Magnify Enhancements

In this section:

Magnify is an Enterprise Search solution that helps users find business content across the entire organization and then understand that information using Business Intelligence. Users are provided a single entry point to search structured and unstructured data stored in nearly any location. The Magnify search page is a simple and interactive user interface that dynamically categorizes search results with various navigation, sorting, and viewing options, such as analyzing search results in a tabular format with the added ability to chart and filter an array of metrics and dimensions. Users can access real-time information by drilling down on links to WebFOCUS reports.

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Writing Magnify Feed Documents to Disk

How to:

Modifying ENGINE MAGNIFY SET commands for FORMAT MAGNIFY that instructs the WebFOCUS Reporting Server to write Magnify feed documents to disk rather than posting through HTTP are now supported. This resolves issues with maintaining agent sessions through various HTTP requests in Single Sign On environments.

Procedure: How to Write Magnify Feed Documents to Disk

You can follow the same instructions that currently exist for configuring FORMAT MAGNIFY with the following differences:

  1. Add the following two lines:
    APP MAP <var_name> "c:\ibi\WebFOCUS81\magnify\feedcache"
    APP HOLD <var_name>
  2. Set the ENGINE MAGNIFY SET CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES parameter to a blank value.