Uses for Dialogue Manager

In this section:


The following are ways to use Dialogue Manager to control the flow of your application:

You can also use Dialogue Manager commands and variables to:

Reference: Overview of Dialogue Manager Commands

For descriptions and syntax, see Dialogue Manager Quick Reference.




Is a comment line; it has no action.

-CLOSE ddname

Closes the specified ‑READ or ‑WRITE file.


Closes all -READ and -WRITE files currently open.


Clears the screen display.


Initiates full-screen variable data entry.


Presets initial values for variable substitution.


Executes stacked commands and returns to the FOCUS prompt.


Establishes an unconditional branch.


For use with the Web Interface to FOCUS.


Tests and branches control based on test results.


Dynamically incorporates one procedure in another.


User-supplied name identifying the target for -GOTO or -IF.


Same as -TSO RUN.


Sets password directly.


Types a prompt message on the screen and reads a reply.


Exits the procedure without executing stacked commands.


Reads records from a sequential file.


Reads fields based on a Master File into Dialogue Manager variables.


Executes a loop.


Executes all stacked FOCUS commands and returns to procedure for further processing.


Assigns a value to a variable.


In MVS/TSO, loads and executes a user-written function.


Types informative messages to the screen or other output device.


Invokes Window Painter, transferring control from the procedure to the specified window file.


Writes a record to a sequential file.


Brackets contents for -CRTFORM display line.

-? SET parameter 

Captures the value of a settable parameter in &myvar.

-? &[variablename]

Displays the values of currently defined amper variables.

Dialogue Manager Variables Overview

You can write procedures containing variables which values are unknown until run time, allowing a user to customize the procedure by supplying different values each time it executes. Variables fall into two categories:

For complete information, see Using Variables in a Procedure, Supplying and Verifying Values for Variables, and Manipulating and Testing Variables.

Information Builders