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In order to create a report that was formatted using a StyleSheet, you must generate an output file containing the formatted report.
Create a HOLD or SAVE file containing the report output in PostScript format. You can issue the HOLD or SAVE command either from the FOCUS command line or in a TABLE request. The syntax is
[ON TABLE] {HOLD|SAVE} FORMAT format [AS filename]
Assigns a 1- to 8-character file name or ddname to the report output. The default file name is HOLD.
Can be one of the following:
HTML for HTML output.
PDF for PDF output.
PS or POSTSCRIPT for PostScript output.
EXL2K for Excel 2000 output. You can also use EXL2K PIVOT for Excel 2000 output with a pivot table or EXL2K FORMULA for Excel 2000 output with formulas.
EXL97 for Excel 97 output.
When you generate stylized report output that is too wide to fit in the defined print area of a single page, StyleSheet formatting divides the output across multiple pages or panels. The pages are automatically numbered with decimal notation indicating the panel number (1.1, 1.2, and so on).
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