Types of Windows

In this section:

The Terminal Operator Environment consists of seven types of windows. Each window performs a function or accepts certain activities:




Accepts user input: all FOCUS commands and requests, operating commands, and WINDOW commands (see Command Window).


Displays Command Window input and resulting output; accesses HotScreen facility (see Output Window).


Lists commands and requests entered in the Command Window (see History Window).


Displays function key settings. You may redefine settings for the current session (see Help Window: Revising PF Key Settings).


Displays the most recent TABLE request (see Table Window).


Displays FOCUS error messages (see Error Window).

Command Window

All commands and requests are entered in the Command Window. You can enter a FOCUS command exactly as you would at the FOCUS command level. The Command Window accepts up to four lines of text. You can enter any combination of commands and requests.

Type the command in the Command Window, then press Enter. The command is copied to the Output Window and to the History Window and is submitted for execution.

Requests are handled in a similar manner. Type your FOCUS TABLE, GRAPH, or MODIFY request. Then, press Enter. The request is copied to the Output Window and to the History Window and is submitted for execution.

If your request is longer than four lines, press PF2 to enlarge the window. Finish entering the rest of the request; do not press PF2 again. Press Enter. The complete request is copied to the Output Window and to the History Window and is submitted for execution.

If you pressed PF2 and the Command Window returned to its original size, press PF8 and scroll to the end of your request. Now, press Enter. This ensures that the entire request, instead of a partial request, is submitted.

Note: If you type over an existing command or request, be sure to delete leftover characters.

If you enter four FOCUS commands (each on a separate line) or a command and request (totaling four lines), the first item (command or request) is copied to the appropriate windows, submitted, and processed and followed by the next item. The Output and History Windows display each item in succession.

In the sample screen below, the Command Window contains a combination report request and a query command.

After the Enter key is pressed, the first item (a request) is copied to the Output and History Windows. The Output Window becomes active and the HotScreen facility displays the report. When you press Enter and return from HotScreen to the Output Window, the Output Window displays the query command as input and its output (in this case, parameter settings).

The following sample screen illustrates the Output Window after HotScreen displays the report.

The Command Window also displays the current command mode in a title area. The title area is on the left side of the window's top border. It functions like the prompt does in the default FOCUS environment. In the previous screen sample, for example, the title area displays

FOCUS Command

because the ? SET query command is a general FOCUS command. If, for example, the last request was a TABLE request or an incomplete request and FOCUS expects another subcommand, the title area displays:

TABLE Command

In this sample screen, part of the TABLE request has been submitted. The title area indicates a current command mode of TABLE.

Note: To return to the Command Window from another active window, press the Enter key.

Output Window

The Output Window functions as a session log. It displays every line of input entered at the Command Window and every resulting line of output. Each line is displayed in the sequence in which it was submitted or generated. Each line of input from the Command Window begins with a caret (>).

Note: The Output Window also accesses the HotScreen facility. After executing a TABLE request, the Output Window becomes active; FOCUS pauses and displays the number of records and lines retrieved. Press Enter to display the TABLE report in HotScreen. Press Enter again to exit HotScreen and return to the Terminal Operator Environment.

The Output Window does not log the report as displayed in the HotScreen facility; it records only the report request. The Table Window contains the most recent report (see Table Window).

History Window

The History Window provides a history of your FOCUS session. It records commands entered from the Command Window. You can review up to 40 previously typed command lines. For example, you could refer to it to see how you specified an earlier TABLE request.

In the History Window, an asterisk (*) indicates an incorrect command or a mistake in syntax. A caret (>) indicates a command. A request with subcommands is treated as one command and begins with one caret.

You can also recall an old command from the History Window into the Command Window, edit it, and resubmit it. To do so, position your cursor at the command in the History Window and press PF6 or use the WINDOW RECALL command described in Recalling Commands.

Help Window: Revising PF Key Settings

The Help Window displays the program function settings and enables you to change those settings.

To activate the Help Window, press PF1 or enter the WINDOW HELP command from the Command Window. The Help Window overlays existing windows. To deactivate the Help Window and remove it from the screen, press PF1 again.

The default key settings are:



PF1, PF13


PF2, PF14


PF3, PF15

PF4, PF16

Scroll Top

PF5, PF17

Scroll Bottom

PF6, PF18


PF7, PF19

Scroll Backward

PF8, PF20

Scroll Forward

PF9, PF21

Move Cursor

PF10, PF22

Scroll Left

PF11, PF23

Scroll Right

PF12, PF24


Note: PF3 and PF15 are undefined. You may type a command in the blank next to either key.

To change a key setting for the current session, type a new command over the old command and press Enter. For more space to specify a long command, enlarge the Help Window with the PF2 key. Be sure to erase leftover characters.

Example: Erasing the Window Contents

To erase the window contents, specify a Clear key for the Output Window by defining the PF3 key (which happens to be undefined):


Example: Assigning WINDOW Commands as Key Settings

When you assign WINDOW commands as key settings, the WINDOW keyword is not required. If you assign FOCUS commands as key settings, the FOCUS keyword is required. For example, to define the ? SET query command as the PF3 key, type:



  • You may also specify the WINDOW SET command from the Command Window to change a key setting for the session.
  • PF key assignments revert back to the default settings when you end a FOCUS session. To retain customized key settings for each session, define them with the WINDOW SET command in your PROFILE FOCEXEC.
  • If you exit the Terminal Operator Environment to return to the FOCUS command level, PF key assignments are retained in the Help Window when you reenter the optional environment.
  • The FOCUS HELP facility is available from this environment; issue the FOCUS HELP command from the Command Window.

Table Window

The Table Window displays the results of the most recent TABLE request. This enables you to view the report again without resubmitting the request. Unlike the RETYPE command, the most recent report is available even if other commands have been issued after the request.

The Table Window displays a TABLE report as soon as you have terminated the report in HotScreen. The Table Window holds up to the first 10 pages of report data (200 lines), up to a width of 130 characters.

Note: The Table Window does not record TABLEF reports, offline reports, or reports issued while the FOCUS SET SCREEN command is set to OFF.

Error Window

When a FOCUS error occurs, the Error Window appears in the middle of the screen and displays an error message. The Error Window always has a bright border, even when it is not the active window. It remains on the screen until the error is corrected.

When you issue a command from the Command Window, it is copied to the Output Window and the History Window. The command is processed and FOCUS checks for errors. If an error is detected, the Error Window appears and the cursor positions itself in the Command Window. If part of the command is correct and has been accepted by FOCUS, that part is protected.

At this point, you have two choices:

You may also control the length of the error message that appears in the Error Window. Use the WINDOW SET ERRORS command to specify long form or short form.

Displaying Fields and Field Formats

The Output Window displays a list of fields and accompanying aliases and formats when you issue the ?FF or ?F query command outside of a request.

Before you enter your request from the Command Window, issue the ?FF query or ?F command:


The Output Window displays the fields. Note the field you wish to use in the request and then press the PF12 key to return to the Command Window. Type the request with the field you selected and press Enter.

To verify that the field has been added to the request, make the History Window the active window. Press PF2 to zoom in; the request with the added field appears. Press PF2 to zoom out. Then make the Command Window the active window again so that you can continue creating your request.

In the following screen, the ?FF EMPLOYEE command was entered in the Command window. When the Enter key is pressed, the Output Window displays the list of fields.

Information Builders