed.
tlocate dpt=mis dept, sal lt 15000 LN=SMITH DPT=MIS DEPT SAL=13200.00 change dpt=/mis dept/mis/ ,$ * LN=SMITH DPT=MIS SAL= 13200.00 LN=GREENSPAN DPT=MIS SAL= 9000.00 LN=GREENSPAN DPT=MIS SAL= 8650.00 VALUES REPLACED= 2 EOF:
Here SCAN changes only two segment instances rather than the six instances in the previous example, but three are shown because there are two child segments for the GREENSPAN record.
How to: |
The CRTFORM subcommand formats the display of selected data fields. Enter the field names separated by blanks. (The selection begins at the current position.) The display aligns two fields per line where possible.
Use the TYPE subcommand to display the results of a CRTFORM subcommand.
CRTform * {*|fieldname [*]...fieldname}
You can enter the full field names, aliases, or the shortest unique truncations of either. To display all fields between two named fields, place an asterisk in the list of field names. To simply display all fields, use an asterisk in place of the field names.
Reference: |
This section shows how to use the CRTFORM command.
crtform eid ln fn sal type EMP_ID =071382660 LAST_NAME =STEVENS FIRST_NAME =ALFRED SALARY = 11000.00
How to: Reference: |
The segment containing the field name is deleted and all of its descendant segments are deleted. Any references to indexed fields are removed from their associated indexes.
None of the changes made during a SCAN session take effect until you save them. When you do write them to the database using SAVE or FILE (see descriptions of these subcommands on the following pages), they become permanent; thus you should closely monitor the effect of your changes as you work in SCAN. If you make a mistake, it is important to QUIT immediately to avoid any permanent damage.
DElete fieldname [factor]
Is one of the following:
1 is the default value.
* deletes all instances of the field.
n is the number of data instances to be deleted. When more than one instance is to be deleted, indicate the replication factor as a numeric value following the line terminator characters ,$.
show emp_id last_name salary jobcode next EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS SAL= 11000.00 JBC=A07 delete jobcode 6 SEGMENTS DELETED= 6
The next six instances of JOBCODE are removed.
How to: Reference: |
This subcommand displays the values of the named fields in a neat vertical list, whether the field is in the SHOW list or not. It is useful to view the values of fields not specified in a SHOW list. (TYPE presents only the fields named in the SHOW command.) It is convenient, for example, to move through databases looking at only the values of a few key fields. Then, when you find the record you want, use DISPLAY to display all of the fields in the segment(s) contained in the Show List.
The DISPLAY subcommand does not remain in effect. It simply lists the specified values. If you need to issue it repeatedly, store it with the X or Y subcommand for subsequent execution.
DIsplay fieldname [fieldname...fieldname]
The field identifier may be the full field name, alternate alias, or shortest unique truncation of either. Separate field names from each other with spaces.
show last_name dat_inc locate ln =smith LN=SMITH DI=820101 display last_name first_name salary department LAST_NAME =SMITH FIRST_NAME =MARY SALARY = 13200.00 DEPARTMENT =MIS
If the DISPLAY subcommand does not produce a list, it indicates that the fields requested must lie outside the currently retrieved segment(s) by displaying the message:
How to: Reference: |
Terminates the SCAN session and writes all pending modifications to the FOCUS database.
How to: Reference: |
Terminates the SCAN session and writes all pending modifications to the FOCUS database.
How to: Reference: |
The subcommand opens the database to accept one or more new segments of data. It creates a segment instance in each segment for which a field value is specified.
The new records are inserted after the record currently displayed; that is, they break the chain. However, if the segment is being maintained in some sort sequence, a check is subsequently performed and the new records inserted in their proper positions.
Input [field=value,...[,$]]
The input records are defined as free-format, or comma-delimited. They are entered in one of two ways:
show emp_id last_name salary jobcode tlocate ln=jones EID=117593129 LN=JONES SAL= 18480.00 JBC=B03 input salary=19000.00, jobcode=b04 SCAN: type EID=117593129 LN=JONES SAL= 19000.00 JBC=B04
Caution: SCAN rejects records that have key field values that already exist in the database (duplicate keys). In this example, if you type the following, you get a warning.
input eid=117593129, salary=19000.00, jobcode=604 DATA KEYS ARE ALREADY IN FILE SCAN:
Such warnings are only provided for key fields, however, and inadvertently creating a duplicate instance of a segment can have unexpected consequences, particularly if one of the records is a short-path record. Subsequently, you may see different versions depending on the fields you name in your SHOW command.
How to: Reference: |
Starting from the field in the current record, JUMP moves immediately to the next occurrence of the same field. This skips over any intervening records and is a quick way to traverse a database. Specify n to jump n occurrences.
