Pre-Installation Requirements

In this section:

Software Requirements

Native SQL Command Requirement

The following prerequisites apply to both z/OS and z/VM environments except where noted.

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Software Requirements

Before you install the adapter, please review the following list of software requirements:

Oracle must be installed and operational. If it is not, contact your Oracle database administrator.

FOCUS must be installed and operational. If it is not, contact your FOCUS database administrator or consult the appropriate FOCUS installation guide for instructions to install FOCUS.

You also need to know the FOCUS release and maintenance level. There are two ways to identify your release number and a maintenance level:

Every copy of FOCUS has a release number and a maintenance level.

All program temporary fixes (PTFs) issued to you for FOCUS or for the adapter must have been applied to the appropriate FOCUS or adapter libraries for z/OS, or to the appropriate maintenance and production disks for z/VM.

On z/OS, you will need to know how to allocate your adapter libraries. You may also need to create additional space to accommodate the adapter. Space requirements are explained in z/OS Instructions.

On CMS, you will need to know which disks are your Oracle production disk and your FOCUS maintenance and production disks, so you can link to and access them. You may also need to create additional disk space to accommodate the adapter. Space requirements are explained in z/VM Instructions.

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Native SQL Command Requirement

How to:

Distribute SELECT Privileges

GRANT is a native SQL command that authorizes users to access Oracle tables. As a run-time requirement, this command must be issued after the adapter is installed.

You need to know the command syntax and have SELECT authorization for the tables (or views) in question. If you are unfamiliar with the GRANT command, contact your Oracle database administrator to assist you.

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Syntax: How to Distribute SELECT Privileges

GRANT SELECT ON object_name TO {userid|PUBLIC} ;   


Is the name of the Oracle table or view.

Is an authorized user ID for an individual user.

Allows all users to access the specified table or view.

Note: Additional privileges may be required to use two adapter features, the FOCUS CREATE FILE and ON TABLE HOLD FORMAT SQLORA commands, which dynamically create Oracle tables with indices.

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