Reformatting Sort Fields

How to:


When displaying a vertical (BY) sort column or horizontal (ACROSS) sort row on report output, you can reformat the sort field values by specifying the new format in the sort phrase. The reformatting affects only the sort field value as displayed on the sort row or column. That is, if the field used as a sort field is referenced in a heading, subheading, footing, subfooting, or summary line, it displays with its original format.

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Syntax: How to Reformat a Sort Field
{BY [TOTAL]|ACROSS [TOTAL]} sortfield/fmt ...



Is the sort field.


Is the new display format.

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Reference: Usage Notes for Reformatting Sort Fields

Example: Reformatting Sort Fields

The following request against the GGSALES data source includes the following reformatted sort fields:

TABLE FILE GGSALES                              
SUM UNIT                                        
BY CATEGORY/A3                                  
BY PRODUCT/A4                                   
ACROSS REGION/A6                                
ON CATEGORY SUBTOTAL                            
ON CATEGORY SUBHEAD                             
" "                                             
ON TABLE SET PAGE NOPAGE                        

On the output, the reformatting displays on the BY and ACROSS rows, but is not propagated to the subheading and subtotal rows:

                     Midwes       Northe       Southe       West       
CATEGORY  PRODUCT                                                      
CATEGORY IS Coffee                            
Cof       Capu              .        44785        73264        72831   
          Espr         101154        68127        68030        71675   
          Latt         231623       226243       211063       213920   
*TOTAL CATEGORY Coffee                                                 
                       332777       339155       352357       358426   
CATEGORY IS Food                               
Foo       Bisc          90413       149793       119594        70569   
          Croi         139881       137394       156456       197022   
          Scon         116127        70732        73779        72776   
*TOTAL CATEGORY Food                                                
                       346421       357919       349829       340367
CATEGORY IS Gifts                     
Gif       Coff          54002        40977        50556        48081
          Coff          47156        46185        49922        47432
          Mug           86718        91497        88474        93881
          Ther          46587        48870        48976        45648
*TOTAL CATEGORY Gifts                                               
                       234463       227529       237928       235042
TOTAL                  913661       924603       940114       933835

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