If JUMP encounters no additional field occurrences for the same parent record, it stops at the last record in the current chain and displays the END-OF-CHAIN message. It does not move to the start of the next chain.
Jump fieldname [n]
show emp_id last_name first_name salary type 7 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED SAL= 11000.00 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED SAL= 10000.00 EID=112847612 LN=SMITH FN=MARY SAL= 13200.00 EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 18480.00 EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 17750.00 EID=119265415 LN=SMITH FN=RICHARD SAL= 9500.00 EID=818692173 LN=CROSS FN=BARBARA SAL= 25775.00 EID=119265415 LN=SMITH FN=RICHARD SAL= 9050.00 top TOF: next EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED SAL= 11000.00 jump emp_id 2 EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 18480.00
How to: Reference: |
Starting at the current position, initiates a search for record(s) meeting the test condition(s). When an acceptable record is found, it is displayed. If the end of the database is encountered during the search, the message EOF: is displayed.
Locate field rel value [[AND|,]field rel value [,$] [*|n]]
Is the field name of the target(s).
Is one of the following test relations:
Relation |
Meaning |
EQ or = |
Equal to |
NE |
Not equal to |
GE |
Greater than or equal to |
GT |
Greater than |
LE |
Less than or equal to |
LT |
Less than |
Contains |
Omits |
Is the object of the comparison.
Is the number of occurrences which may exist.
The comma-dollar sign (,$) terminator symbol is not required if only one record is sought (the default). It is required if you provide a replication factor (n) larger than 1. If the replication factor is set to *, then all records meeting the test conditions are displayed (from the current position to the end of the database).
When using more than one test relation, separate them by either commas or the word AND, as
locate field rel value, field rel value
locate field rel value AND field rel value
If you supply a list of values with an EQ test, separate the values with the word OR:
locate field EQ value OR value OR value
show emp_id last_name first_name salary locate dpt=mis EID=112847612 LN=SMITH SAL= 13200.00 JBC=B14
How to: Reference: |
The MARK subcommand identifies a logical record so that you can return to it when you issue the MOVE or BACK subcommand. Only one record can be marked at a time. MARK is used to identify data to be moved to a new location in the database, and to return to a record with the BACK command.
show emp_id last_name first_name salary next EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED SAL= 11000.00 jump emp_id 2 EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 18480.00 mark next 2 EID=119265415 LN=SMITH FN=RICHARD SAL= 9500.00 back EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 18480.00
How to: Reference: |
The MOVE subcommand moves segment instances and all of their descendant segments from one parent segment to another.
Identify the record instance of the segment to be moved with the MARK subcommand. Then locate the new position for the marked segment instance in any manner (LOCATE, NEXT, etc.). Follow with the MOVE subcommand naming the instance of the segment being moved. The moved instance and all of its descendants are made descendants of the parent at the current position. If the SEGTYPE is not S or SH, then the segment will be inserted after the record currently shown. If the SEGTYPE is S or SH (sorted, sorted high-to-low), the segments will be located in the proper sort sequence.
MOve fieldname
show emp_id last_name salary dat_inc next EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS DI=820101 SAL= 11000.00 mark locate ln=greenspan EID=543729165 LN=GREENSPAN DI=820611 SAL= 9000.00 move dat_inc EID=543729165 LN=GREENSPAN DI=820101 SAL=11000.00
In the example, the date of increase (DAT_INC or DI) and salary (SAL) are taken from the marked record of Alfred Stevens and moved to Mary Greenspan's record.
How to: Reference: |
The current position is advanced nn records and the new position is displayed (where nn is the number of records from 1 to 99). If the end of the database is reached during the movement to the new current position, the message EOF: is displayed.
Next [nn]
The default is one record.
show emp_id last_name first_name salary type 8 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED SAL= 11000.00 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED SAL= 10000.00 EID=112847612 LN=SMITH FN=MARY SAL= 13200.00 EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 18480.00 EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 17750.00 EID=119265415 LN=SMITH FN=RICHARD SAL= 9500.00 EID=119265415 LN=SMITH FN=RICHARD SAL= 9050.00 EID=119329144 LN=BANNING FN=JOHN SAL= 29700.00 top TOF: next 4 EID=117593129 LN=JONES FN=DIANE SAL= 18480.00 next 2 EID=119265415 LN=SMITH FN=RICHARD SAL= 9500.00
NEXT 4 advances the current position to the fourth logical record and displays the field values at that position. The subsequent NEXT 2 moves the current position forward two more logical records.
How to: Reference: |
Ends the SCAN session. All pending modifications to the database (those not yet written permanently to the disk) are suppressed.
