Installing MSO Components

The following sections describe how to install the components of MSO.

In this section:

Set Up CICS Access

Customize the VTAM Logon Screen

Install the MSO Console

In order to activate the MSO Console, perform the following steps:

  1. Install a VTAM applid for the Console (see Assign a VTAM APPLID to MSO).
  2. Create a Console configuration file, using the sample in MSO.DATA(SSCHCNFG) as a template. The only record that should be changed is the "local_lu_name" record; it should be updated to reflect the VTAM applid assigned (This record must be in lower case).
  3. Allocate ddname FOCCONS in the MSO JCL; it should point at the Console configuration file.
  4. If communication traces are needed, ddname STDOUT must be allocated as well.

  5. If you will be using a VTAM session manager, refer to Testing and Logging on to MSO.
  6. Set up security for the Console. Security specifications are placed in the MSO configuration file, and are described in The MSO Configuration File. You may further customize Console security by tailoring the SSCONSEC table, as described in MSO Security.
  7. If MSO is running with APF authorization, ensure that SMFNUM either is allowed to default or is explicitly specified in the MSO configuration file.

See The MSO Console for detailed installation procedures, and for a discussion of MSO Console security.

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Set Up CICS Access

Installing CICS access to MSO requires:

Installing MSO Supported Data Adapters, contains detailed instructions for installing the CICS components of MSO. Refer to these instructions if you will be accessing MSO from CICS.

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Customize the VTAM Logon Screen

The Information Builders supplied logon screen may be modified within certain restrictions. Sample source code for the assembler routine SSLGSCRN is available in member SSLGSCRN of FOCCTL.DATA. This routine contains the logic required to build the Information Builders-supplied logon screen, as well as any restrictions to modifications. It is recommended that experienced assembler programmers do any modification to this routine.

JCL to assemble and link the routine into the MSO modules is available in member SSLGJCL of FOCCTL.DATA. The screen may have a maximum length of 1920 bytes, including all 3270 orders; as shipped, it is approximately 1000 bytes.

Information Builders