How to: |
The referenceLines properties define one or more reference lines to draw on an axis.
referenceLines: [ { value: number, axis: 'string', line: { color: 'string', width: number, dash: 'string' }, label: { text: 'string', font: 'string', color: 'string' }, anchor: 'string', showValue: boolean } ]
Is a number or string that defines where on the axis to draw the line.
Is a string that defines the axis on which to draw the line: 'x', 'y', 'y2', or undefined (do not draw line).
Defines the properties of the reference line.
Is a color defined by a color name or numeric specification string that defines the color of the line. The default is 'black'.
Is a number that defines the width of the line in pixels. The default is 1.
Is a string that defines the dash style of the line. Use a string of numbers that defines the width of a dash followed by the width of the gap between dashes (for example, dash: '1 1' draws a dotted line). Use '' for a solid line.
Defines the properties of the reference line label.
Is an optional string that defines the label to draw beside a reference line. Use '', or undefined Empty string, or undefined, to draw no label.
Is a string that defines the size and type face of the label. The default is '7.5pt Sans-Serif'.
Is a color defined by a color name or numeric specification string that defines the color of the label.
Is a string that defines where to draw the reference label relative to the line. Valid values are: 'start' (same side as axis labels) or 'end' (opposite side).
Enables or disables showing the reference line value. Valid values are:
The following request generates a vertical bar chart with two reference lines. The y-axis reference line is a red line drawn at the value 40,000, with a green label that shows the value as part of the label. The x-axis reference line is a green line drawn at the value Computers, with a red label that shows the value as part of the label:
GRAPH FILE WFLITE SUM REVENUE_US GROSS_PROFIT_US MSRP_US COGS_US BY PRODUCT_CATEGORY ON GRAPH HOLD FORMAT JSCHART ON GRAPH SET LOOKGRAPH VBAR ON GRAPH SET STYLE * *GRAPH_JS referenceLines: [ {value: 40000, axis: 'y', line: {color: 'red', width: 6,dash: '' }, label: {text: 'Reference Line @:', font: 'bold 8pt Sans-Serif', color: 'green' }, anchor: 'end', showValue: true } , {value: 'Computers', axis: 'x', line: {color: 'green', width: 6,dash: '' }, label: {text: 'Reference Line @:', font: 'bold 8pt Sans-Serif', color: 'red' }, anchor: 'end', showValue: true }] *END ENDSTYLE END
The output is:
Information Builders |