The use of this subcommand does not guarantee that all changes to the database will be ignored. During SCAN execution, large buffer areas hold the pending changes. Depending on the operating system and buffer sizes, a large SCAN file could threaten the buffer capacity. This forces the operating system to write your pending changes to the database to clear the buffer. This would update your database, even though you had not issued a SAVE, END or FILE subcommand.
The FOCUS Absolute File Integrity facility reduces the risk of making changes you do not want. Also, keeping your own copy of the database before you start the session gives you a recovery capability in the event you lose your way in SCAN and create a database you subsequently decide to discard.
The QUIT subcommand acts only to prevent transfer of those records in the buffer to the disk.
When a change is made to a database immediately prior to issuing QUIT, the change is usually suppressed. If SCAN activity is high between modifications to the database, however, the chance of suppressing all changes is less likely, because the buffer work areas may, of necessity, have been written to the disk to make way for more pages of database records.
How to: |
The REPLACE command replaces the data values for the record at the current position with the data values provided. The fields replaced may reside on the same segment or different segments, but must be on the path defined by the Show List if one is in effect.
Two types of global REPLACE operations can be specified:
Replace [KEY] field=value, field=value, $ [factor]
Is one of the following:
1 is the default.
* represents all fields.
nn is the number of field values that can be replaced at one time. If the replication factor nn is greater than 1, then all of the replaced fields must reside on the same segment.
If the field whose value is being replaced is used to keep the segment in the proper sort sequence (that is, it is a key field), then the word KEY must be placed after the command. Without this word, a message is displayed indicating that the key field cannot be replaced.
Note: The replication factor cannot be used with REPLACE KEY.
Reference: |
This section will show how to use the REPLACE command.
show emp_id last_name salary tlocate eid=112847612 EID=112847612 LN=SMITH SAL= 13200.00 replace salary=16000.00 EID=112847612 LN=SMITH SAL= 16000.00
show emp_id last_name jobcode next EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS JBC=A07 replace jobcode=B02,$ * EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS JBC=B02 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS JBC=B02 EID=112847612 LN=SMITH JBC=B02 . . . VALUES REPLACED= 19 EOF:
show emp_id last_name first_name tlocate ln=stevens EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED replace key eid=971382660 EID=971382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED KEY VALUE RESEQUENCED... type * EID=971382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED EOF:
Notes on replacing key fields:
How to: Reference: |
Writes out all modifications to the FOCUS database. The SCAN session continues at the current position held before the SAVE. If the FOCUS Absolute File Integrity feature is active, this is the point at which a new checkpoint is taken.
To activate the Absolute File Integrity feature, issue the following command at the FOCUS command level before you create the database:
If the SET SHADOW command is issued after the database is created, the command has no effect. See the Describing Data manual for information about the FOCUS Absolute File Integrity feature. See the Developing Applications manual for more information about the SET parameters.
Periodic use of SAVE during SCAN sessions is recommended. Otherwise, if communication lines are lost or other processing interruptions occur, the modifications made since the previous SAVE must be repeated.
All modifications to the database are written to the disk, and the SCAN session continues.
How to: |
SHOW is used to create a subset of the database (called a Show List, subtree, or a logical view) for editing. It always moves the current position to the top of the database, and the logical records are only as deep as the Show List (that is, they consist of only the segments named in the SHOW subcommand, which had data in all of the specified fields plus any intermediate segments needed to connect the segments containing the named fields).
SHow [fieldlist]
Can be one of the following:
fieldname [*] fieldname * fieldnamefieldname *
Separate field names with blanks. Field names can be full field names, aliases, or unique truncations of either.
On entry into the SCAN environment, all of the data fields in the first physical top-to-bottom path are displayed as the default Show List. When SHOW is issued with no list of field names, the names of all of the fields in the current path are displayed.
Use an asterisk (*) between two field names to select all fields between and including them. Use an asterisk and one field name to select all field names up to and including the named field. Use one field name and an asterisk to select all field names from that field on.
Reference: |
This sections shows how to use the SHOW command.
show eid last_name salary type * EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS SAL= 11000.00 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS SAL= 10000.00 EID=112847612 LN=SMITH SAL= 13200.00 EID=117593129 LN=JONES SAL= 18480.00 . . . EID=818692173 LN=CROSS SAL= 25775.00 EOF:
The Show List, or subtree, consists of all segment instances that have data for all of the fields specified (Employee Identification Number, Last Name and Salary). Records lacking instances of any of these fields (for example, short-path records) are not included in the list.
show emp_id * bank_name type 2 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED HDT=800602 DPT=PRODUCTION CSAL=11000.00 CJC=A07 OJT= 25.00 BN= EID=112847612 LN=SMITH FN=MARY HDT=810701 DPT=MIS CSAL=13200.00 CJC=B14 OJT= 36.00 BN=
All fields between (and including) EMP_ID and BANK_NAME are included in the Show List. (Stevens and Smith do not have a bank for electronic transfer and, therefore, the value for BN is blank.)
To select all fields, use an asterisk instead of field names.
Note: To examine the contents of the current position in the Show List, you can use TYPE to print just the fields named in the SHOW subcommand. Use DISPLAY or CRTFORM if you wish to see the contents of other fields in the selected segments. (Use TYPE with CRTFORM to see the display.)
Subsequent navigation keywords will show the field values for the current position for each of the fields named in the SHOW subcommand.
How to: Reference: |
TLOCATE is a convenience feature that combines the capabilities of the LOCATE subcommand with those of TOP. When issued, the search begins at the top of the database. This combined functionality allows you to automate processes more easily using the X and Y subcommands.
If the subcommand AGAIN is used following TLOCATE, it locates the same record rather than moving ahead to the next instance as it would with LOCATE.
TLocate field rel value [[AND|,]field rel value [,$][*|nn]]
Is the field name of the target(s).
Is one of the following test relations:
Relation |
Meaning |
EQor = |
Equal to |
NE |
Not equal to |
GE |
Greater than or equal to |
GT |
Greater than |
LE |
Less than or equal to |
LT |
Less than |
Contains |
Omits |
Is the object of the comparison.
The comma-dollar sign (,$) terminator character is not required if only one record is sought. However, it is required if you provide a replication factor larger than one. If the replication factor is set to *, then all records meeting the test conditions are displayed from the current position to the end of the database.
When using more than one test relation, separate them either with commas or the word AND, as follows
locate field rel value, field rel value
locate field rel value AND field rel value
If you supply a list of values with an EQ test, separate the values with the word OR:
locate field EQ value OR value OR value
show last_name first_name department tlocate dpt=production LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED DPT=PRODUCTION next 5 LN=IRVING FN=JOAN DPT=PRODUCTION tlocate dpt=production LN=STEVENS FN=ALFRED DPT=PRODUCTION
How to: Reference: |
The current position is set at the first logical record in the database. If the next subcommand is TYPE or NEXT, the first record is retrieved and displayed.
When the message EOF: appears after any subcommand, use TOP to reset the current position.
show emp_id last_name salary next 30 EOF: top TOF: next EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS SAL= 11000.00
The current position is reset to the top of the database.
How to: Reference: |
The TYPE command displays the values of the named fields or displays the contents of a CRTFORM.
TYpe [factor]
Is one of the following: 1 is the default.
n displays the record at the current position plus the next n-1 records, if the replication factor is greater than 1.
* displays the message EOF: after the last record in the database is displayed. Use TOP to reset the current position to the top of the database.
show emp_id last_name salary type 6 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS SAL= 11000.00 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS SAL= 10000.00 EID=112847612 LN=SMITH SAL= 13200.00 EID=117593129 LN=JONES SAL= 18480.00 EID=117593129 LN=JONES SAL= 17750.00 EID=119265415 LN=SMITH SAL= 9500.00
The record at the current position and the next five records are displayed.
How to: Reference: |
The UP subcommand resets the current position to the first descendant instance under a parent instance. Hence, it moves the position to the start of the current chain.
UP fieldname
Is the name of a field in a descendant segment.
show emp_id last_name salary pay_date next 5 EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS SAL= 10000.00 PD=820630 up pay_date EID=071382660 LN=STEVENS SAL= 10000.00 PD=820528
The current position is reset to the first instance of PAY_DATE information for Stevens.
How to: Reference: |
The X and Y subcommands are used to store a complete SCAN subcommand for later execution by simply typing in the appropriate letter (X or Y).
To set, but not execute, a value for X or Y, type it as a first letter in front of any other subcommand. Any print suppression control, and the replication factors, are picked up from the stored subcommand.
[x|y] subcommand
y display emp_id last_name curr_sal pay_date gross show emp_id pay_date next EID=071382660 PD=820831 y EMP_ID =071382660 LAST_NAME =STEVENS CURR_SAL = 11000.00 PAY_DATE =820831 GROSS = 916.67
A series of operations can be performed by repeatedly entering X and Y subcommands.
How to: Reference: |
The ? subcommand recalls and displays the last recognized subcommand issued in the SCAN mode.
Show emp_id last_name salary jobcode locate dpt=mis EID=112847612 LN=SMITH SAL= 13200.00 JBC=B14 ? LOCATE DPT=MIS again EID=117593129 LN=JONES SAL= 18480.00 JBC=B03
Here the LOCATE operation returns a record. AGAIN locates the next record that meets the stated criteria.
Information Builders |